Reference Manual 114
Reference: “Basic Echocardiography” Iowa Heart Center, Mark J. Harry R.D.C.S., R.V.T. Jan, 1997 p. 30
LV Vol. s (LV Volume Systolic)
Reference: Teichholz, L.E., Kreulen, T., Herman, M.V., et. al. “Problems in echocardiographic volume
determinations: echocardiographic-angiographic correlations in the presence or absence of asynergy.”
American Journal of Cardiology, 1976, 37:7.
Reference: Pombo, J.F., et. al. “Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fractioin by Echocardiography.”
Circulation, Vol. XLIII, 482, April, 1971.
Reference: “Basic Echocardiography” Iowa Heart Center, Mark J. Harry R.D.C.S., R.V.T. Jan, 1997 p. 30
LV Mass
Reference: Oh, J.K., Seward, J.B. The Echo Manual. Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1994, p.43.
Fractional Shortening of Left Ventricle Internal diameter
A percent change in LV cavity dimension with systolic contraction
Harvey Feigenbaum, “ Echocardiography”, 1995 fifth edition
Resistivity Index
Reference: Burns, Peter N., “ The Physical principles of Doppler Spectral Analysis,” Journal of Clinical
Ultrasound, Nov./Dec. 1987, Vol.15, No.9,p.586
Pulsatility Index
Reference: Burns, Peter N., “ The Physical principles of Doppler Spectral Analysis,” Journal of Clinical
Ultrasound, Nov./Dec. 1987, Vol.15, No.9,p.585
S/D (ratio of Systolic to Diastolic Velocity)
Reference: Ameriso S, et al., “Pulseless Transcranial Doppler Finding in Takayasu’s Arteritis,” J Clin Ultra-
sound, September 1990; 18:592-6
D/S (ratio of Diastolic to Systolic Velocity)
Preload Index
/ Artrial Reversal Flow / Systolic Flow /
Reference: Toru Kanzaki, Yoshihide Chiba, Evaluation of the Preload Condition of the Fetus by Inferior
Vena Caval Blood Flow Pattern Fetal Diagn Ther 1990; 5; 168-174