Camera Operation Overview 15
Phoenix PC-1280 USB Digital Camera User’s Guide Revision 1.1
The user can select the video resolution from the Video Format pull
down menu. There are two resolution settings, 1280x1024 and
640x480. The other two settings are actually implemented as ROIs
under the larger resolutions. When the PhoenixView starts, the de-
fault resolution is 640x480.
Pixel Format
Using this pull down menu to specify the Pixel Format, the user can
select from Monochrome 8 bit, YUV422 or RGB888 formats.
Note, the Pixel Format is closely related on how the video is dis-
played, therefore, the Display Mode should be set accordingly.
Frame Rate
Once the resolution is selected, the default frame rate is defined (60
fps for 640x480 mode, 15 fps for 1280x1024 mode). The user can
use this to select slower frame rate.
Using LUT
The user can Enable/Bypass the LUT. Two standard LUTs are
built-in, one is Linear, the other is Inverse Linear. The user can se-
lect one of the LUTs under live video.
This sub-menu under the Adjust pops up an Adjust Dialog Box. On
it, the user can control most of the sensor chip settings related to the
video quality. For example, Video Gain, Exposure, White Balance,
Black Level, etc. Most of the adjustments are instantaneous.
Fixed Pattern
Using the Fixed Pattern Compensation consists of three steps. The
first is to capture a Black Frame. The second is to load the pattern
into the camera buffer. Then enable the compensation.
The first 2 steps can be done by the Load Fixed Pattern sub-menu.
A dialog box pops up with two sections, one for capture a Black
Frame as the Fixed Pattern Frame. Cover the lens or close the lens
aperture to perform the capture. The captured Black Frame will be
displayed. Then, it can be loaded into the camera by selecting the
Image radio button. It can also be saved into a file for later use. For
testing, a constant frame can also be loaded as a pattern frame.
Once the Fixed Pattern is loaded into the camera, the compensation
can be enabled/disabled through the Enable FP Compensation sub-
Trig/Exp Menu
Trigger and
This menu item pops up the Trigger / Strobe Control Dialog Box.
On it, the user can test the Trigger and the Strobe signals. Upon the
Trigger signal active, the user can select capture of single, contin-
uous or sequence. Also the Trigger can activate the Strobe Output.