Wincor Nixdorf BEETLE /iPOS, iPOS User manual

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Compact POS System
User Manual
Edition April 2010
All brand and pro duct na mes men tio ned in this do cu ment are tra de marks of their re spec -
ti ve owners.
The re pro duc ti on, trans mis si on or use of this do cu ment or its con tents is not per mit ted
wit hout ex press aut ho ri ty. Of fen ders will be li ab le for da ma ges. All rights, in clu ding rights
crea ted by pa tent grant or re gi stra ti on of a uti li ty mo del or de sign, are re ser ved.
De li very sub ject to avai la bi li ty; tech ni cal mo di fi ca tions possible.
Co py right ©Win cor Nix dorf In ter na tio nal GmbH, 2010
Ma nu fac tu rers Cer ti fi ca ti on................................................1
Tes ted Sa fe ty..............................................................................................1
Note on the la ser ........................................................................................1
FCC-Class A De cla ra ti on............................................................................1
Im por tant no tes...........................................................................................2
In tro duc ti on..........................................................................4
About this ma nu al .......................................................................................4
Care of the BEET LE /iPOS .........................................................................5
Re cy cling the BEET LE /iPOS .....................................................................5
War ran ty .....................................................................................................6
BEET LE /iPOS .....................................................................7
Ad van ta ges at a Glan ce..............................................................................7
BEET LE /iPOS Pe ri phe rals ....................................................................8
BEET LE /iPOS in a Net work ..................................................................9
Be fo re swit ching on the Sys tem................................................................10
Un pa cking and che cking the Sys tem....................................................10
Set ting up the de vi ce ............................................................................10
Ad just ment of the Foo ted Stand ...........................................................11
Cab ling of the BEET LE /iPOS ..............................................................12
Dis con nec ting ca bles............................................................................16
Ba sic set tings .......................................................................................17
Con nec ting to the mains po wer supp ly.................................................17
Ad ju sting the System’s Loud spea ker....................................................18
Light emit ting di ode (LED) ....................................................................18
Con nec ting pe ri phe rals .............................................................................18
Key bo ard (KYBD).................................................................................19
COM1* and COM2*..............................................................................19
COM3* and COM4* (op tio nal) ..............................................................20
Mo ni tor (op tio nal) .................................................................................20
TFT - LCD Dis play (op tio nal)................................................................20
Net work ................................................................................................21
Cash Dra wer ........................................................................................21
USB (Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus) ..................................................................21
BEET LE /iPOS - the com po nents.....................................23
Over view...................................................................................................23
Ca pa ca ti ve Touch Screen (Op ti on)...........................................................26
Ge ne ral ................................................................................................26
Touch Screen and Sleep Mode ............................................................27
How to Ope ra te ....................................................................................27
Clea ning In struc tions ............................................................................28
Re sis ti ve Touch Screen (Op ti on) ..............................................................29
Ge ne ral ................................................................................................29
How to Ope ra te ....................................................................................30
Clea ning In struc tions ............................................................................30
In fra red Touch Screen (Op ti on) ................................................................31
Ge ne ral ................................................................................................31
How to ope ra te .....................................................................................31
Clea ning In struc tions ............................................................................32
Swi pe Card Rea der (op tio nal) ...................................................................33
How to Ope ra te ....................................................................................33
Clea ning In struc tions ............................................................................33
Wai ter Lock (op tio nal) ...............................................................................34
Bar co de Scan ner (op tio nal) ......................................................................35
Note on the la ser ..................................................................................35
