SPX Advanced application – monitoring values
SPX ADVANCED APPLICATION MANUAL SVCH0203—October 2017 www.eaton.com
3.2.1 Monitoring values 2
V7.24.1 Current A ID 1113
Unfiltered motor current, recommended signal
for NCDrive monitoring.
Drive Synch Operation Master drive:
This value is the total current of the system
divided by number of drives in the system
(SbLastID). SbLastId cannot be changed; it
needs to be set according to how many drives
are linked with system bus.
Drive Synch Operation Follower drive:
This value is current of drive own power unit.
V7.24.2 Torque % ID 1125
Unfiltered motor torque.
V7.24.3 DC Voltage V ID 44
Unfiltered DC link voltage.
V7.24.4 Application status word ID 43
“status word 1”
Application status word combines different
drive statuses to one data word.
Recommended signal for NCDrive monitoring.
Application status word 1 ID43
False True
b0 Flux not ready Flux ready (>90 %)
b1 Not in ready state Ready
b2 Not running Running
b3 No fault Fault
b4 Direction forward Direction reverse
b5 Emergency stop active Emergency stop NOT active
b6 Run disabled Run enable
b7 No warning Warning
b8 Power positive Power negative or Gen torque or
current limit active
b9 Parameter set 1 active
(or no set used)
Parameter set 2 active
b10 Brake chopper operating
b11 No DC brake DC brake is active
b12 No run request Run request
b13 No limit controls active Limit control active
b14 External brake control off External brake control ON
b15 Not used Not used
V7.24.5 Shaft frequency Hz ID1124
Shaft Frequency used by motor control.
V7.24.6 Output power kw ID 1508
Unfiltered electrical drive output power.
V7.24.7 Measured temperature 1 Cº ID 50
V7.24.8 Measured temperature 2 Cº ID 51
V7.24.9 Measured temperature 3 Cº ID 52
V7.24.10 Measured temperature 4 Cº ID 69
V7.24.11 Measured temperature 5 Cº ID 70
V7.24.12 Measured temperature 6 Cº ID 71
Separate measurement from two PT100 board.
Thesignal has 4 s filtering time.
V7.24.13 ABS encoder revolutions ID55
Absolute encoder revolution information.
V7.24.14 ABS encoder position ID54
Absolute encoder position within one rotation.
Seeencoder manual for scaling.
V7.24.15 Step response Hz ID 1132
Frequency error. Compares ramp output
to actual encoder frequency with 0,001 Hz
accuracy. Can be used for speed control tuning
in closed loop control.
V7.24.16 Actual power factor ID 68
Estimated power factor value.
V7.24.17 Flux current ID 72
Flux producing current component 100,0 %
equals nominal flux current.
V7.24.18 Regulator status ID 77
Regulator status ID77
b0 Motoring current regulator status
b1 Generator current regulator status
b2 Motoring torque regulator status For CL monitor B0
b3 Generator torque regulator status For CL monitor B1
b4 Over voltage regulator status DC Voltage
b5 Under voltage regulator status DC Voltage
V7.24.19 Frequency delta ID 1847
Change of final frequency reference in Hz/s.
V7.24.20 Data logger trigger word ID 97
Data logger trig word ID97
Function Comment
b0 Fault status Logger is triggered when there is
a fault
b1 Warning status Logger is triggered when there is a
b2 Auto reset warning Logger is triggered when there is
a fault that has been dened to be
automatically reset. This bit can be
used to get the rst fault situation.
b3 Fault status OR warning status B0 OR B1 triggering situation has
b4 Fault status OR auto reset warning B0 OR B2 triggering situation has
V7.24.21 Encoder 2 frequency
OPT-D7 board second input encoder frequency.
V7.24.22 Operation hours
Running state hours.
V7.24.23 Application status word 2 ID 89 “status word 2”
Different statuses from the drive, useful for ID
Control DO functions.