Running multiple instances of JBoss Application Server using different sets of ports
The original init script log files are created under /var/log/jbossas in directories
that correspond to the configuration used (like 'default') with the usual server.log
name. For instance:
In general, each log file is created by the SysV script as
so no file conflicts shall exist.
For more flexibility in the configuration of the different servers, you may want to create full copies of
JBOSS_HOME. This is described in Section 4.3, “ Creating copies of JBOSS_HOME” above -- make sure
you use the cp command's p switch to preserve the jboss user and group ownership. Then, in /
etc/sysconfig/service-name, uncomment and update the value of the JBOSS_HOME variable.
Optionally, you can just uncomment and change the value of JBOSS_HOME as described above so
as to specify an empty or non-existent directory and the script will automatically create a copy of
the RPM-installed /var/lib/jbossas (original JBOSS_HOME) for you when the service is first
started. The current "minimal", "production", "default" and "all" configurations will be copied. Make sure
the parent directory, in case of a new directory, or the directory itself, if already existent, have write
permissions for the user jboss.
Starting the server this first time may take a little longer due to the file copying.
There are 2 ways to run additional instances of JBoss Application Server and avoid port conflicts:
• By using different sets of ports
• By binding to different local IP addresses
4.5.1. Running multiple instances of JBoss Application Server
using different sets of ports
Using different sets of ports
The BindingManager in JBoss Application Server can be used to dynamically override service
configurations (e.g. port numbers). Jbossas has some pre-configured overrides, namely ports-01,
ports-02 and ports-03. The configuration file can be found at /var/lib/jbossas/docs/
examples/binding-manager/sample-bindings.xml. These sets of overrides can be used
when multiple instances of JBoss Application Server must be started. Please follow these steps when
multiple instance of JBoss Application Server need to be started:
1. Create a new file /etc/init.d/service-name which is a symlink to /etc/init.d/jbossas,