Welcome to Quintum’s Tenor
Notes for July, 2004
• Quintum Announces the New Tenor AX!
Quintum is officially announcing the arrival of our newest
analog Tenor series of products. The new Tenor AX Series
provides 8, 16, up to 24 simultaneous VoIP calls to allow
enterprises with an analog infrastructure an effective way to
capitalize on the power of VoIP. This new, more scalable
Tenor is designed to support increased call volumes. Included with the new AX are Quintum’s new
Configuration Manager and Tenor Monitor software to ease network management both at the headquarters
and at remote locations. As
with the other Tenors, the AX
offers the complete set of
unique features including
SelectNet QoS switching,
integrated call routing between
circuit and VoIP ports,
PacketSaver VoIP multiplexing
for up to an additional 57%
reduction in bandwidth usage and an integrated IVR. The AX offers the following configurations.
• New Call Center Case Study on Quintum's Website: Chance Telecom implemented a
VoIP network in South America for two of the largest telemarketing companies in the region. Both
organizations needed to reduce costs from calls between North and South America. Chance utilized a Tenor
CMS in their POP, which provided
scalability, and a series of digital
Tenors at the call center locations.
PacketSaver™ was also
implemented to substantially
improve the bandwidth utilization
for VoIP calls between South
America and the US.
The Tenor CMS solution can
support up to 32 T1/E1/PRI
trunks and allows the customers to
expand their operations as needed, with very short notice to the service provider, Chance Telecom. The
solution also allowed them to create individual account codes to simplify billing across multiple customers
and to target specific campaigns for short durations. This allowed them to decrease their work force at non-
peak times, improve operator efficiency and provide more flexible service offerings. Read the case study at:
• Check out the newest OffNet Offers on our website: We continue to add more service providers
who have signed up with OffNet Offers for our enterprise customers. Check them out to see how you can
save money on your long distance and international phone calls. Go to our website often to find the most
recent offerings! http://www.quintum.com/main/offnet.html
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