Dialogic ControlSwitch SBC and Profiles Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Dialogic ControlSwitch SBC and Profiles User's Manual, which details the integration of BorderNet 4000 SBC with ControlSwitch. This document covers a wide range of topics, including routing models, BorderNet access point configuration, and SS7 and VoIP profile settings. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you might have about the device and its features. Let me know how I can help.
  • What are the two integration models for CS-SBC?
    What is the purpose of a BNAP?
    What are the two types of profiles for SS7?
    What does the Message Compatibility Parameter (MCP) include?
    What profiles are configured in VoIP Security settings?
Dialogic® ControlSwitch
SBC and Profiles User’s Manual
Release 5.11.1
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Document History
Release date
July 2015
First release
June 2016
Release 5.11.1
- Added SIP profiles
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Table of Contents
SBC AND PROFILES USER’S MANUAL ............................................................................................................ 6 1.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 7 2.
2.1 Purpose of this Document........................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 References................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Contact Us ................................................................................................................................................... 7
PROVISIONING GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.
3.1 CS-based Routing Provisioning .................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 SBC-based Routing Provisioning.................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 SS7 Profile Provisioning ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 VoIP Security Profile Provisioning ............................................................................................................... 9
SBC .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 4.
BORDERNET (BNET)/ACCESS POINTS (BNAP) ............................................................................................... 12 5.
5.1 BorderNet.................................................................................................................................................. 12
Creating an SBC ..................................................................................................................................... 13 5.1.1
Modifying SBC Parameters ................................................................................................................... 14 5.1.2
Deleting an SBC ..................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.3
Refreshing the SBC List ......................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.4
Filtering SBC List .................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.5
Send EMS Information .......................................................................................................................... 16 5.1.6
Launch SBC ............................................................................................................................................ 16 5.1.7
5.2 BorderNet Access Point............................................................................................................................. 16
Creating a BNAP .................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2.1
Modifying BNAP Parameters ................................................................................................................ 17 5.2.2
Deleting a BNAP .................................................................................................................................... 18 5.2.3
Refreshing the BNAP List ...................................................................................................................... 18 5.2.4
Filtering BNAP List ................................................................................................................................. 18 5.2.5
BNAP LIST/TRUNK GROUP ASSOCIATIONS .................................................................................................. 20 6.
6.1 Creating a BNAP List .................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2 Modifying BNAP List Parameters .............................................................................................................. 21
6.3 Deleting a BNAP List .................................................................................................................................. 22
6.4 Refreshing the BNAP List ........................................................................................................................... 22
6.5 Filtering BNAP List ..................................................................................................................................... 22
6.6 Associating Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 22
ACCESS CONTROL LISTS ............................................................................................................................... 24 7.
PROFILES ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 8.
8.1 SS7 Message and Parameter Profiles ........................................................................................................ 25
Creating a Profile .................................................................................................................................. 26 8.1.1
Modifying the Profile Description ......................................................................................................... 27 8.1.2
Deleting a Profile .................................................................................................................................. 27 8.1.3
Refreshing the Profiles List ................................................................................................................... 27 8.1.4
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Profile Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 27 8.1.5
8.2 SIP Profiler ................................................................................................................................................. 29
8.3 IBCF Security Profiles................................................................................................................................. 30
VSAP Security Profiles ........................................................................................................................... 30 8.3.1
Peer Security Profiles ............................................................................................................................ 47 8.3.2
System Security Profiles ........................................................................................................................ 51 8.3.3
SS7 RECOGNIZED MESSAGES ....................................................................................................................... 56 9.
SS7 RECOGNIZED PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................. 57 10.
INSTRUCTION INDICATORS ...................................................................................................................... 58 11.
11.1 Message Instruction Indicators ................................................................................................................. 58
11.2 Parameter Instruction Indicators .............................................................................................................. 60
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SBC and Profiles User’s Manual 1.
The SBC and Profiles User’s Manual for the Dialogic® ControlSwitchTM IP Softswitch.
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Introduction 2.
