— CDC (external format)
— NCR (Century-B1)
— Tape input codes: EBCDIC, ASCII, BCD
— Interpress on tape
— Univac (SDF-formatted tapes)
— ICL (2900 VME/B)
Refer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operator Guide and to the LPS
Tape Formats Manual for additional information.
DDI interface The Dynamic Document Interface (DDI) enables communication
between a 4635 LPS and other products via a shared disk
mechanism. The interface allows the other products (such as
DEC, PC, MAC, and UNIX local area network (LAN) workstations)
to save print files to an external hard disk. The 4635 LPS then
directly accesses the external hard disk to retrieve files for
printing. The DDI passes data over a high performance SCSI bus.
Ethernet interface Ethernet is the Xerox local area network (LAN) that allows data to
be transmitted by cable from one device to another. As an
Ethernet member, your LPS can receive and print from other
network “citizens” such as Ethernet workstations and graphic
Ethernet workstations
With the Ethernet option, an LPS can receive and print input data
from workstations, such as the Xerox 8010, 6085, and the XPS
700 series. Workstations can transfer Interpress files using
Ethernet to the LPS and invoke LPS-stored forms and graphics for
Interpress is a page description language capable of describing
any two-dimensional image intended for a raster device, such as
a Xerox LPS. Its function is to describe previously created data
on a page; it is not a page composition language. This
functionality includes vector graphics (sometimes referred to as
line art), contour fonts, and pixel arrays. Interpress also includes
job management features such as paper tray selection, output
offsetting, stock selection, copy count, and page selection on a
copy basis.
An Interpress master can be created at a host or at a workstation
for transporting (offline or Ethernet modes) to the LPS.
Refer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operations Reference and to the
workstation's documentation for more information.
Ethernet graphic scanners
With the Ethernet option, an LPS can receive and print scanned
graphic data (both line art and continuous tone images) from the
7650 Pro Imager (using the Xerox Publishing Illustrator's
Refer to the Xerox 4635 LPS Operations Reference and the Xerox
7650 Pro Imager Reference Manual for more information.