Maytag GAS RANGE User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

ForFutureReference......................................................... 1
ConsumerPublications....................................................... 1
SafetyInsh'uctions........................................................... 2
OvenOperation.......................................................... 3-7
ControlPanel....................................................... 3-4
ClockControls....................................................... 4-5
ProgrammedBakingand Roasting........................................ 5-6
Bakingand Roasting.................................................... 7
RackPositions......................................................... 7
BakingRecommendations..................................................... 8
GeneralBaking........................................................ 8
ConvectionBaking(selectmodels) ........................................ 8-9
BakingChart ........................................................ 10
RoastingRecommendations................................................ 11-12
GeneralRoasting..................................................... 11
ConvectionRoasting(selectmodels)........................................ 11
RoastingChart ....................................................... ! 2
Broiling ................................................................. 13
Oven Cleaning......................................................... 14-17
Maintenance........................................................... 18-19
BeforeYouCall for Service ................................................ 19-20
Warranty ................................................................ 21
Congratulationsonyour choiceof a Maytagwall
oven!Asyouuseyour newwallovenwe knowyou Farfuturereference,keepthismanualin a
will appreciatethemanyfeaturesthatprovide convenientlocation.Recordthemodeland serial
excellentperformance,easeof cleaningand numbersof thiswall ovenin thespacesprovided.
dependability. ModelNumber
New featureshavedramaticallychangedtoday's
cookingappliancesand theway we cook.It is,
therefore,veryimportantto understandhowyour SerialNumber
newovenoperatesbeforeyouuseit. On the
followingpagesyouwill finda wealthof
informationregardingall aspectsof your oven.By
following theinstructionscarefully,youwill be able IMPORTANT:Retaintheproof ofpurchase
to fullyenjoyand properly maintainyour Maytag documentsfor warranty service.
wall ovenandachieveexcellentresultswith thefood
you prepare. NOTE:Inour continuingeffort to improvethe
Shouldyouhaveany questionsaboutusingyour quafilyof ourcookingproducts,it may be necessary
Maytag wall oven,call or write us.Besureto to makechangestotheappliancewithoutrevising
providethemodeland serialnumbersof your wall thismanual.As an example,a knobonyour
appliancemaynatlook like an illustrationin this
oven. book.
Besureyou read theIMPORTANTSAFETY
NEWTON, IA 50208
(Mon.-Fri., 8 am-5 pm CST)
NOTE:Forinstructionson operating themicrowave(onModelCCE6200),referto theMicrowaveUser's
Guidepackedwith thatmodel.
Formoreinformation,order thefollowingbookletsfrom Maytagat the pricesindicated.Sendyour name,
address,booklettitle,form numberand paymentto: Maytag ConsumerEducation,One DependabilitySquare,
Newton,IA 50208. Allow 4-6 weeksfor delivery.
CookingMade Simple- 272YG................................................................................ 50¢
CooktopChoices- 298YG........................................................................................ 50¢
Appliance BuyingGuides................................................................................ 50¢ EACH
Washer--211YG; Dryer--212YG; Dishwasher--213YG; ElectricRange--214YG;
Gas Range---215YG;Refrigerator--276YG
Read before operating your oven 14. Do notcleandoor gasket.Thedoorgasketis
essentialfor a good seal.Care shouldbetakennot
All appliances-- regardlessof themanufacturer-- have
to rub,damage,or movethegasket.
thepotentialthroughimproperor carelessuseto create
safetyproblems.Thereforesafetyprecautionsshouldbe 15. Do not useovencleaners.No commercialoven
observed: cleaneror ovenlinerprotectivecoatingof any kind
1. Besureyour applianceisproperly installedand shouldbe usedin or aroundany partof theoven.
groundedby a qualified technician. 16. Cleanonly partslistedinthismanual.
2. Neveruseyour appliancefor warming or heating 17. CAUTION:BEFORESELF-CLEANINGTHEOVEN,
3. Childrenshouldnot beleftaloneor unattendedin
areawhereappliance isin use.Theyshouldnever 18. Listenfor fan. A fan noiseshouldbe heardduring
be allowedto sitor standonany part of the thebroil and cleaningcycles.If not,calla
appliance, servicemanbeforeself-cbaningagain.
4. Wear proper apparel. Loose-fittingor hanging 19. DONOTTOUCHHEATINGELEMENTSOR
garmentsshouldneverbeworn while usingthe INTERIORSURFACESOF OVEN. Heatingelements
appliance, maybe hoteventhoughtheyare dark in color.
Interiorsurfacesof anyovenbecomehot enoughto
S. Do notrepair or replaceany partof theappliance causeburns.Duringand afteruse,do nottouch,or
unlessspecificallyrecommendedin this manual.All letclothingor other flammablematerialscontact
otherservicingshouldbe referredtoa qualified heatingelementsor interior surfacesof ovenuntil
technician, theyhavehad sufficienttimeto cool.Other surfaces
6. Flammablematerialsshouldnot bestoredin an of theappliancemay becomehot enoughto cause
oven. burns-- among thesesurfacesare: ovenvent
openingsand surfacesneartheseopenings,oven
7. Do not usewater ongreasefires. Smotherfire or doors,windowsof ovendoors.
flameor usedry chemicalor foam-typeextinguisher. 20. Thisappliancehasbeentestedfor safeperformance
8. PREPAREDFOODWARNING: Followfood usingconventionalcookware.Do notuseany
manufacturer'sinstructions.If a plasticfrozenfood devicesor accessoriesthat are notspecifically
containerand/or itsfilm coverdistorts,warps or is recommendedinthis manual.Do not useadd-on
otherwisedamagedduring cooking,immediately convectionsystems.Theuseof devicesor accessories
discardthefood and itscontainer.Thefood could thatare notexpresslyrecommendedin thismanual
becontaminated, couldcreateserioussafetyhazards,resultin
9. Useonly dry potholders.Moistor damp potholders performanceproblems,and reducethe life of the
on hot surfacesmay resultin burnsfrom steam.Do componentsof theappliance.
notletpotholdertouchhot heatingelements.Do not
10. Usecarewhenopeningovendoor. Lethot air or TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWater and Toxic
steamescapebeforeremovingor replacingfood. EnforcementActof 1986 (Proposition65) requiresthe
Governorof Californiato publisha listof substances
! 1. Do not heatunopenedfood containers.Build-upof knownto theStateof Californiatocausecanceror
pressuremaycausecontainerto burstand resultin reproductiveharm,and requiresbusinessesto warn
injury, customersof potentialexposurestosuchsubstances.