Con fi gu ra ti on va riants ......................................................36
Avai la bi li ty of In ter fa ces ............................................................................36
Sub mo du les for the CPU ..........................................................................37
POS Board (COM 3*, COM 4*, Cash Dra wer)......................................37
CRT- Brid ge or TFT- Con trol ler ............................................................37
In stal ling the Sub mo du les.........................................................................38
In ser ting a POS Board .........................................................................41
In ser ting a CRT Brid ge.........................................................................44
In ser ting a TFT Con trol ler ....................................................................45
Chan ge of the Hard Disk Dri ve .................................................................47
Start and ru nup be ha vi our................................................49
Re tail Soft wa re...................................................................51
Plat forms and pro ducts .............................................................................51
Mi cro soft-ba sed so lu ti on: ..............................................................52
Li nux-ba sed so lu ti on: TPLi nux ..................................................................52
Tech no lo gy eva lua ti on ..............................................................................52
Ap pen dix ............................................................................53
Tech ni cal data for the BEET LE /iPOS ......................................................53
Di men sions ...............................................................................................56
BEET LE /iPOS with a 12.1” screen ......................................................56
BEET LE /iPOS with a 15” screen .........................................................57
BEET LE /iPOS with a 15” screen and a cus to mer dis play ...................58
Con nec tions..............................................................................................59
Stan dard...............................................................................................59
Ver sions ...............................................................................................59
Glos sa ry....................................................................................................61
Ab bre via tions ............................................................................................63
Manufacturers Certification
The de vi ce com plies with the re qui re ments of the EEC
di rec ti ve 2004/108/EC with re gard to ‘Elec tro mag ne tic
com pa ti bi li ty" and 2006/95/EC “Low Vol ta ge Di rec ti ve”.
The re fo re, you will find the CE mark on the de vi ce or pa cka ging.
Tested Safety
The POS sys tem has been pro vi ded with the sym bol
for “Tes ted Sa fe ty”.
In addition, the BEETLE has received the UL symbol
and cUL symbol.
Note on the la ser
FCC-Class A Declaration
This equip ment has been tes ted and found to com ply with the li mits for a
Class A di gi tal de vi ce, pur su ant to part 15 of the FCC Ru les. The se li mits
are de sig ned to pro vi de rea so na ble pro tec ti on against harm ful in ter fe ren ce
when the equip ment is ope ra ted in a com mer ci al en vi ron ment. This equip -
ment ge ne ra tes, uses, and can ra di ate ra dio fre quen cy ener gy and, if not in -
stal led and used in ac cor dan ce with the in struc ti on ma nu al, may cau se
harm ful in ter fe ren ce to ra dio com mu ni ca tions.
Ope ra ti on of this equip ment in a re si denti al area is li ke ly to cau se harm ful
in ter fe ren ce in which case the user will be re qui red to cor rect the in ter fe ren -
ce at his own ex pen se.
Mo di fi ca tions not aut ho ri zed by the ma nu fac tu rer may void users aut ho ri ty
to ope ra te this de vi ce.
This class A di gi tal ap pa ra tus com plies with Ca na di an ICES-003.
Cet ap pa reil nu méri que de la clas se A est con for me à la nor me NMB-003
du Ca na da.
Important notes
The com pact POS sys tem BEETLE /iPOS con forms to the cur rent sa fe ty
stan dards for data pro ces sing equip ment.
n If this de vi ce is ta ken from a cold en vi ron ment into the ope ra ting room,
moi stu re con den sa ti on may form. The de vi ce must be ab so lu te ly dry
be fo re being put into ser vi ce; an ac cli ma ti za ti on pe ri od of at least two
hours must the re fo re be ob ser ved.
n This device is equipped with a safety-tested power cable and may be
connected only to a prescribed grounded-contact power socket.
n When setting up the device, ensure that the power socket on the device
and the grounded-contact power socket are easily accessible.
n To disconnect the device from the supply voltage completely, switch off
the device and disconnect the power plug.
n Whenever work of any kind is done on the device, as well as when data
cables are plugged and unplugged, the device must be completely
disconnected from the line voltage. To do so, turn the device off and
unplug the power cord.
n Ensure that no foreign objects (c.g. office clips) find their way into the
device, as this may lead to electric shocks or short-circuits.
n Never plug in or unplug data communication lines during thunderstorms.
n Protect devices from vibrations, dust, moisture and heat.
n If liquids were spilled over your BEETLE /iPOS switch off the system and
disconnect the power plug. Dry the device with a cloth and leave it
switched off for a while.
n Always dispose of used parts in an environmentally safe manner.
n The lithium battery must be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations for special waste.
n In emergencies (e.g. damaged housing or damaged power cable,
penetration by liquids or foreign bodies), the device must be switched off
immediately, the power plug disconnected and the Customer Service of
Wincor Nixdorf (WN) or your dealer must be notified.
n The device may only be repaired by authorized qualified personnel.
