June 2009
Topcon GRS-1 Receiver - Field Preparation
• What do you need to know to get started with your Topcon GRS-1?
• Which TopSURV modules do I buy?
• How does the Topcon GRS-1 Receiver connect to the Internet?
• How do I setup a cell phone plan for my new Topcon GRS-1?
• How do I manage cell phone connections within the GRS-1 receiver?
• How do I know if my GRS-1 is successfully connected to the Internet?
• How do I send / receive an e-mail (with attachment) using the GRS-1?
• Did you know that the GRS-1 can tether to a computer that is already on the Internet?
• How can I see my position within Google Maps, live in the field?
• How do I install Topcon Receiver Utility (TRU) software on a GRS-1 receiver?
• How do I configure Topcon Receiver Utility (TRU) software to connect to a GRS-1 receiver?
• How do I use Topcon Receiver Utility (TRU) software to check a GRS-1 receiver?
• How do I setup TopSURV to connect to my GRS-1 to a local real time network?
• How do I add a Photo Note with the GRS-1?
• What do the colored lights on the front of the GRS-1 indicate?
• How do I switch from using the internal antenna to an external?
• How do I power the GRS-1 receiver?
• What options are there for external memory with the GRS-1 receiver?
• What are some tips and tricks with the Topcon GRS-1 receiver?
Some Common Questions
Some Common Questions