12. Keepovenventductsunobstructed. Usersof thisappJianceare herebywarned thatwhen
therangeisengagedin theself-cleancycle,theremay
13. Always placeovenracksin desiredlocationwhile besomelowlevelexposuretosomeof thelisted
oveniscool. Ifrack mustbemovedwhile ovenis substances,includingCarbonMonoxide.Exposureto
hot,da not let potholdercontacthotheatingelement thesesubstancescanbe minimizedby properlyventing
in oven. theovento theoutdoorsduring theself-cleancycle.
Oven Control Panels Indicatorlights:
Ovenlightswitch Doorlocklever Clockconsolsand minutetimer
Single Wall Oven*
Oven indicator lights:
Upperovenlightswitch LowerOVENTEMPknob
Lowerovenlightswitch UpperOVENSETknob Doorlocklever UpperOVENTEMPknob Clockconsolsandminutetimer
Double Wall Oven*
Forsomemodels,theovenlight automatically Featurestimeof day,MINUTETIMERand
comesonwhenevertheovendoor isopened, programmedovenoperationsto startand stop
When thedoor isclosed,pushin switchto turn ovenautomatically.
ovenlight onor off. Thelightcannotbe turned DOORLOCKLEVER
• Useto lockovenfor self-cleaningprocess.
*Stylemayvary dependingon themodelyou may have.
* Thisknobcontrolstheovenoperation.To Indicateswhenall controrshavebeenproperly
operatetheoven,turntodesiredsetting,then setfortheself-cleaningprocess.Lightwill
turnOVEN TEMPknobto desiredsetting, remainon duringtheentirecleaningprocess.
OFF Theovenwill notoperatewhen knobison Clock Controls
thissetting.Keepknobon this positionwhen INDICATORWORDS DISPLAYWINDOW
ovenisnotin use. \ /
BAKE Usefor conventionalbaking or roasting.
TIMEDBAKE Usewith clockcontrolsfor automatically
startingand stoppingovenwhen
conventionalbakingor roastingmethodis
CONVECT Usefor convectionbaking or roasting(select
CONVECT Usewithclockcontrolsfor automatically
bakingor roastingmethodis preferred
BROIL Usefor top browning or ovenbroiling of / \
foods(seepage 13). 12HOUR MINUTEANDSECOND
CLEAN Usefor self-cleaningprocess(seepages
KEY: Dotmeanstopush
•-- Dashmeanstohold
• Usetosetoventemperature.Besurethe CLOCK
IMPORTANT:Theclockisa 12 hourclock.When
temperaturedesired.Knobisusedwithall oven
operationsettingsnotedontheOVEN SETknob. ovenisfirstsuppliedpoweror powerisinterrupted,
OVENINDICATORLIGHT Tosettimeofday onclock:
Indicateswhenovenisturnedtoanoperating 1. TurnSETdialcounterclockwiseuntiltheword
positionotherthantheCLEANsetting.Lightwill TIMEappearsintheDisplayWindow.
willcycleonand offasthistemperatureis Then,turntheSETdial ineitherdirectionuntil
maintainedduringcooking, thecorrecttimeappearsinwindow.
2. PushENTERbutton.
Tochangetimeof day: Repeatsequence.
• Wilt glow aftertheovendoorhasbeenlocked
andaftertheoventemperatureisover550°E Tochecktimeofday whentimerisinuse:Push
Doorwill lockautomaticallyand cannotbe ENTERbutton.Timeof day will be displayedbriefly,
openeduntiloventemperaturedropsbelow thendisplaywill returnto timerfunction.
550°1:and thelockindicator lightgoesoff.
MINUTETIMER Programmed Baking or Roasting
IMPORTANT:Thisintervaltimercanbeusedto Tosetovento startimmediatelyand shutoff
remindyouwhena period,upto 99 minutesand automatically:
00 seconds,expires.Itcan be usedindependently 1. TurnOVEN SETknobto TIMEDBAKEor TIMED
of anyotherovenactivityand can besetwhile
anotherovenfunctionisoperating. Thetimerdoes CONVECT(selectmodels).
not controltheoven. 2. TurnOVEN TEMPknobto desiredtemperature.
TosetMINUTETIMER: 3. Hold in STOPTIMEbuttonuntiltheindicator
wordsSTOPTIMEappear in DisplayWindow.
1. TurnSETdial clockwiseuntildesirednumberof
minutesand secondsappear intheDisplay 4. TurnSETdial to timeyou want food to stop
Window. cooking.
EXAMPLE:Turnthedial to 5 for 5 secondsor to EXAMPLE:If timeof day isone o'clockand the
5:00 for5 minutes, roastneedsto cookfor 3 hours,the stoptime
wouldbe fouro'clock.
IMPORTANT:Thisistheonly functionwheretime
enteredisin minutesand seconds.Minutesare DISPLAY
to theleftof colonand secondsto right of colon.
5. PushENTERbuttontoenterstoptime.
5SECONDS 5MINUTES TheindicatorwordAUTOwillappearinthe
DisplayWindowand ovenwillstartheating.
2. PushENTERbutton. TheOVEN indicatorlightwillglow untilthe
TheindicatorwordTIMERwill remainin Display desiredtemperatureisreached.
Windowduringcountdown.Countdownwill When stoptimeis reached,theovenshutsoff
havedisplayprecedenceoveranythingelse andthe indicatorwordAUTOwillbegintoblink
programmed,suchasTIMEDBAKE.At endof andtimerwill beep.Beepingwillcontinueevery
timeset,theindicatorwordTIMERwillblinkand 10 secondsfor 15 minutesunlesstheCANCEL
timerwillbeep.Beepingwillcontinueevery 10 buttonispushedtwice.
secondsfor 15 minutesunlesstheCANCEL Tosetoventostartat futuretimeand shutoff
buttonispushedonce.After CANCELbuttonis automatically:
pushed,DisplayWindow will returntotime of
dayor whateverisprogrammedon control 1. TurnOVEN SETknobto TIMEDBAKEorTIMED
panel. CONVECT(selectmodels).
