Roche Diagnostics
cobas® 8000 data manager · Software version 1.06.01 · Operator's Manual · Version 8
Edition notice
This Operator's Manual describes the cobas
8000 data
manager software, which is part of the cobas
modular analyzer series. The cobas
8000 data manager
is the software which coordinates data in real time
between the cobas
8000 instrument and the host
(usually the laboratory information system (LIS)).
Every effort has been made to ensure that all the
information is correct at the time of publishing. However,
Roche Diagnostics International Ltd. reserves the right to
make changes necessary without notice as part of
ongoing product development.
Any customer modification to the cobas
8000 data
manager renders the warranty or service agreement null
and void.
Where to find information For information on the individual components of the
8000 modular analyzer series see:
The Safety Manual contains important safety
information. You must read the Safety Manual before
operating the instrument.
The Operator’s Manual focuses on routine operation
and maintenance. The chapters are organized according
to the normal operation workflow.
The Online Help contains the content of the Operator’s
Manual, Safety Manual and additionally:
• Troubleshooting information
• A software reference
• Configuration information
• Information about basic analytical principles
The PC manufacturer’s manual contains all information
about the hardware.
Intended use
The cobas
8000 data manager provides data and
workflow management for the in vitro diagnostic medical
device cobas
8000 modular analyzer series.
Copyright © 2009–2017, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. All rights
License information
The cobas
8000 data manager is protected by contract
law, copyright laws, and international treaties. The
8000 data manager is licensed for use between
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and a licensee, and only
operators authorized there under are permitted to access
and use the software. Unauthorized use and distribution
may result in civil and criminal penalties.