Roche Diagnostics
cobas® 8000 data manager · Software version 1.06.06 · Operator’s Manual · Version 10
License information
The cobas
8000 data manager is protected by contract
law, copyright laws, and international treaties. The
8000 data manager is licensed for use between
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and a licensee, and only
operators authorized there under are permitted to access
and use the software. Unauthorized use and distribution
may result in civil and criminal penalties.
License agreement for UltraVNC software UltraVNC is a piece of free software for all commercial
uses. It is installed on the control unit PC of the
8000 modular analyzer series.
You can redistribute the software and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 or
later), as published by the Free Software Foundation. A
copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) is
stored on the control unit PC and on the data manager
server. The path for the license is C:\Program Files\uvnc
The software is distributed without warranty. There is no
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. For more information, see the GNU
General Public License at http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
The source code for the software is stored on the control
unit PC. The path for the source code is
Open Source and Commercial Software
8000 data manager might contain components
or modules that are Open Source or Commercial Software
programs. For copyright, and other notices and licensing
information regarding such software programs included
with cobas
8000 data manager see the CD/ DVD
provided with the product.
The product and the cobas
8000 data manager as a
whole may form a regulated device in accordance with
the applicable laws - refer to the installation DVD of the
8000 data manager software for details.
The respective authorization in accordance with the
applicable laws lapses if any unauthorized changes are
made to the cobas
8000 data manager.
8000 data manager is a trademark and the
8000 data manager logo is a trade-mark of
Roche. Other product names and trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
The following trademarks are acknowledged: