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© ESAB AB 2013
This function uses the power source to pre-heat a wire fed to an existing TIGmelt. This
results in a higher rate of production and also a better welding result than is the case if a
cold wire is fed to the melt.
When the HotWireTIG function as been turned on using the "h" parameter, the functionality
is as follows. If a triggersignal is generated, or the "S" parameter (see below) is set to "1",
pre-heating will start and Hot Wire TIG will be indicated by the TIG indicator flashing.
If the voltage reaches a certain limit, an arc is considered to have formed and the power
source tries to extinguish it. This is because the purpose of HotWireTIG is not to keep an
arc lit, but to maintain a constant current to heat the wire. You can set the voltage limit, using
the "U" parameter (see above).
In a system without a triggersignal, the "S" parameter can be used to start pre-heating
When the "S" parameter is in position "1", there is a constant voltage on the
welding output. This is indicated by the VRDindicator flashing.
Micro pulse
To select micro pulse, the unit must be in pulsed current mode. The value for the
pulse time and the background current is normally 0.02 - 2.50 seconds. By using
the micro pulse, the time can be as short as 0.001 seconds. When the micro
pulse function is active, times are shorter than 0.25 seconds are shown in the
display without decimal point.
Min current
Used to set the minimum current for the remote control.
If the max current is 100 A and the min current is to be 50 A, set the hidden function min
current to 50%.
If the max current is 100 A and the min current is to be 90 A, set the min current to 90%.
This function also applies when setting the background current with pulsed TIG.