Non-metallic tweezers – I love these and they are cheap. Very helpful in really being able to handle the ribbon
delicately. You can’t use your fingers, as the ribbon will stick to them.
2 Brass nuts for the ribbon alignment jig
1 inch piece of 3m double back foam tape
Soldering Iron and Solder
Heat Gun
Wire cutters, long nose, jewelers screwdrivers and other basic tools, jewelers nut driver for the ribbon motor
Thick cotton sock – OK, laugh now, but when you carry the mic around, and the wind going through it, and blows
the element out, then you’ll get a sock to cover it. Ribbon’s are delicate. You cough on it, its shot. Just walking
with it unprotected in your hand, with the air movement going over it, can stretch the ribbon. Think of it as the
condom for a mic. We’ll be removing some grille material for better frequency response, which makes it more
susceptible to wind. For me, I just happen to have some of these little nVidia bags for their 3D glasses, which fits
Glass – From a picture frame will do
Printer to print the PDFs out
Parchment paper – Rick’s ribbon motor kit includes some decent ribbon material. If you want to go hog wild and
buy a sheet of 1.8 micron foil, it will set you back $25 plus shipping. Not a whole lot of difference, but I spent
the extra money. Hit the site below, then email them with what you want to buy, contrary to what the site says,
you only need to buy one sheet at a time. You then pay with PayPal, and they ship the next day. Good
OK, Let’s Get Started
MXL Mic Disassembly
Basically, you just want to strip it down to where you only have the case, XLR connector and basket. The mic basket has
3 layers of grille material. You really want to remove the two interior layers
1. Unscrew the black base nut at the bottom of the mic. This is used to trap the non-shock mount, but also helps
hold the thing together.
2. Once that has been removed, you can then unscrew the upper and lower halves of the mic.
3. There are 2 screws that hold the basket to the metal plate. Unscrew those, and the basket will come loose,
revealing the condenser element.
4. Unscrew the condenser element, and cut the wires. Hang on to the element, as you will need that little solder
tab for a ground tab later.
5. Cut the wires for the XLR connector close to the circuit board, and remove the circuit board.
6. Loosen the screw that is holding the XLR connector in the body, and let it drop out. Desolder the + & - wires
from the XLR. You will also need to add a new chassis ground wire later.