Typical issue trouble shooting
Question 1:
Why does my BU110 has Video stuttering?
Please ensure connect BU110 on the USB3 port by using the cable in the package.
We don’t recommend you connect BU110 on the Mac by using the charging cable.
You can also try connecting BU110 on the different type c port. To ensure your
situation get resolved, please contact us: technicalsupport@avermedia.com
Question 2:
When I connect the device, there is no output signal, how can I fix it?
No signal message result from the no input source come in BU110. Please ensure to
connect your input source(Game console, camcorder…etc) firmly on the input of
Black screen result from the input source which has HDCP( e.g., android device,
disable HDCP on console game…etc). To ensure your situation get resolved, please
contact us: technicalsupport@avermedia.com
Question 3:
Is your DSLR Camera Compatible with BU110?
1. Camera Support:
Check the camera offer HDMI output, mini or micro HDMI are suitable for use.
Please make sure the camera has Video output.