Installation Instructions
Alpha CB/C/CD/SY Boilers
Site Wallplate Jig
(Kit Part No. 6.1000426)
The Site Wallplate Jig allows the gas, heating and domestic hot water system pipework to be completed on site upto
the final boiler connections without requiring a boiler. The jig also enables the pipework to be cold flushed and tested
for soundness.
Once the pipework has been tested for soundness the services are closed (drained if necessary) and the jig removed.
The pipework is capped, ready for the boiler installation at a later date.
The jig can be used many times, only requiring a new fittings kit - Part No. 6.1000431. The contents of the fittings kit
which is required for each boiler installation is as follows:-
½" bend DHW outlet 1 off
½" bend Cold water inlet 1 off
¾" bend Gas 1 off
¾" bend Central heating flow/return 2 off
¾" washer 4 off
½" washer 3 off
¾" bend plug 3 off
½" bend plug 2 off
No.10 screw and plug 2 off
Instruction sheet 1 off