TocancelMINUTETIMER:PushCANCELbutton 2. TurnOVEN TEMPknobto desiredtemperature.
once.PushingCANCELbuttonnice will cancela// 3. Holdin STARTTIMEbuttonuntiltheindicator
programming(timedbakeor self-clean), wordsSTARTTIMEappear inDisplayWindow.
4. TurnSETdial to timeyou wishfood to start
EXAMPLE:Iftimeof day is 11:30 and theroast
needsto startcookingat oneo'clock,turn dial
untilnumbers1:00 appear in display.
5. PushENTERbuttontoenterstarttime. TochangeSTOPTIME:
TheindicatorwordsSTOPTiMEwill appearin 1. Holdin STOPTIMEbuttonuntilthewordsSTOP
DisplayWindowasa remindertosetSTOP TIMEappear inDisplayWindow.
TIME. 2. TurnSETdial to desiredtime.
6. TurnSETdial to timeyou want food to stop
cooking. 3. PushENTERbuttontoenterstoptime.
EXAMPLE:Ifstarttimeisone o'clockand the ToCancelfunctionprogrammed: PushCANCEL
roastneedsto cookfor 3 hours,thestoptime buttontwiceto cancelfunction,during programmed
would be fouro'clock, timeor after timehasexpired.
NOTE:After clock-controlledbaking, turnOVEN
DISPLCY SETknobto OFFpositionand OVEN TEMP
NOTE: Sincefoodcontinuesto cookif left"in the
7. PushENTERbuttonto enterstoptime. oven,itissuggestedthattheclockcontrols
beusedprimarilyto starttheovenwhenno
Theindicatorword AUTO will blink in the
one isin the kitchen.Provisionsshouldbe
DisplayWindow. When starttimeis reached, madeto havethefood removedas soonas
theindicatorword AUTO will remain in Display thesignal hassounded.
Window. TheOVEN indicator lightwill glow
untilthedesiredtemperatureisreached. NOTE: If morethan7 secondselapsesbetween
When stoptime isreached,theovenshutsoff holding in STARTTIMEbuttonor STOP
and theindicatorword AUTOwill beginto blink TIMEbuttonand turning theSETdial, the
and timerwill beep.Beepingwill continueevery DisplayWindow will automaticallyreturn
10 secondsfor 15 minutesunlesstheCANCEL toon-going program.
NOTE: If morethan 1 minuteelapsesbetween
TocheckSTARTTIMEbeforecookingbegins:Hold turning SETdial to a newtime and
in STARTTIMEbuttonuntilthewordsSTARTTIME enteringnewSTARTTIMEand STOP
appear intheDisplayWindow.Thestarttimewill TIME,theentireprogramwill be
bedisplayedbriefly,thenDisplayWindowwill cancelledand Displaywill returntotime
returnto timeof day. of day clock.
1. Holdin STARTTIMEbuttonuntilthewords
STARTTIMEappear in the DisplayWindow.
2. TurnSETdial to desiredtime.
3. PushENTERbuttontwicetoenternew starttime
and stoptime previouslyprogrammed.
TocheckSTOPTIME:H0(din STOPTIMEbuttonuntil
thewords STOPTIMEappear inthe Display
Window. Thestoptime will bedisplayedbriefly,
thenthe DisplayWindow will returnto on-going
Oven Baking or Roasting
1. Locateovenrackson proper rackpositions.
2. TurnOVENTEMPknobto desiredtemperature.
(selectmodels)setting.When theOVEN
INDICATORLIGHTcyclesoff, theovenis
preheatedto theselectedtemperature.Placethe
food in theoven.TheOVEN INDICATORLIGHT
will cycleon and off throughoutthebaking
process.Preheatonly whennecessary.Referto
bakingand roastingsectionsas towhen
Convectionoven- 3rackbaking(selectmodels).
4. Afterbaking,turnOVEN SETknobto OFF
positionand OVENTEMPknobcompletely UseRackPosition#1:
counterclockwise. Largecutsof meatand large poultry,angelfood
cake, loavesof bread, custardpie, dessert
Rack Positions souffle.
Therackpositionsnotedaregenerally UseRackPosition#2o (offsetrackon#2):
recommendedfor thebestbrowning resultsand Roastingsmallcutsof meat,loavesof bread,
mostefficientcookingtimes.Formany food items, angel food cake.
excellentresultscan beachievedwhenusingoneof UseRackPosition#2:
severaldifferentrack positions.Referto baking and
roastingsectionsfor recommendationsfor specific Roastingsmallcutsof meat,cakes(tube,bundt
foods, or layer)frozen fruit pie,pie shell,large
DifferentRacks: UseRackPosition#3o (offsetrackon#3):
One flat rack and oneoffsetrackwere packaged Mostbakedg?odson cookiesheets,frozen
with your oven.Theuseof theoffsetrack isdenoted conveniencetoods,freshfruit pie,creampie,
in thelistto theright and inthechartsas an "o" layercakes,maindishsouffle.
afterthe racknumber. UseRackPosition#3:
Someconvectionmodelsreceiveda secondflat rack Mostbakedgoodson cookiesheets,cakes
to be usedfor threerackbaking. (sheetand layer).
UseRackPosition#40 (offsetrack on#4):
Tworacks,use#2o and #4. Threeracks,use
#1, #3o, and #4. (Note:threerackbaking is
only possiblein a convectionoven.See
Diagram above.)
BAKING Dull,dark, enameledor glasspanswill
generallyproducea brown,crisp crust.Shiny
metalpansproducea light,goldencrust.
General Baking Frozenpiesin shinyaluminumpans shouldbe
Recommendations bakedon a cookiesheeton rack2 or be
When cookingfoodsfor thefirst timein your removedtoa dull or glasspan.
temperaturesasa guide. Convection Baking
Usetestedrecipesfrom reliable sources. Recommendations (select models)
Preheattheovenonlywhen necessary.For As a generalrule,when usingrecipesor
bakedfoodsthatrise and for richer browning, a preparedmixesdevelopedfor conventional
preheatedovenisbetter.Casserolescan be baking, settheoventemperature25°Flower
startedin a coldoven.Preheatingtakesfrom6 thanthe reciperecommendedtemperature.
to 9 minutes;placefood in ovenafterOVEN Timeswill besimilarto or a few minutesless
INDICATORLIGHTcyclesoff. than reciperecommendedtimes.Thechart on
page 10 comparestimesand temperaturesof
Arrange ovenracksbeforeturning ovenon. manybakedfoods.Usethisasa reference.
