4 Introduction
During an optimization in Solver or Evolver, the adjustable cells are
changed across allowable ranges you specify. For each possible set of
adjustable cell values the model is recalculated, and a new value for
the target cell is generated. When the optimization is complete, an
optimal solution (or combination of adjustable cell values) is found.
This solution is the combination of adjustable cell values which yields
the best (i.e., minimum or maximum) value for the target cell while
satisfying the constraints you’ve entered.
When a model has uncertain elements, however, both Solver and
Evolver cannot generate optimal solutions. In the past, many
optimization models just ignored uncertainty, making models
unrealistic but optimizable. If an attempt was made to find optimal
values by using simulation, a "brute-force" approach was employed to
search possible adjustable cell values on an iterative basis. This
involved running an initial simulation, changing one or more values,
rerunning the simulation, and repeating this process until what
looked like an optimal solution was found. This is a lengthy process,
and it is usually not clear how to change the values from one
simulation to the next.
With RISKOptimizer the uncertainty present in a model may be
included and reliable optimal solutions which take that uncertainty
into account can be generated. RISKOptimizer uses simulation (from
@RISK) to deal with the uncertainty present in the model and uses
genetic algorithms (from Evolver) to generate possible values for the
adjustable cells. The result of this “simulation optimization” is the
combination of values for the adjustable cells which minimizes or
maximizes a statistic for the simulation results for the target cell. You
may, for example, wish to find the combination of adjustable cell
values which maximizes the mean of the target cell’s probability
distribution, or minimizes the standard deviation.
For modeling uncertainty, RISKOptimizer allows you to describe the
possible values for any spreadsheet element using any of the
probability distribution functions available in @RISK. A value of 10,
for example, in a spreadsheet cell could be replaced with the @RISK
function =RiskNormal(10,2). This would specify that the possible
values for the cell are described by a probability distribution with a
mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 2. As in @RISK, probability
distributions can be correlated using @RISK functions such
RiskCorrmat and DepC.
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