Unauthorized opening of the device and inexpertly carried-out repairs may
not only seriously jeopardize the safety of the user, but also cancel all
warranty and liability agreements.
n If the dis play ele ment is da ma ged and the li quid crys tal so lu ti on le aks out
onto your hands or clot hing, plea se wash your hands or clot hing
im me di ate ly un der run ning wa ter for at least 15 mi nu tes, using soap or
al co hol.
If the li quid co mes into con tact with your eyes, con sult a me di cal doc tor
im me di ate ly.
n You should connect your BEETLE or other IT-devices only to power
supply systems with separately guided protective earth conductor (PE).
This kind of electricity system is known as TN-S network. Do not use PEN
Please also observe the recommendations of the norm DIN VDE 0100,
Part 540, Appendix C2 as well as EN50174-2, §5.4.3. Thus, you can help
to avoid possible malfunctions.
With the BEETLE /iPOS Win cor Nix dorf meets the gro wing de mands of the
re tail mar ket for so phis ti ca ted Point-of-Ser vi ce and Ki osk sys tem so lu tions.
De sig ned for food and ho spi ta li ty ser vi ces, the BEETLE /iPOS of fers an in -
te gra ted touch ter mi nal with smal lest foot print. The in no va ti ve con cept of the
BEETLE /iPOS in te gra tes the dis play, the cen tral pro ces sing unit and the
po wer supp ly unit in one hou sing. A va rie ty of op tions such as the use as
stand or wall moun ting sys tem, in te gra ted loud spea kers, in te gra ted scan ner
and prin ter en ab le the per for man ce of a com pre hen si ve ran ge of fea tu res.
About this manual
This ma nu al des cri bes the com pact POS sys tem BEETLE /iPOS.
This do cu men ta ti on is in ten ded to help you to work with the POS sys tem
and to ser ve as a re fe ren ce work. The de tai led tab le of con tents helps you
find the de si red in for ma ti on quick ly and ea si ly.
The first sec ti on des cri bes
ever ything you need to do be fo re swit ching on the POS sys tem and
how to con nect pe ri phe rals to the BEET LE /iPOS.
The se cond sec ti on con tains
the in stal la ti on of Wind ows ope ra ting sys tems.
The third sec ti on pro vi des
a brief over view of the com po nents of your BEET LE sys tem.
The fourth sec ti on con tains
the pos si ble con fi gu ra ti on va riants of your BEET LE /iPOS
The five sec ti on pro vi des
a brief over view of the Win cor Nix dorf Re tail Soft wa re.
The Ap pen dix
con tains the most im por tant tech ni cal data, a glos sa ry and a list of ab -
bre via tions.
No tes in the ma nu al are mar ked by this sym bol.
This sym bol is used for war nings.
The type and sco pe of ap pli ca ti on pro grams de pend on the cus to mer’s own
se lec ti on; the re fo re, soft wa re will not be dis cus sed furt her in this ma nu al.
Se pa ra te ma nu als are in clu ded in the sco pe of the con nec tab le pe ri phe rals.
For this rea son, a more de tai led des crip ti on of the se de vi ces will not be pro -
vi ded here. For more in for ma ti on see the re le vant ma nu als.
Care of the BEETLE /iPOS
Cle an your BEETLE /iPOS at re gu lar in ter vals with a suit ab le plas tic-sur fa ce
clea ner.
Make sure that the po wer plug is dis con nec ted, con nec tor ca bles are un -
plug ged and that no li quid finds its way into the de vi ce.