Followsuggestedrack positionson page 7.
Forbetterbrowning, large panssuchascookie
Allow about 1 to 1'/2inchesof spacebetween sheetsor rectangularbaking pansshouldbe
theovensidewalls and baking pans toallow placedlengthwise,front toback,on therack.
properair circulation. Thiscentersthefood in frontof theconvection
When baking foodsin morethan onepan, fan for betterair circulationwhich givesbetter
placethemon oppositecornersof therack. overall browning.
Staggerpanswhenbaking on two rackssothat Cookiesheetsshouldbewithout sidesand made
onepan doesnotshieldanother.(Seediagram of shinyaluminum.Thebestsizeto usefor
below.) cookiesheetsis 14" x 12" (overallsizeincludes
A convectfan, usedto circulatehotair in the
oven,turnson automaticallywheneverthe
HOTF:A coolingfanwill cycleonand off during
all baking or roastingoperationsto help
keepinternalpartson thecontrolpanel
cool.Thefan mayalsocontinueto run
aftertheovenisturnedoff untiltheoven
Toconserveenergy,avoid frequentor
prolongeddoor openings.At theend of
cooking,turn ovenoff beforeremovingfood.
Always testfor doneness(fingertip,toothpick,
sidespullingaway frompan). Do notrelyon
timeor brownnessas theonly indicators.
Usegood qualib,baking pansand thesize
recommendedin therecipe.
Convection Cooking on Muitiple Racks (select models)
4 4
3 3
,2 2
--1 1
DiagramA DiagramS
Forbestresults,bakefoodson onerackat a timeas as cookies.Forfoodssuchasbiscuits,rolls,or
describedin thismanual.However,verygood muffins,alCow1to 2 moreminutes.Frozenpies
resultscanbeobtainedwhenbeking quantitiesof and pizzas,which shouldbebakedon a cookie
foodson multipleracks.Quantitycookingprovides sheet,needabout 2 to4 moreminutes_
bothtimeand energysavings. Staggersmallpans,suchaslayercakepans,in
Theconvectionovenissuggestedfor mostmultiple theoven.
rackcooking,especiallythreerackcooking, Frozenpiesin shinyaluminumpansshouldbe
becausethecirculatingheatedair resultsin more placedon cookiesheetsand bakedon rack
evenbrowning than regularbaking. Fartwo rack positions#1, 3o and 4.
baking resultsespeciallywhen panscan be Cookiesheetsshouldbeplaced lengthwise,front
staggered,suchaswith layer cakesand freshpies. to back, in frontof the fan for moreeven
Many foodscan be preparedon threeracksat the browning.
sametimeusingconvectionbaking.Theseare justa Ovenmealsare recommendedfor energy
fewexamples:cookies,cupcakes,rolls,biscuits, conservation.Userack positions#1 and 3o or
muffins,pies,frozenconveniencefoods,pizzas, #2o and 4 (seeDiagram Babove).
appetizers,and snackfoods.
Toobtain thebestresultsin multiplerackcooking, Convection Baking of Frozen
follow thesesuggestions: Convenience Foods (select models)
Usetemperatureand timesin thismanualasa Preheatingtheovenisnot necessary.
guidefor bestresults. Followpackagerecommendationsfor oven
Fortwo rackbaking, rackpositions#2o and 4 temperature,foil coveringand useof cookie
are bestfor mostbakedproductsbut positions sheets.Bakingtimeswill be similar.
#2 and 4 alsoprovideacceptableresults. Centerfoodsin theoven.If morethanone food
Forthreerackbaking usepositions#1,3o itemisbeingbakedor if foodsarebeingbaked
and 4 (seeDiagramA above), on multipleracks,staggerfoodsfor properair
Sincefoodson positions#1 and 4 will usually
bedonebeforefoodson position#3o, Mostfoodsarebakedon rackposition#3o.
additional cookingtimewill be neededfor Formultiplerack baking, useracks#1,3o
browning foodson themiddle rack.An and 4. However,pizzasshouldbe placedon
additional minuteisneededfor thin foodssuch cookiesheetsand bakedon rackposition#2o,
3 and 4.
Baking Chart
Convect Regular Regular
Pan Rack* Temp.(°F) Convect Bake Bake
ProductandType Size Position Preheated*** Time** Temp.(°F) Time**
(selectmodels) (selectmodels) Preheated
Yellow- 2 layers 9" 2, 3o, or 3 325° 23-28 350° 28-33
White - 2 layers 9" 2, 3o, or 3 325° 22-30 350° 25-30
Chocolate- 2 layers 9" 2, 3o, or 3 325° 25-30 350° 30-35
Bundt tube 2 325° 38-45 350° 38-50
Angel Food tube 1,2o, or 2 350° 30-35 375° 30-40
PoundCake 9x5" loaf 2 300° 50-65 325° 55-70
Cupcakes 3o 325° 15-20 350° 15-25
SheetCake 9xl 3" 3 325° 26-31 350° 32-35
Fruit,fresh 9" 3o 375o-400° 45-60 400o-425° 45-60
Fruit,_rozen 9" 2 3750-400° 40-65 400°-425° 40-65
Custard,fresh 9" 1 325° 40-50 350° 40-50
Cream/Merlngue 9" 3o 375° 8-12 400° 8-12
PieShell 9" 2 4000-425° 8-12 425o-450° 8-12
ChocolateChip 3o,or 3 3250-350° 8_12 350°-375° 8-12
PeanutButter 3o,or 3 325°-350° 8-12 350°-375° 8-12
Sugar 3o,or 3 325o-350° 8-12 350°-375° 8-12
Brownies 9x9" 3o 325° 30-35 350° 33-38
Loaf 9x5" Loaf 1 or 2o 350° 20-25 375° 20-30
Rolls 3o 375° 10-15 375°-400° 10-20
Loaf,Nut, Fruit loaf(8x4") 1,2o, or 2 325°-350° 40-60 3500-375° 50-70
Gingerbread 9x9" 3o 325° 25-30 350° 25-35
Cornbread 8x8" 3o 375o-400° 15-30 400o-450° 15-30
CornbreadMuffins 3o 375° 10-15 400° 10-20
Biscuits 2 or 3o 375o-400° 8-12 400o-425° 8-12
Muffins 3o 375° 10-15 400° 15-20
General Roasting Convection Roasting
Recommendations Recommendations (select models)
Preheatingisnot necessary. Tendercutsof meatand poultrycan be roasted
Foropen pan roasting,placemeator poultryon to a richgoldenbrown in theconvectionoven.
