CLIC-LIGHT CLIC-LIGHT CL0003 Remote Light, CL0003 Remote Light User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Clic-Light user manual and I'm ready to answer your questions about this wearable safety light system. This device provides comprehensive signalling, including turn signals, brake lights, and hazard lights, and can be used manually or integrated with your motorcycle.
  • Can the Clic-Light be connected directly to my motorcycle's indication system?
    Can the Clic-Light be used manually?
    Is the Clic-Light waterproof?
The signalling unit includes left
and right indicators, a brake
light, a position light, fog light
and hazard warning lights
much like a car, for an ultimate
safety system solution which
is universally understood and
highly visible. The signalling unit
sits in the middle of the back,
in-line with the eye level of
other road users.
Be seen,
be safe, be
What’s in
the box?
Signalling Unit
Adjustable Harness with
Scratch® bands
Universal Remote Control
Remote Control Holder
8-wire cable to connect
to a vehicle’s rear
signalling system
USB Type C cables to
recharge the Mobile
Module and Remote
3 770011 666010
Wearable safety
Clic-Light can be connected
directly to your motorcycle’s
indication system to work
seamlessly and automatically
when riding to increase visibility
at any riding angle.
To be used manually, the system
includes a remote control
which can be attached to your
handlebars and works wirelessly.
Meaning that cyclists can continue
to control their bike and easily
let following traffic know where
you’re are going.
Riders can be vulnerable when
turning, hand signals are not
visible enough and risk the rider
losing control. The Clic-Light can
be secured to your back using the
lightweight harness or backpack
holder (additional accessory).
Your visibility and comfort have
been fully thought through with
the design of the Clic-Light. The
signalling unit sits in the middle
of the back, in-line with the eye
level of other road users. It’s
rechargeable and adjustable to
be worn over any clothing or
backpack (a backpack harness is
available separately) – making it
perfect when commuting too.
Clic Light remote control that
can be connected directly to
your motorcycle’s rear signalling
Thank you purchasing Clic-Light.
Please ensure:
The signalling unit is always well fixed on the Harness
The batteries of the Signalling Unit and the Universal Remote Control are fully
charged before first use.
Clic-Light does not replace the rear signalling system of your vehicle
46 Route de Narbonne
31 320 Auzeville Tolosane
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‐‐ Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.
‐‐ Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.
‐‐ Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesiredoperation.