To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shcck, or injury to persons when
using your dryer, follow basic precautic ns, including the following:
l Read all instructions before using your dryer. l Install and/at store dryer where it will not
l Do not machine wash or machine dry items
be exposed o the weather.
cleaned, washed, soaked in, or spotted with l Do not tamp#?r with the controls.
wax, paint, gasoline, oil, dry cleaning
solvents, and other flammable fluids. The
l You are responsible for making sure that
fumes can create a fire hazard or explosion.
your dryer is installed, repaired and has
Always hand wash and line dry items
parts replaced by a qualified person.
containing these materials.
l Use only fab ‘ic softeners specifically
l Do not allow children to operate, play with or
labeled as not being harmful to the dryer.
crawl inside your dryer. Supervise children
l Do not allow lint to build-up inside the dryer
when your dryer is used near children.
or exhaust system. Cleaning should be
l Do not reach into a dryer if the drum
done periodil:ally by a qualified person.
is moving.
*Clean lint screen before or after each load.
l When removing from service or discarding
l Do not let du St, lint, paper, rags, chemicals,
a dryer, always remove the door to prevent
etc. pile up a .ound or under the dryer.
accidental entrapment.
l Dryer must b? electrically grounded. See
l Do not dry rubber, rubber-like, and heat
the Installaticn Instructions.
sensitive materials with heat.
Understanding your responsibilities
l Never operate the dryer if: l Be sure that /our dryer:
-it is not working right (i.e. noisy, -is properly nstalled and leveled on a
too hot).
floor that c:ln support the weight in a
-it is damaged.
well-ventilated room.*
-parts are missing.
-is connected to the proper outlet and
-all panels are not in place.
electrical s~lpply.’
-the lint screen is loose, damaged or
-is properly :onnected to fuel and
exhaust sy:,tems (gas dryers must be
. Unplug the power supply cord or turn off
vented outc oars).*
electrical power before attempting to
-is not instar ed against draperies or
service your dryer. Shut off gas valve if
curtains, or on carpet.*
you have a gas dryer.
-is located ir an area where the tempera-
. Do not wash or dry items that are soiled
ture is above 45°F (7°C).
with vegetable or cooking oil. These items
-is properly 1 naintained.
may contain some oil after laundering.
-is used onlb for jobs normally expected
Due to the remaining oil, the fabric may
of home clothes dryers.
smoke or catch fire by itself.
-is not used my anyone unable to operate
l Store flammable solvents or fluids away
it properly.
from your dryer.
l Dry cleaning solvents or fluids should
‘See the Install ation Instructions for com-
never be put directly into your dryer.
plete informati In.