theslottedportion of thetwo-piecepan included Followgeneralrecommendationsfor roosting.
with theoven. Do notadd waterto thepan. Use Referto roasting chart, page 12, for
openpan roastingfor tendercutsof meat.Less recommendedconvectionroostingtemperature
tendercutsofmeatneedtobe cookedby moist andtime.Thechartcanserveasa guideto
heatin a coveredpan. helpplanmealservingtime.
Forbestresults,a meatthermometeristhe most Minutesperpoundwillvary accordingtothe
accurateguidetodegreeofdeneness.Thetip of size,shape,quality,and initialtemperatureof
thermometershouldbelocatedinthethickest meataswellastheelectricalvoltageinyour
partof a roast,nattouchingfat, bone,or gristle, area.Timesare basedon refrigeratorcold
Forturkeysand largepoultryproducts,insert meat.
thetipof thethermometerintothethickestpart * A large cutofmeatwill usuallyrequirefewer
oftheinnerthigh, minutesperpoundtoroastthana smallercutof
Placeroastfatsideuptoallowselfbastingof meat.
meatduringroasting. Do notusea roastingpan withhigh sides;use
Placetheroastingpanona rackwhichhas panprovidedwithoven.
beenplacedineitherofthetwolowestrack * Do natcovermeat.Allow thecirculatinghotair
positions, tosurroundthemeatand sealinthe juices.
Sincemeatscontinuetocookafter being Sincethebreastmeatona largeturkeycooks
removedfromtheoven,removeroastfromoven morequicklythanthethigharea, placea "foil
whenitreachesan internaltemperatureabout5 cap overthebreastareaafterdesired
degreesbelowthetemperaturedesired, brownnessisreachedtopreventoverbrowning.
Farlesslossof juicesandeasiercarving,allow
about15 minutes"standingtime"after
NOTE:A coolingfanwillcycleonand offduring
allbakingor roastingoperations.Thefan
;:orbestresultsinroastingpoultry,thaw mayalsocontinuetorunaftertheovenis
completely.Duetothestructureof poultry, turnedoffuntiltheovenhascooleddown.
partiallythawedpoultrywill cookunevenly.
Farlesstendercutsof meatthatrequirelonger,
moistheatmethodof cookingor far meats
cookedincookingbagsor coveredroasting
Referto roastingchart,page 12, for
Roasting Chart (Thawed Meats Only)
Inferno| Approximate Approximate
Oven Temperature Regular* Convection*
Approximate Temperature ofMeat - Endof RoastingTime RoastingTime
Weight (notpreheated) RoastingTime minutesper minutesperpound
VarietyandCutof Meat (pounds) °F °F pound (selectmodels)
RibRoast 4 to 8 325° 145° (reed.rare) 25-35 20-30
160° (medium) 30-35 25-30
RibEyeRoast 4 to 6 325° 145°(med. rare) 25 35 20 30
160° (medium) 30-35 25-30
TenderloinRoast 2 to 3 400° 14(reed.rarel 20-30 15-25
Eyeof RoundRoast 4 to 5 325° 145° (med.rare) 25-35 20-30
160° (medium) 30-35 25-30
TopSirloin Roast 3 to6 325° 145° (med. rare) 25-35 20-30
160° (medium) 30-35 25-35
RoundTip Roast 4 to 6 325° )45° Imed. rare) 25-35 20-30
160° (medium) 30-35 25-30
ShoulderBladeRoast, 4 to6 325° 170° 35-45 30-40
ShoulderBladeRoast 4 to 6 325° 170° 30-4g 25-35
LoinBladeor SirloinRoast 3 to4 325° 170° 35 45 30 40
Leg(FreshHam) 10 to 16 325° 170° 25-35 20-30
Ham, Half (Fullycooked)** 5to 7 325° 140° 25-35 N/A
Ham,Half (Cook- 5 to7 275° 160° 35-45 30 40
Arm PicnicShoulder 5to 8 325° 140° 25-30 20-25
ShoulderRoast,Boneless 3-1/2 to 5 325° 160° (medium) 35-40 30-35
170° (well) 40-45 35-40
Leg,Whole 5 to 7 325° 160° (medium) 30-35 25-30
170° (well) 35-40 30-35
Leg,ShankHalf 3 to4 325° 160° (medium) 30 35 25 30
170° (well) 35 40 30 35
Leg,Sirloin Half 3to 4 325° 160° (medium) 35-40 30-35
170° {welll 40-45 35-40
RibRoast 3 to 5 325° 170° 40-45 35-40
Shoulder,Boneless 4 to 6 325° 170° 40-45 35-40
Leg,Half, Boneless 3to 5 325° 170° 40-50 35-40
Turkey,unstuffed*** 8to 12 325° 180°-185° 20-22 15-17
12 to 16 325° 180°-185° 18-20 13-15
16to 20 325° 180°-185° 16-18 11-13
20 to 24 325° 180°-1B5° 14-16 9-11
Turkey,Whole, Boneless 4 to 6 350° 180°-185° 30-40 25-35
Turkey,Breast 3 to 8 325° 170° 175° 30 40 25-35
Chicken,Fryer 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 375° 185° 20-24 18-22
Chicken,Roaster 4 to 6 375° 185° 20-25 15-20
Capon, unstuffed 5to 8 375° 180°-185° 20-25 15-20
CornlshGameHen 1 to 1-1/2 375° 180°-185° 45-55 35-45
Duck 4 to 6 350° 185° 20 25 15 20
*Cookingtimesare approximateand mayvary with shc_eof the roast.
