Ketotek Technology Inc. www.cnketotek.com
less than 500w. We put screen and socket outside the
incubator, Put sensor inside the incubator. Heating socket
connect with light.Cooling socket connect with fan.
• (2) The operation mode as below:
• In normal working status, the screen display RT (real time
environment temperature inside the incubator). We set the
required temperature range LS1 LS2. Set Hd Cd PL AH
AL. (AH>LS2+Cd , AL<LS1-Hd). The controller will
work in following status:
• ►There is no output when LS1<RT<LS2 .
light off. Heater and cooler both stop working.
• ►Cooler start to work when RT≥LS2+Cd, light on.
If you set PL, will flash. The cooler will delay to work
after the time of PL.
• ► Cooler stop working when RT≤LS2, light off.
• ► Heater start to work when RT≤LS1-Hd, light on.
• ► Heater stop working When RT≥LS1, light off.
• For example, we want to control the temperature in
incubator between 80~90℉.
• Controller power on
Press SET for 3 seconds, we will
see LS2 → Press and hold to increase LS2 to 90℉→
Press SET to save LS2 value and see second code Cd.
Using the same way to set code: Cd=4
, LS1=80
, PL=0, AH=100
, AL=70
, CA=0.
• ►Fan works when RT ≥ 94 ℉ . Fan stop working when
• ►Light works when RT<76℉. Light stop working When
• ► will flash and buzzar alarm if RT>100℉or RT<70℉.
Light and fan both stop working.
• (3) How to use it more easier?
• You can only set LS2=90 ℉ , LS1=80 ℉ . Use all other
code with default value. Cd=3
• ►Fan works when RT
. Fan stop working when
• ►Light works when RT<77℉. Light stop working When
• (4) Temperature Calibration CA
• When there is deviation between measured temperature
and actual temperature, we can set CA value to align
measured temperature and actual temperature. The
corrected temperature = measured temperature + CA
• Heater or cooler does not turn on when specified
• Check the Hd and Cd value you set. Recheck where you
put the sensor. Also check if you set PL. It will make the
cooler output delay
• Heater or cooler always turn on? RT exceed the range.
• 1. The power of heater or cooler are too small to make the
temperature change. 2. The sensor is put in wrong position
• LS1 can’t be set higher than a value?
• Please note LS1
LS2. LS1 setting range is -19.9~LS2
LS2 setting range is LS1~199.9℉. For example, if you set
LS2=68℉, LS1 can’t be set exceed 68℉. So you need to
adjust LS2 at first and then adjust LS1.
• AL can’t be set higher than a value?
• Please note AL≤LS1.The default value of LS1 is 68℉.
So AL can’t be setted exceed 68
when you use the
controller at first time. For example, you change LS1 from
68 ℉ to 78 ℉ . Exit the setting mode and go into setting
mode again. The range of AL will refresh to -19.9~78
• The screen display EEE or HHH or LLL?
• EEE means the temperature sensor is short circuit or open
loop or broken. Check the sensor or replace it.HHH means
the measured temperature is exceed the maximum
measuring range of controller (199.9
). LLL means the
measured temperature is less than the minimum measuring
range of controller (-19.9
).When temperature return to
measurable range , the screen will display right value.
• The sensor probe is waterproof, but the controller is not
waterproof. Keep the controller away from water.
• The maximum current of each output is 10A
(1100W@110V). Check the amp and watt of heating and
cooling equitments to avoid the risk of overloading.
• In order to let controller work under high performence
condition for a long time. We recommend to use max
power ≤ 1100W when you use resistive load such as
heating rod, heating pad, electric water heater etc. use max
275W when you use inductive load such as
compressor , heat pump etc.
• The warranty period of our products is 12 months from
purchase. If a defective is found due to qualified problems
of the product, we will perform three commitments:
repair , replace and refund.