2.1 Purpose of this Document
This User’s Manual and Help System is provided to enable users to quickly master the operation and the
configuration of the following topics:
SBC integration into the CS system (SBC tab)
ControlSwitch SS7 and VoIP profiles (Profiles tab)
2.2 Glossary
For the purposes of this document the following abbreviations apply:
BorderNet 4000
BorderNet Access Points
Message Based Routing
Session Border Controller
Table: Glossary
2.3 References
ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual
ControlSwitch Advanced Elements and Services User's Manual
BorderNet4000 SBC Provisioning Guide
2.4 Contact Us
For a list of Dialogic locations and offices, please visit: https://www.dialogic.com/contact.aspx.
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Provisioning Guidelines 3.
3.1 CS-based Routing Provisioning
The following figure depicts an example of a CS-based routing model:
The following lists the configuration steps, at the CS side:
1. Create an SBC (CS may integrate with more than one SBC)
2. Connect with the SBC
3. Send the configuration information to the SBC
4. Create BNAP (multiple BNAPs can be configured)
5. Create a BNAP List
6. Create the required trunk groups (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual,
section Trunk Group).
7. Associate between the BNAP and the trunk group. This association is provided via the IP
Configuration window (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, section IP
Configuration), as following:
Set the Remote Gateway Primary Address, and Remote Gateway Primary Port,
In this example these parameters are set to, 5060 for the first trunk group, and, 5060 for the second one.
Associate the BNAP, by selecting the BorderNet Access Point tab, and set Priority and
Weight per BNAP..
Associate the trunk groups to BNAP, by the selecting Trunk Group tab.
8. Transfer the ACL table to the SBC.
9. Additional configuration is needed at the SBC side.
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3.2 SBC-based Routing Provisioning
The following figure depicts an example of an SBC-based routing model:
The following lists the configuration steps, at the CS side:
1. Create an SBC, leaving the Signaling Address and Port blank
2. Connect with the SBC
3. Send the configuration information to the SBC
4. Create BNAP
5. Additional configuration is needed at the SBC side.
3.3 SS7 Profile Provisioning
To provision an SS7 message/parameter profile:
1. Create an ISUP trunk group (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, Trunk
Group section).
2. Create a profile.
3. Configure the profile.
4. To apply a Message profile for a trunk group, enter a value to the Message Compatibility
Profile field (ISUP Trunk Group Ingress, and Egress tabs), using the drop-down menu.
5. To apply a Parameter profile for a trunk group, enter a value to the Parameter Compatibility
Profile field (ISUP Trunk Group Ingress, and Egress tabs), using the drop-down menu (see
ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, Ingress and ControlSwitch Elements
and Resources User's Manual, Egress sections)
3.4 VoIP Security Profile Provisioning
To provision VoIP security profile:
1. Create a System Security Profile.
2. VSAP Security Profile.
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3. Peer Security Profile (optional).
4. Create a CSP to host the IBCF ALG (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual,
section Creating a CCP).
5. Configure an ALG (see ControlSwitch Advanced Elements and Services User's Manual, section
Creating an ALG).
6. Create a VSAP ALG (see ControlSwitch Advanced Elements and Services User's Manual,
section Creating a VSAP).
7. Associate trunk groups to VSAPs (see ControlSwitch Advanced Elements and Services User's
Manual, section Associate TGs to a VSAP).
8. Create a Local Gateway (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, section
Creating a LGW).
9. In trunk group window, select IP Configuration and set the following parameters:
Remote Gateway Primary Address
Remote Gateway Port
Security Profile (optional) for peer
10. Assign LGW to TG (ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, chapter Trunk
Groups, section Local Gateways).
11. Unlock the local gateways, and the trunk groups (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources
User's Manual, section Unlocking a LGW, and ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's
Manual, section Unlocking TGs).
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SBC 4.
The Dialogic ControlSwitch (CS) has been designed to work with any SBC (Session Border Controller) as
an integrated system, allowing the customer to benefit from improved call-processing efficiency, and a
single view for alarms management, and session tracing.
The CS-SBC integration is provided, according to one of the following models:
CS-based Routing. This integration model is commonly adopted by customers who already
have deployed CS, and want to add an SBC to their existing system. In this model the routing is
performed only by the CS. For this model's configuration steps, see the CS-based Routing
SBC-based Routing. In this model, routing is done only by SBC. For this model's configuration
steps, see the SBC-based Routing Provisioning.
