ry which in turn causes the uncontrolled
power tooltobeforced in the direction oppo-
iteofthe accessory’s rotation.
Forexample,ifanabrasive wheelissnagged
or pinchedbythe workpiece, the edgeofthe
wheel thatisentering into the pinch point can
dig into thesurface of thematerial causing
the wheeltoclimb outorkickout.Thewheel
may eitherjumptoward or away from the op-
erator, dependingondirectionofthe wheel’s
movementatthe pointofpinching. Abrasive
wheels may also break under thesecondi-
Kickback is theresult of power tool misuse
and/or incorrect operating procedures or con-
ditions and canbeavoidedbytakingproper
precautionsasgiven below.
a) Maintainafirmgriponthepowertool
andposition your body and armto
allowyou to resist kickbackforces. The
operator can control kickback forces, if
proper precautions are taken.
b) Use special carewhen working cor-
ners, sharp edges etc. Avoid bouncing
and snaggingtheaccessory. Corners,
sharp edgesorbouncing have a tendency
to snag the rotating accessory andcause
lossofcontrol or kickback.
c) Do not attachatoothed saw blade.
Such bladescreate frequentkickback and
loss of control.
d) Alwaysfeedthebit into thematerialin
the same directionasthecuttingedge
is exiting from the material(which is
the same direction as the chips are
thrown). Feeding the toolinthe wrong di-
rectioncauses the cutting edgeofthe bit
to climb outof thework and pull the toolin
the directionofthis feed.
e) When using rotary files, cut-offwheels,
high-speed cutters or tungsten carbide
cutters, alwayshave the work securely
clamped. These wheels will grab if they
becomeslightlycantedinthe groove, and
can kickback. Whenacut-off wheelgrabs,
the wheel itself usually breaks. Whenaro-
tary file, high-speed cutter or tungsten car-
bide cutter grabs, it may jump from the
roove and you could lose control of the
Safety warnings specific for grinding and
abrasive cutting-off operations:
a) Useonlywheeltypesthatare recom-
mended for your power tool andonly
for recommended applications.Forex-
ample: do not grind with the side of a
cut-off wheel. Abrasive cut-off wheelsare
intended for peripheral grinding, side
forces applied to these wheels maycause
b) Forthreaded abrasive cones andplugs
use only undamaged wheel mandrels
withan unrelieved shoulder flangethat
areofcorrect size and length. Proper
mandrels will reduce the possibilityof
c) Do not“jam”acut-offwheelorapply
excessive pressure. Do not attemptto
make an excessive depthofcut.Over-
stressing thewheel increases the loading
andsusceptibility to twisting or snagging
of thewheel in the cut and the possibility of
kickback or wheel breakage.
d) Do not position your handin linewith
and behind the rotating wheel. When
the wheel,atthe pointofoperation,is
movingawayfromyour hand, the possi-
blekickback may propel thespinning
wheel and the power tool directlyatyou.
e) Whenwheelispinched,snagged or
when interruptingacutforanyreason,
switch offthepower tool and holdthe
power toolmotionless until the wheel
comes to a complete stop. Never at-
temptto removethecut-offwheelfrom
the cutwhilethe wheelisin motion
otherwise kickback may occur. Investi-
gate and take corrective actiontoelimi-
nate thecauseofwheel pinchingorsnag-
f) Do not restartthecuttingoperation in
the workpiece. Letthewheel reachfull
speed and carefully re-enter the cut.
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