Manual Supplement
00809-0700-4570, Rev AA
Rosemount 5708 Integration with Ovation
May 2016
Rosemount 5708 Integration with Ovation
1.2 Specifications
The configuration presented here has been verified with the following specifications:
Ovation version 3.5.1
Ethernet Link Controller version 1.3
Rosemount 3DMultiVision version 2.3.020
The device can also be directly connected to an ELC or RLC module via 2-wire RS485 serial
connection. However, a serial connection prevents the Rosemount 3DMultiVision software
from being used in parallel.
1.3 Hardware overview
Figure 1-1 depicts a basic layout utilizing one Rosemount 3D Solids Scanner. The
RS485-to-TCP/IP converter, Rosemount 3DMultiVision Server, Database Server, and the ELC
module should all be connected to a switch. For simplicity sake, this example will connect all
of the Ethernet connections to one root switch; including the Ovation controllers. Based on
security or redundancy requirements, your configuration may differ.
Although the Rosemount 3D Solids Scanner has a 2-wire RS485 serial connection, due to
the RS485-to-TCP/IP converter, Ovation will treat the communication as a Modbus Ethernet
link. On top of receiving the Rosemount 3D Solids Scanner data, the Rosemount
3DMultiVision Server will act as a Modbus Master. It will poll the Rosemount 3D Solids
Scanner and allow Modbus Slave Connections to read the Modbus registers from the
Rosemount 3DMultiVision Server. The ELC module in this configuration will act as a Modbus
Slave and will connect to the Rosemount 3DMultiVision Server's IP address, not the
RS485-to-TCP/IP’s IP address.
1.4 Wiring setup
An external power supply is required to power the Rosemount 5708 3D Solids Scanner.
1. Connect the power to the terminations on the scanner labeled “PWR IN”.
A hard wired 4-20mA signal can be sent to an Ovation analog input module.
Specific details on how to assign and configure the hardwired point is not covered
in this document, however it should be mentioned that the point should be wired
for a FIELD powered device. This typically means moving the jumpers on the
Ovation analog input personality module.
The Rosemount 3D Solids Scanner has a 2-wire RS485 connection. Multiple
Rosemount 5708 may be connected together in parallel and still have one RS485
connection. The 3D Scanner Reference Manual provide specific information as to
how this is accomplished. As stated above, a RS485-to-TCP/IP converter is required
to use the points in Ovation and the Rosemount 3DMultiVision software in parallel.