**Add waterand followpackagedirections.Not recommendedfor convectionroasting.
***Stuffedturkeywill requireanextra 30-60 minutesdependingon size_Stuffingshouldreach 165°Finternaltemperature.
BROILING tocycleon andoff. Thisfeaturecan be usedfor
foodsthat needto cookmoreslowlyor needless
heat.If foodsare broiling toofast, thecontrol
TO Broil: canbesetat a lower temperatureto reducethe
1.Placeovenrack on therack positionsuggested cookingspeedratherthan movingthebroiler
in thechart. Distancefrombroiling element panto a lower rack.
dependsonfoodsbeingprepared. Rack
position#4 {offsetrack) isusuallyrecommended
unlessotherwisestated, BROILINGCHART
3.TurnOVEN TEMPknobto BROIL. Rack
FOODS Position* 1stSide 2nd Side
4. Placefoodonbroiling panprovidedwithoven.
After top broilelementisred,place foodin BEEF
Steaks(1") 4o
oven.Preheatingtakesa fewminutes,or until Rare 6-z 4-5
elementglowsa bright cherry red t_ed_om 8-9 6-7
Well 11-13 8-9
Hamburgers[3/4"} 4o
5. Leaveovendoor openat broil stopposition M_di_r_ 7-8 4_5
whenbroiling, well 9-n 6-z
Bacon 4o 2-3 1-2
Broiling Tips Chops(_/2 _r) 40 6"7 G
ChopsI)"} 3 10-_2 9-11
Tendercutsof meator marinatedmeatsare best Hams_k 4o 3-4 2-3
for broiling. Thisincludesrib and loincutsof sourcePa_tio_ 4O 4-_ S._
steak,groundbeef, hamsteaks,lambchops, LAMB
Chops(1") 4o
poultry piecesor fish.Forbestresults,steaks ,_,_ 67 6-7
shouldbeat least1" thick.Thinnersteaksshould Well 8-10 z9
be pan-broiled, mu,rRY
BreastHalvesI_:xne-in) 3 9-10 7-1D
Donotcoverbroiler grid with foil sincethis SEAFOOD
preventsfat drippingsfromdraining into bottom FishFillets,Buttered 4o 7-10 (noturning)
FishSteaks,ButteredI) ") 4o 7-10 Ino lurning)
of pan.
Beforebroiling, removeexcessfat from meat HotDogs 40 2-3 2-3
and scoreedgesof fat (donot cutintomeat)to Toast 4o 1 1
preventmeatfromcurling. Saltaftercooking.
Topreventdry surfaceon fish,brushmelted NOTE:Thischart isa suggestedguide.Thetimes
butteron top. mayvary with food being cooked.
onceduring broiling. Turnmeatwith tongsto I
avoid piercing and lossof juices. NOTE: A fan shouldcomeon during theBROIL J
Cookingtimesgiven in thechart areto be used cycle.Ifthefan doesnot operate,contactan
only asa guide, authorizedMaytag Servicer['orrepair.
Theoven hasavariable broil featurewhich
meansthatthebroiling temperaturecan be
variedby selectinga lowertemperaturesetting
on theOVENTEMPknob• Usinga lower
temperaturesettingwill causethebroil element
OVEN CLEANING Cleanspattersand spillsfromthoseareaswhich
will notbecleanedduring theself-cleaning
How the Self-Cleaning Process process:
Works -porcelain oven _ _,
door liner(area
Whentheovenknobsare setto CLEANand the outsidethedoor \ _ ,
door lockleverismovedtothe right, theovenheats gasket).(See __ _
to temperaturesthat are higher thanthoseusedfor diagram at _'_I_:'/
cooking.Thehightemperaturescausefood soilto right.) _/
burnoff and substantiallydisappear.While this _'_
occurs,a devicein theovenventhelpstoconsume -center frontof
smoke.Theovenisventedthroughan openingon ovenand door
top of thecontrolpanel, nearopening in
door gasket.
-oven front frame.
self-cleanedat thesametime.
NOTE:DO NOT CLEANtheserial platelocated
How to Prepare Oven Before on theovenfront.
Operating the Self-Cleaning Toclean,usehotwaterand detergent,
Process nonabrasivecleansersor soap filled steelwool
Removethebroiling pan and any otherutensils pads.Rinsethoroughly,beingcarefulnotto use
fromtheoven. an excessiveamountof waterthatwould
Theoven rackscanbe cleanedin theoven. dampenthedoor gasket.Soilleft in theseareas
However,theovenrackswill discolor,lose will be moredifficult to removeaftertheself-
shininess,and becomedifficult to slidein and cleaningprocesssincethehigh heatwill bake
out if leftin theovenduring thecleaning onany soil thatispresent.DO NOTUSE
Asa suggestion,do notleavethe racksin the * DO NOT A'I-I'EMPTTO CLEAN,RUB,ORAPPLY
ovenduring eachself-cleaningprocessif they WATERTO GASKETON OVEN DOOR.The
do not needto be cleanedsincetheywill gasketisessentialfor a good door seal.
discolorto a dull silverafteronecleaning. Rubbingor cleaningwill damagethe gasket
Moderatelysoiledrackscanbecleanedwith a and mayaffecttheseal.
soapyS.O.S.pad or Scotch-Britescour-pad. Smokeor fire in theovencan occurif theoven
Stubbornstainsneedto beremovedin theself- containsexcessiveamountsof soil.While there
cleaningprocess.Besureto readspecialtipson isnosafely problem,therewill be excessive
page 17 if ovenracksarecleanedduring the ventingof smokeand odor.
Wipe up excessgreaseand food spillovers, Auto Clean Feature
especiallyacid-containingfoods(tomatoor ThismodelfeaturesAUTO CLEANto simplify
milk-basedsauces),which havenot bakedon cleaningan averagesoiledoven.Touse,merelyset
thebottomof theoven.Largeaccumulationsof OVEN SETand OVEN TEMPknobsto CLEAN,lock
soilcan causeheavysmokeor fire in theoven thedoor,and pushENTERbuttontwice.Theoven
during thecleaningprocess.Foreaseof will cleanfor 2 ½hours(pluscool-downtime).Fora
cleaning,the heatingelementcanbelifted heavilysoiledovenor tostartcleaningata later
slightly, time,refer tofollowing section,pages15-16.
