Fieldbus Diagnostic Handheld
Product Specifications
See chapter 6.5.2
Device Coupler Short Circuit Test
Test to validate if the outputs of a device coupler are short-circuit proof. In the course of it, the
load current at a device coupler output is increased until it goes into short-circuit condition. The
peak current value is determined. This value can be checked against the manufacturer’s
See chapter 6.6.2
FDH-1 Feature List
■Automatic generation of a ‘live list’ with identification information of the tag description,
device and manufacturer ID.
■Cable check function to test a given cable for its usability in fieldbus installations.
■Quick check function to automatically test a segment. The result is shown as a status
message according to NAMUR NE107. An expert system provides fault causes and
recommends a counter action to resolve the problem. In order to increase the accuracy of
the expert system advice, segment conditions such as topology information can be
■Measurement function to measure all relevant physical layer values, e. g., segment
voltage, unbalance, jitter, noise, minimum signal level, maximum signal level. Values are
displayed either for the segment or for a specific device.
■Commissioning wizard to check a segment with simple-to-use automated procedures.
FDH-1 stores records of the results of the segment scan, optionally including oscilloscope
traces. The commissioning data can be downloaded, stored, and printed using FDH-1
■Support of communication statistics for frame count, CRC errors, framing errors, error
■Integrated fieldbus oscilloscope with external hardware trigger.
■Failure margin test to determine the upper failure limit for each individual field device.
■Device coupler spur test to verify the short circuit current limitation electronics and
measure the maximum short circuit current.
■Multi-language support.
■PC program for visualization, measurement report handling, language, and firmware
2.2 General Terms and Functions of the Fieldbus Diagnostic Handheld
Each segment monitored by FDH–1 has either of the 2 states:
1. Not Commissioned: This is the initial state of segments. All diagnostics in this state are
based on either of the following:
• Limits defined by the fieldbus standard IEC 61158–2
• Limits calculated from information on the segment topology, e.g., trunk cable length
and the type of device couplers used
2. Commissioned: A segment is set to commissioned if an initial checkout was executed to
verify an error-free installation. In the commissioned mode, the segment is validated
against limits defined during the commissioning procedure. These limits can be specified
manually for each segment, but typically the commissioning wizard is used.
This mode is used to commission a segment and guarantee an error-free installation.
For more information on the commissioning wizard on the handheld, see chapter 7.3.
For more information on the commissioning wizard on the PC software, see chapter