Currently, only the integration with the Dialogic BorderNet 4000 (BN4k) SBC is supported.
For this integration to take place, both CS and the SBC should be configured.
This section covers the details on the CS windows and includes the following sections:
BorderNet (BNET)/Access Points (BNAP)
BNAP List/Trunk Group Associations
Access Control Lists
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BorderNet (BNET)/Access Points 5.
Multiple SBCs can be used for load-balancing and geographical distribution. BorderNet Access Points
(BNAPs) are paths that connect between the SBC's private and public interfaces.
This window enables the user to set the integrated BN4k, and it's associated BNAPs.
This window is divided into the following sections:
BorderNet, at the top of the window, displays a list of SBCs, and an array of buttons used to
manage them.
BorderNet Access Point provides the list of BNAPs associated with the selected SBC, located at
the bottom of the window.
5.1 BorderNet
The BorderNet section allows the user to view and manage the integrated SBCs, using the buttons in
the Actions column. The following table details the SBC parameters
System ID
System Name
Management IP Address
ControlSwitch Integration
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Sends Alarms
Sends Media Statistics
Provisioning Status
Table: SBC Parameters
To see the detailed SBC information, double-click on the selected item.
The following operational actions are applied:
Creating an SBC
Modifying SBC Parameters
Deleting an SBC
Refreshing the SBC List
Filtering SBC List
Send EMS Information
Launch SBC
Creating an SBC 5.1.1
To create an SBC:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Click on the Create button.
3. Enter the parameters, as depicted below.
Name. The SBC's unique name.
Description. A short description on the SBC.
Type. The type of the SBC to be integrated, currently only the Dialogic BN4k is
System ID. A given id for identification in the CDR.
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System Name. A given name for identification in the CDR.
Management IP Address. The IP address set for the communication with the SBC.
Integrated With CS. If set to TRUE, the CS-routing based model is adopted, and the SBC
is fully integrated in the system, as one of the CS elements.
Sends Alarms. Set the check box to send the alarms to the CDR.
Sends Media Stats. Set the check box to send the media statistics to the CDR.
4. Click OK to save the entered values.
5. Click on the Refresh button to see the newly created item in the list.
Modifying SBC Parameters 5.1.2
To modify the SBC parameters:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Select the SBC you want to modify.
3. Click on the Modify button.
4. Enter the parameters you want to modify, as depicted below:
Name. The SBC's unique name.
Description. A short description on the SBC.
Type. The type of the SBC to be integrated, currently only the Dialogic BN4k is
System ID. A given id for identification in the CDR.
System Name. A given name for identification in the CDR.
Management IP Address. The IP address set for the communication with the SBC.
Integrated With CS. If set to TRUE, the CS-routing based model is adopted, and the SBC
is fully integrated in the system, as one of the CS elements.
Sends Alarms. Set the check box to send the alarms to the CDR.
Sends Media Stats. Set the check box to send the media statistics to the CDR.
5. Click OK to save the entered values.
6. Click on the Refresh button to see the changes.
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Deleting an SBC
To delete an SBC:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Select the SBC you want to delete.
3. Click on the Delete button.
4. Click Yes in the Delete Confirmation window.
5. Click on the Refresh button to remove the deleted item from the list.
Refreshing the SBC List 5.1.4
To Refresh the SBC list:
1. Click on the Refresh button.
Filtering SBC List 5.1.5
To filter SBC list:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Click on the Filter button.
3. Enter the criteria parameters for the filtering operation, as depicted below.
Name. The SBC's unique name.
Description. A short description on the SBC.
Type. The type of the SBC to be integrated, currently only the Dialogic BN4k is
System ID. A given id for identification in the CDR.
System Name. A given name for identification in the CDR.
Management IP Address.
Integrated With CS. If set to TRUE, the CS-routing based model is adopted, and the SBC
is fully integrated in the system, as one of the CS elements.
Sends Alarms. Set the check box to send the alarms to the CDR.
Sends Media Stats. Set the check box to send the media statistics to the CDR.
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4. Click OK to save the entered values.
The list of the filtered items shall be displayed in the window.
Send EMS Information 5.1.6
After the connecting with the SBC, the information should be sent to the SBC.
To send the settings to the SBC:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Click on the Send EMS Information button.