*Stylingmayvary dependingonthe modelyouhave.
Steps to Follow for Self-Cleaning appear in theDisplayand thetimewill be
Process hourslater thanthetime of day,* PushENTER
1.Closeovendoor. buttonto enterstoptime.Theovenwill beep, the
indicatorword AUTOwill appearand remain in
2.TurnOVEN SETknobto CLEAN. the DisplayWindow and theCLEAN
3.TurnOVEN INDICATORLIGHTwill turnon and remain on
TEMPknobfu(ly during the cleancycle.
clockwiseto *If a longercleaningtime isrequired,pushthe
CLEANuntil it ENTERbuttonto enterstarttime.TurntheSET
comesto a full dial in a clockwisedirectionto thedesiredtime
stop.Thedoar (maximum4 hourcleancycle).PushENTER
cannotbe buttonto enterstoptime.Thecleaningprocess
lockedif OVEN will begin,
notin the Fordouble ovens:(Bothovenscannotbeself-
CLEAN cleanedat thesametime.) PushENTERbuttonto
position, enterstarttime. Theindicatorwords STOPTIME
will appear in theDisplay.TurntheSETdial in a
4. MoveDoor LockLeverto thefujiright position, clockwisedirectionto thedesiredtime
STARTTIMEwill light in Display. (maximumtime4 hours).PushENTERbuttonto
S.Setclockcontrolsto cleanovenusingoneof the enterstoptime.Theovenwill beepand the
following procedures: indicatorword AUTOwill appear and remain in
theDisplayWindow and theCLEAN
IMMEDIATELY: during thecleancycle.
starttime.Theindicatorwords STOPTIMEwill
TIME: movetheDOORLOCKLEVERtotheleft.The
Forsingleovens:TurnSETdial tothedesired ovendoorcannowbeopened.
startingtime.PushENTERbuttontoenterthe 9.TurntheOVEN SETknobfromCLEANtoOFF
starttime.TheindicatorwordsSTOPTIMEwill afterthedoor isunlocked.Also,turntheOVEN
appear in theDisplayandthetimewill be 2V2 TEMPknobcompletelycounterclockwise.
hourslaterthanthetimeofday chosen.*Push IMPORTANT:IFTHEOVEN TEMPKNOB IS
beepand theword AUTOwill flash.When the DOORISUNLOCKED,THEDOOR WILLNOT
selectedstarttimeisreached,theword AUTO
OPEN.Forcingthe lockwfll damagethelock
will remainconstantin theDisplayand the mechanism.ReturnOVENTEMPknobto
CLEANINDICATORLIGHTwill turnon and CLEAN,unlockthedoor, thenturnOVEN TEMP
remainon during thecleaningcycle, knobcompletelycounterclockwise.
*If longercleaningtimeisrequired,turnthe SET
buttontoenterthe starttime.After theSTOP INDICATORLIGHTCOMESON:
TIMEappearsin theDisplay,turn theSETdial to 1.MovetheDOORLOCKLEVERto theleft.
thedesiredtimeand pushenterbuttonto enter
stoptime.Thecleaningprocesswill beginwhen 2.TurnOVENSETknobfrom CLEANto OFFand
the selectedstarttimeisreached. OVENTEMPknobcompletelycounterclockwise.
Fordoubleovens:(Bothovenscannotbeself- 3. PushCANCELbuttontwice.
cleanedat thesametime.)TurnSETdial tothe
enterthestarttime.TheindicatorwordsSTOP INDICATORLIGHTCOMESON:
TIMEwill appear in theDisplay.TurntheSetdial 1.PushCANCELbuttontwice.
2. LeavetheOVEN SETandOVENTEMPknobsin
4 hours).PushENTERbuttontoenterstoptime.
Theovenwill beepand thewordAUTO will theCLEANposition.
flash.When theselectedstarttime isreached, 3. Allow oventocool untilthe LOCKINDICATOR
theword AUTO will remainconstantin the LIGHTgoesout.Thismaytakeup to 45 minutes,
Displayand theCLEANINDICATORLIGHTwill dependingon how longtheovenhasbeenon.
turnon and remainon duringthecleaning 4. After LOCKINDICATORLIGHTgoesoff, move
cycle, thedoor lock leverto the left.
6.Thecleaningprocessbeginsimmediatelyunless S.TurnOVENSETknobfrom CLEANto OFFand
the self-cleaningprocesshasbeensetfor a
delayedstart.When theoventemperature
glow and thedoor cannotbe openeduntilthe NOTE:When OVEN SETknobisturnedto
temperaturedrops below550°F.DO NOTTRY CLEAN,a fan comeson and continuesto operate
untiltheOVEN SETknob isturnedoff. Ifthisfan
INDICATORLIGHTISON. Thenormal cleaning isnotoperating,theovenwill go throughtheself-
processtakesthetimeselectedon theclockplus cleaningprocessat a reducedoventemperature
about45 minutesfor theovento cooldown and theovenwill notcleaneffectively.Ifthe fan
beforethe LOCKINDICATORUGHTgoesout doesnotoperate,contactan authorizedMaytag
and thedoor canbe opened. Servicerfor repair.
7.At end of timeset,ovenwill stopautomatically
and not beep.
More Information on the Self- If rackshovebeenleft in ovenduring the
Cleaning Process deaning process,theyshouldbe treatedas
follows.After thecleaningprocessiscompleted
A slightodor may bedetected,and if an ovenis and theoven hascooled,buff theundersideof
heavilysoiled,somesmokemaybe visible.
Somesmokeand odor during thecleaning rackedgeswith Scotch-Britescour-pador rub
processisa normaloccurrence.Sincetheoven lightlytheundersideof rackedgeswith a
isventedon top of thecontrolpanel,vapors, coating ofvegetableoil. Usea lightapplication
moisture,etc.maybe seencomingfromthis of oil soit doesnotsoil theoven.Thiswill make
area. thecleanedracksslidemoreeasily.
