How to Make a Polished Aluminum Foil Ball
by seamster
Making polished aluminum foil balls has been a popular trend online recently, with loads of people doing it and sharing
their results.
The idea started in Japan but has been spreading quickly, and more videos on the topic are popping up everyday. This is
one of the earliest videos of the process for reference.
Now, I'm not normally one to jump on bandwagons . . but this just seemed like a fun idea to me, so I decided to try it out.
It was a surprisingly meditative process!
I took an elementary approach to this and just used mallets, hammers, and some aluminum polish. For the time and
eort, I was pleased with the results. There was no sanding involved whatsoever - only pounding, tapping, and polishing
by hand.
I'll show you how I did this and share the tips I learned along the way. Thanks for reading!