3. Press Yes to confirm the operation.
Launch SBC 5.1.7
After the SBC settings in the CS, the CS should connect with the SBC, via the configured Management IP
To connect to the selected SBC:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Click on the Launch SBC button.
3. Press Yes to confirm the operation.
5.2 BorderNet Access Point
CS supports multiple BNAPs for multiple SIP-interface pairs. This window allows the BNAP settings, using
the buttons in the Actions column. The following table details the BNAP parameters
The BNAP's unique id.
The BNAP's unique name
A short description on the BNAP
BorderNet ID
The SBC's id.
Private Signaling IP
The private signaling IP address for the communication with the CS.
Private Signaling Port
The private signaling port for the communication with the CS.
Public Signaling IP
The public signaling IP address for the communication with the CS.
Public Signaling Port
The public signaling port address for the communication with the CS.
Table: BNAP Parameters
To see the detailed BNAP information, double-click on the selected item.
The following operational actions are applied:
Creating a BNAP
Modifying BNAP Parameters
Deleting a BNAP
Refreshing the BNAP List
Filtering BNAP List
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Creating a BNAP
To create a BNAP:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Select an SBC.
3. Click on the Create button (at the lower side of the window).
4. Enter the parameters, as depicted below.
Name. The BNAP's unique name.
Description. A short description on the BNAP.
Private Signaling Address. The private signaling IP address for the communication with
the CS.
Private Signaling Port. The private signaling port for the communication with the CS.
Public Signaling Address. The public signaling IP address for the communication with
the CS.
Public Signaling Port. The public signaling port for the communication with the CS.
5. Click OK to save the entered values.
6. Click on the Refresh button to see the newly created item in the list.
Modifying BNAP Parameters 5.2.2
To modify the BNAP parameters:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Select an SBC.
3. Select the BNAP you want to modify (at the lower part of the window).
4. Click on the Modify button (at the lower part of the window).
5. Enter the parameters you want to modify, as depicted below:
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Name. The BNAP's unique name.
Description. A short description on the BNAP.
Private Signaling Address. The private signaling IP address for the communication with
the CS.
Private Signaling Port. The private signaling port for the communication with the CS.
Public Signaling Address. The public signaling IP address for the communication with
the CS.
Public Signaling Port. The public signaling port for the communication with the CS.
6. Click OK to save the entered values.
7. Click on the Refresh button to see the changes.
Deleting a BNAP
To delete a BNAP:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Select an SBC.
3. Select the BNAP you want to delete (at the lower part of the window).
4. Click on the Delete button (at the lower part of the window).
5. Click Yes in the Delete Confirmation window.
6. Click on the Refresh button to remove the deleted item from the list.
Refreshing the BNAP List 5.2.4
To Refresh the BNAP list:
7. Click on the Refresh button.
Filtering BNAP List 5.2.5
To filter BNAP list:
1. Select SBC BorderNet (BNET) Access Points (BNAP).
2. Select an SBC.
3. Click on the Filter button (at the lower part of the window).
4. Enter the criteria parameters for the filtering operation, as depicted below.
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Name. The BNAP's unique name.
Description. A short description on the BNAP.
Private Signaling Address. The private signaling IP address for the communication with
the CS.
Private Signaling Port. The private signaling port for the communication with the CS.
Public Signaling Address. The public signaling IP address for the communication with
the CS.
Public Signaling Port. The public signaling port for the communication with the CS.
5. Click OK to save the entered values.
The list of the filtered items shall be displayed in the window.
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BNAP List/Trunk Group 6.
This window allows the configuration of the BNAP lists, and their association with the pre-configured
BNAPs and trunk groups.
The following table details the BNAP List parameters
The BNAP List's unique id
The BNAP List's unique name
A short description on the BNAP List
Table: BNAP List Parameters
To see the detailed BNAP list information, double-click on the selected item.
The following operational actions are applied:
Creating a BNAP List
Modifying BNAP List Parameters
Deleting a BNAP List
Refreshing the BNAP List
Filtering BNAP List
Associations Configuration
6.1 Creating a BNAP List
To create a BNAP List:
1. Select SBC BNAP List/Trunk Group Associations.
2. Click on the Create button.
3. Enter the parameters, as depicted below.