Duringthecleaningprocess,do notbealarmed ° Toremoveoccasionalspilloversbetween
if an occasionalflameisvisiblethroughthe cleanings,usea soap-filLedscouringpad or
ovenwindow. Thisiscausedby excessivefood mildcleanser;rinsewell.
soilthatwas not removedbeforetheovenwas
Itisbetterto cleantheovenregularlyrather
setto cleon, thanwait untilthereiso heavybuild-up of soil
OVEN WiLLGETWARMDURINGTHESELF- ° Duringthe cleaningprocess,thekitchenshould
CLEANINGPROCESS,AVOIDCONTACT. bewell ventilatedto helpeliminatenormal
Sometypesof soil may disintegratebut leavea odorsassociatedwith cleaning.
lightfilm or heavierdepositof ash.Theamount ° Any attempttoforce theself-cleanDOORLOCK
ofash dependson theamountof soilwhichwas LEVERtolockor unlockwithoutelectricpower
in theoven.After ovenhascooled,thisashmay applied to thedoor or with theOVEN TEMP
be removedwith a damp sponge.Ifotherdark knobin anypositionotherthanCLEANmay
depositsremainafterwiping with a sponge,the resultin damageto thedoor locking
timesetfor the lengthof cleaningwas not mechanism.
enough.Increasethecleaningtimefor future
cleoningsor cleanmorefrequently.Thenormal DO NOT USECOMMERCIALOVEN CLEANERS
cleaningtimeis2_/2hours.A maximumof 4 IN ORAROUNDTHESELF-CLEANiNGOVEN
hoursmay be selectedif necessary. AREA.
MAINTENANCE 2. Toobtain firm grasp __,protectiveOnbulb, wearrubber
Cleaning Other Surfaces of Your gloves.Removeby _® '
oven uring ubo e
DOORAND CONTROLPANELTRIM:Themetaltrim left. Do nottoucha
around thedoorand thecontrolpanelcanbe hot ovenlight bulb
cleanedwith any nonabrasivecleanserssuchas Ban with a dampclothas
Ami or soapywater, rinsewell. Becarefulnotto use bulbwill break.
an excessiveamountof water. Note:Ifthe bulbdoes _ _/_1 I
OVENDOORFRONT:Toclean,useany suitable certainpowersupply
_rlasscleaneror soapywater.Topreventmoisture isdisconnectedandwear protectivegloves.You
am gettingbehindtheglasscontrolpanel,spraya may contactan authorizedMaytag servicerfar
clothwithglasscleanerthenwipethepanel, repair.
Control Knobs 3. Replacebulbwith a 40 wattoven-rated
appliancebulb.Bulbwith brassbase is
Theknobsonthecontrolpanelcanbe removedwith recommendedto preventfusingof bulb into
thecontrolsin theOFFposition.Pulleach knob socket.
straightfromtheshaft.Clean knobswith a hotsudsy
cloththendry. Toreplaceeachknob,matchflat part 4. Placelight lensinsideof light lensretainer.
of knobopeningwith thespringonthe shaft, Holding thelightlensand lensretainerin place,
returningtoOFFposition, insertthetwo screwsintothelight lensretainer
and tighten.
Oven Light Bulb
Beforereplacingbulb, disconnectpower toovenat Oven Racks
themain fuseor circuitbreakerpanel Besurethat
theentireovencavityincludingthelight bulb iscool Toremove,pullforward to the"stop" position;lift up
beforeattemptingto remove, on thefrontof the rackand pullout.
1. Carefullyremovethe
glasslight lensand
lensretainerby _ _
screwsinthe lightlens .. _ ,
retainerusinga "_- ",_
screwdriver.Note: The
lightlens isseparate __ - _ I
fromthelight lens
pieceswill drop down f-
intoyour handsatthe
ingtwo screws.
Adjusting Baking Temperatures BEFORE YOU CALL
Whenyoufirst useyour newoven,it mayseem
ho"er orcolderthantvourpreviousoven.Overa FOR SERVICE
period of years,thethermostaton on ovenmay
gradually drift from itsoriginal factory setting.Your Checkthefollowing listto besurea servicecall is
newovenhasbeenproperly setat thefactory,but reallynecessary.A quick referenceof thismanual
maygiveyou differentresultsfromyour old one. as wellas reviewingadditional informationon items
Ifyou thinkthetemperaturein your newovenneeds to check,may preventan unneededservicecall.
adjusting,youcan do it yourselfby followingthese IFNOTHINGON THEOVENOPERATES:
instructions: checkfor a blown circuit fuseor a tripped main
1. PulltheOVENTEMPcontrolknobstraightout, circuit breaker.
removingit fromtheshaft. checkif oven isproperly connectedto electric
2. Loosenthetwo screwson thebacksideabout circuit in house.
3. Holdingthecenterhubstill,movetheouter DOESNOT HEAT:
portion of thedial counterclockwiseto lower the theOVEN SETand/or OVEN TEMPknobsmay
oventemperature(onenotchfor each25°F; see be setincorrectly.
fig. 1).Movetheouterportion of thedial
clockwiseto raisetheoventemperature(one clockcontrolsmaybe setfordelayed startof
notchfor each25°F; seefig. 2)After se_'ingin oven.
desiredposition,retightenscrews. IFTHEOVENLIGHTDOESNOTWORK:
4. Placeknobbackon oven,makingsuretheflat * thelightbulbislooseor defective.
on thedial hubmatchesthespringon thedial . ovenlight doesnotwork during self-cleaning
controlsmaybe improperlyset.
_ j ,,, door maynot belocked.
"_ _ checktheSTARTTIMEand STOPTIMEsettings
and thecurrenttime of dayon theclock.
Fig. 1 Fig.2
ovenmayneedlonger cleaningtime.
IMPORTANT:TheOVENTEMPknobshouldbe * excessivespillswerenot removedprior to self-
ad ustedonenotchand thentheovenshouldbe cleaningprocess.
tested.(Werecommendbaking 2-9" white oyer
cakesusinga purchasedbox mix.)Iftheoven * Oneor severalcontrolsmay havebeenturned
temperatureis stilltoo low or too high, repeatthe fromCLEANto anotherpositionafterself-
proceduredescribedabove, cleaningprocessstarted.
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Maytag GAS RANGE User manual

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