The glass sur fa ce of your Touch Screen should be clea ned with a mild,
com mer ci al ly avai la ble glass clea ning pro duct. All pH neut ral ma te ri als
(pH 6 to 8) are good for clea ning.
Recycling the BEETLE /iPOS
En vi ron men tal pro tec ti on does not be gin when
time co mes to dis po se of the BEETLE; it
be gins with the ma nu fac tu rer. This pro duct was
de sig ned ac cor ding to our in ter nal norm
“En vi ron men tal cons ci ous pro duct de sign and
de ve lop ment”.
The com pact BEETLE /iPOS sys tem is ma nu fac tur ed wit hout the use of
CFCs and CCHS and is pro du ced main ly from reu sa ble com po nents and
ma ter ials.
The pro ces sed plas tics can, for the most part, be re cy cled. Even the pre ci -
ous me tals can be re co ver ed, thus sa ving ener gy and cost ly raw ma ter ials.
Plea se do not stick la bels onto plas tic case parts. This would help us to
re-use com po nents and ma te ri al.
You can pro tect our en vi ron ment by swit ching on your equip ment only when
it is ac tu al ly nee ded. If pos si ble, even avoid the stand-by-mode as this was -
tes ener gy, too. Also switch your equip ment off when you take a lon ger
bre ak or fi nish your work.
The re are still some parts that are not reu sa ble. Win cor Nix dorf gua ran tees
the en vi ron men tal ly safe dis po sal of the se parts in a Re cy cling Cen ter,
which is cer ti fied pur su ant to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
So don’t sim ply throw your BEETLE sys tem on the scrap heap when it has
ser ved its time, but take ad van ta ge of the en vi ron men tal ly smart, up-to-date
re cy cling me thods!
Plea se con tact your com pe tent branch or the Re cy cling Cen ter Pa der born
(for Eu ro pe an coun tries) for in for ma ti on on how to re turn and re-use de vi ces
and dis po sa ble ma ter ials un der the fol lo wing mail ad dress:
Email: info@win cor-nix
We look for ward to your mail.
Win cor Nix dorf gua ran tees ge ne ral ly a war ran ty en ga ge ment for 12 months
be gin ning with the date of de li very resp. the date of ac cep tan ce. This war -
ran ty en ga ge ment co vers all tho se da ma ges which oc cur de spi te a nor mal
use of the pro duct.
Da ma ges be cau se of
n improper or insufficient maintenance,
n improper use of the product or unauthorized modifications of the product,
n inadequate location or surroundings
will not be co ver ed by the war ran ty.
For de tails plea se con sult your con tract do cu ments.
All parts of the pro duct which are sub ject to wear and tear are not in clu ded
in the war ran ty en ga ge ment.
Plea se or der spa re parts at the Win cor Nix dorf cus to mer ser vi ce.
Advantages at a Glance
n Ergonomic Terminal Workplace
n Designed for Touch Operation
n 12.1”/15” TFT Flat Screen (Capacative, Resistive Touch Technology or
Infrared- Touch)
n Splash proof Design
n Multimedia Capabilities
n Magnetic/ Smart Card Reader
n User Identification with waiter lock
n Stand or Wall Mounting Options
n Hard Disk or Flash Disk
n Intel Mobile Processor
As the re is this wide ran ge of pos si bi li ties for im ple men ting the
BEETLE /iPOS can be ap plied in all tra de mar ket seg ments like re tai ling,
de part ment sto res, self-ser vi ce sto res or in res tau rants and pubs.
The il lu stra tions be low show you how your com pact POS sys tem can grow -
from a scan ner to in te gra ti on in a net work.
BEET LE /iPOS Pe ri phe rals
Cash Drawer
Cus to mer Display
BEET LE /iPOS in a Net work
Ethernet 10/100 Base T
Before switching on the System
Un pac king and chec king the Sys tem
Un pack the parts and check to see whet her the de li very mat ches the in for -
ma ti on on the de li very note.
