Contents 11
Chapter 30 415 Split Edits
415 Learning About Split Edits
416 How Split Edits Look in the Viewer and Canvas
417 Setting Up Split Edit Points in the Viewer
418 Setting Up a Split Edit While Playing a Clip
419 Modifying and Clearing Split Edits
421 Split Edit Examples
Chapter 31 425 Audio Editing Basics
425 The Goals of Audio Editing
427 Using Waveform Displays to Help You Edit Audio
428 Learning About the Audio Controls in the Viewer
431 Editing Audio in the Viewer
431 Opening Audio Clips in the Viewer
432 Viewing Audio Tracks in the Viewer
432 Zooming In or Out of the Waveform Display Area
434 Scrolling Through a Zoomed-In Audio Clip
435 Using the J, K, and L Keys to Hear Subtle Details
435 Turning Off the Audio Scrubbing Sounds
435 About Setting Edit Points for Audio
436 Dragging an Audio Clip to the Canvas, Browser, or Timeline
436 Trimming Audio Clips in the Viewer
438 Editing Audio in the Timeline
438 Timeline Audio Display Options
440 Zooming In and Out of Waveforms in the Timeline
441 Moving Audio Items From One Track to Another at the Same Frame
442 Using Audio Transitions to Smooth Audible Changes
442 Creating or Separating Stereo Pairs
444 Working With Audio at the Subframe Level
444 Subframe Synchronization of Audio and Video
446 Examples of Ways to Easily Edit Audio
446 Example: Replacing Unwanted Audio With Room Tone
449 Example: Fixing Awkward Audio Cuts in the Timeline
Part VII Fine-Tuning Your Edit
Chapter 32 453 Performing Slip, Slide, Ripple, and Roll Edits
453 About Trimming With Slip, Slide, Ripple, and Roll Tools
453 Sliding Clips in the Timeline
455 Performing Slide Edits by Dragging
456 Performing Precise Slide Edits Numerically
457 Slipping Clips in the Timeline