Haba 4489 Duikelspinnen, 4489 Owner's manual

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Règle du jeu
Copyright - Spiele Bad Rodach 2005
Tumbling Spiders
Chute d’araignées Duikelspinnen
Habermaaß game nr. 4489
Tumbling Spiders
A game of skill for 2 - 5 spider friends ages 5-99.
Susanne Armbruster
Illustrations: Stefan Fischer
Length of the game: approx. 10 minutes
What confusion! Spider Mum just wanted to take a nice rest in her web
when her 25 children decide to run at her and to tease her. But the little
rascals at some point go too far and tumble out of the web. If Spider
Mum also loses her balance then there will be a big spider tumble!
1 Spider Mum
10 yellow spider kids
15 red spider kids
2 short, pink rubber bands
2 long, red rubber bands
1 die with symbols
1 set of game instructions
Aim of the Game
Who has the steadiest hand and will have at the end the fewest spider
kids in front of them?
Preparation of the Game
The game is played inside the box. Take all of the material except the
illustrated insert out of the box.
Turn the lid of the box around and place
the bottom of the box in it.
The four elastic bands are stretched
around the box, as shown: The pink
elastic bands run over the pink marks
shown on the bottom part of the box,
the red ones over the red marks.
Clamp Spider Mum in between the
elastic bands so that she is suspended
as horizontally as possible in the web.
Watch out! The lower Mum spider sits
in the web, the more difficult the game
will get.
Place the 25 spider kids with a little distance between them next to the
box and get the die ready.
How to Play
Whoever has seen a spider most recently may start. If you cannot agree,
the youngest player starts and rolls the die.
What appears on the die with the symbols?
A yellow or a red spider kid?
Take a spider kid of the corresponding color.
Carefully place it on Spider Mum. You can place the kid directly on
Spider Mum or on another kid that is already there.
Watch out! Place the spider kid so that neither Spider Mum nor a
spider kid fall off the web.
If there is no spider kid of the corresponding color left next to the box,
none has to be placed on top of Spider Mum.
put bottom of box
in lid of box
tense elastic bands
around box
clamp Mum spider
between elastic
get ready die and all
spider kids
roll die
red or yellow kid =
take spider kid and
place on Spider Mum
no corresponding
spider left =
next player
An arrow
Carefully rotate the box in a clockwise direction for a whole turn. In
doing so, of course, no kid nor Spider Mum may fall off through the
Then it’s the turn of the next player in a clockwise direction to roll the
The big spider tumble
If when trying to pile the spiders or turning the box, one or more spider
kids fall off their Spider Mum or Spider Mum falls through the web, then
you have the big spider tumble.
As a penalty the player who caused the tumbling has to take one of the
spiders which has fallen off and keep it. The remaining spider kids are
placed again next to the game board.
The next player in a clockwise direction starts a new round. They clamp
Spider Mum again between the elastic bands and roll the die.
Important special rules:
If you are really skilled, maybe you succeed in piling all the kids on
top of Mum. In this case no player has to take a spider kid. A new
round starts.
•There is no penalty if a kid or Mum falls off without it being any
player´s fault. The player whose turn it is inserts Spider Mum again
and the game continues as normal.
End of the Game
As soon as a player has the third spider kid in front of them, the game
The player with the least spider kids in front of them wins the game. In
the event of a draw the corresponding players win together.
arrow = turn box in
clockwise direction
spiders fall off = take
a spider kid
third kid =
end of game
winner = player with
least spider kids
The difficult “Tumbling spider variation”
Except for the following changes, the game proceeds as with the basic
game. It is recommended only for players quite experienced at “Tumbling
Put the spider kids at the beginning of the game not next but into the
box. Then clamp Spider Mum between the elastic bands.
Now the player who has to pile a spider kid, has to first take it carefully
out of the box. Of course, no spider kid, nor Spider Mum may fall off.
If one or more spider kids fall off, as before, one spider kid has to be
kept as penalty.
If Spider Mum is still suspended in the web, you continue playing.
All spider kids that have fallen out next to the box are placed back
carefully into the box.
The color spider variation
In this variation a spider kid of one color always has to be piled on to a
spider kid of another color: a red one on a yellow one and so on.
Important: If that is not possible the spider kid in question has to be
piled directly on to Spider Mum.
This variation is a little easier if only kids of the same colors can be piled
on each other.
The KO variation
The game does not end automatically when a player has their third
spider kid in front of them but the players drop off one by one as they
get their third spider kid. The other players continue. The player left at the
end, wins the game.
Habermaaß-spel Nr. 4489
Een behendigheidsspel voor 2 - 5 spinnenvrienden van 5 - 99 jaar.
Spelidee: Susanne Armbruster
Illustraties: Stefan Fischer
Speelduur: ca. 10 minuten
Wat een warboel! Wilde moeder Spin
juist ’ns lekker in haar web gaan liggen
of daar komen haar 25 kinderen op haar
afgestormd om de boel ’ns flink op stelten te zetten.
Maar vaak genoeg overdrijven de kleine rabauwen een beetje
en duikelen uit het web. En als moeder Spin daar ook nog ’ns haar
evenwicht bij verliest, wordt het helemaal een spinnenduikelpartij!
1 moeder Spin
10 gele spinnenkinderen
15 rode spinnenkinderen
2korte, roze elastiekjes
2 lange, rod elastiekjes
1 speciale dobbelsteen
Doel van het spel
Wie heeft een vaste hand en heeft aan het einde van het spel de minste
spinnenkinderen voor zich liggen?
Children’s jewelry
Bijoux d’enfants
Children’s room
Chambre d’enfant
Kinder begreifen spielend die Welt.
HABA begleitet sie dabei mit Spielen und
Spielzeug, das ihre Neugier weckt, mit
fantasievollen Möbeln, Accessoires zum
Wohlfühlen, Schmuck, Geschenken und
vielem mehr. Denn kleine Entdecker
brauchen große Ideen.
Children learn about the world
through play. HABA makes it easy for
them with games and toys which arouse
curiosity, with imaginative furniture,
delightful accessories, jewelry, gifts and
much more. HABA encourages big ideas
for our diminutive explorers.
Kinderen begrijpen de wereld spelen-
derwijs. HABA begeleidt hen hierbij met
spellen en speelgoed dat nieuwsgierig maakt,
fantasievolle meubels, knusse accessoires,
sieraden, geschenken en nog veel meer. Want
kleine ontdekkers hebben grote ideeën nodig.
Les enfants apprennent à comprendre
le monde en jouant. HABA les accompagne
sur ce chemin en leur offrant des jeux et des
jouets qui éveillent leur curiosité, des meubles
pleins d'imagination, des accessoires pour se
sentir à l'aise, des bijoux, des cadeaux et bien
plus encore. Car les petits explorateurs ont
besoin de grandes idées!
Erfinder für Kinder
Inventive Playthings for Inquisitive Minds
Créateur pour enfants joueurs
Uitvinders voor kinderen
Baby & Kleinkind
Infant Toys
Jouets premier âge
Baby & kleuter
TL 69266 1/05
Habermaaß GmbH
August-Grosch-Straße 28 - 38
96476 Bad Rodach, Germany