The car ton con tains the ba sic unit and a coun try-spe ci fic ac ces so ries kit.
Some or de red com po si ti on may be in stal led.
Plea se in di ca te the num ber of your de li very ti cket and de li very ti cket po si ti on
and se ri al num ber of the re spec ti ve de vi ce. The se ri al num ber can be found
on the la bel il lu stra ted be low which is lo ca ted at the rear of the hou sing; it
may be ne ces sa ry to re mo ve the ca ble co ver.
The se ri al num ber is lo ca ted on the la bel be low the bar code.
Trans port the de vi ce only in its ori gi nal pa cka ging (to pro tect it against im -
pact and shock).
Set ting up the de vi ce
Set up the BEETLE sys tem whe re it will not be ex po sed to ex tre me en vi ron -
men tal con di tions. Pro tect the de vi ce from vi brat ions, dust, moi stu re, heat
and strong mag ne tic fields.
The BEETLE must not be ope ra ted in al ti tu des abo ve 2000 m (6562 ft
AMSL). Should you have any que stions, plea se con tact you re tai ler or our
ser vi ce de part ment.
If the equip ment is to be fit ted, you must en su re that the spe ci fied mi ni mum
dis tan ces are main tai ned and cons tant ven ti la ti on is pro vi ded. The mi ni mum
Wincor Nixdorf
Made in Singapore
017500 000000
100-120V / 200-240V
50/60 Hz 5/3 A
dis tan ce up wards is 10 mm. The im me di ate am bient tem pe ra tu re of the
sys tem must not ex ceed 40° C/104 °F. The se re qui re ments are met, for
ex am ple, if the equip ment is not built into an en clo sed pie ce of fur ni tu re.
Ad just ment of the Foo ted Stand
For a bet ter stand or uti li sa ti on of the foot print, the foo ted stand is ad jus tab -
le. En su re that the foo ted stand is in ser ted in case a 12,1” screen is
installed and is pul led out in case a 15” screen is installed.
Ad just the po si ti on of the foo ted stand as fol lows:
n Re mo ve the ca ble co ver.
Loo sen the screw and lift
the me tal co ver off the
ope nings.
Push the bra cing (see (1))
into po si ti on and then put
the me tal co ver into front
po si ti on. Se cu re it with the
Cab ling of the BEET LE /iPOS
Al ways make sure that the sys tem is swit ched off when you do cab ling
In stall the sys tem by fol lo wing the steps des cri bed be low:
n The cable cover must be removed, if present.
Press on the
cen ter of the ca ble
co ver (1) and push
it bac kwards (2).
n Remove the port cover on the bottom side of the BEETLE system.
Tilt the screen
back wards.
First re mo ve the
co ver of the loud -
spea ker. Now you
can ea si ly re ach
the ports.
Press the be zel
up wards. The
fa ce pla te is very
Pull the co ver in
your di rec ti on and
take it off.
n Plug in and secure the data cable.
In this case: the
key bo ard ca ble.
Lead the ca ble
through the back
cen ter so that af ter
com ple ting the
con nec ti on of the
ca bles all can fit
un der the ca ble
co ver.
The de li very
con tains a set of
clamps, plas tic bin -
ders and a me tal
pla te for fi xing the
strain re lief.
Put the clamps
slight ly an gled into
the ope ning of the
foo ted stand (1)
and push it
downward (2).
In sert all the
clamps you need
in this way and
then fix them by
tighte ning the
me tal pla te with
the two screws.
Lead the ca bles
over the clamps
(1) and then fix
them with the
plas tic bin ders (2).
n Plug one end of the po wer ca ble into the so cket of the BEET LE /iPOS.
n Close the cable cover.
Pla ce the re ces ses
of the ca ble co ver
on the cross
be ams of the
foo ted stand (1).
Clo se the ca ble
co ver by mo ving it
from the rear to the
front side (2).
n Con nect the ot her end of the power cable to the main po wer supp ly.