Product description:
The RMC 100 Wireless Remote Control Jog Pendant is designed to use with
UCCNC software. Included with the RMC 100 package are: the handheld remote
controller, the USB wireless transmitter module, which connects to the
computer’s USB port and transferring data between the PC and the jog pendant
device, and two AA batteries. Using the remote control makes it easier to move
and locate your work piece zero location, especially when the keyboard is out of
reach from the machine.
The remote control comes with a built in LCD screen which continuously shows
and updates the readout values of the axis positions, the stepping mode, and the
spindle’s actual speed. This gives the user real-time feedback without the need
to look at the computer’s monitor. Also the axes can be zeroed and the main
spindle can be switched on/off using the remote control device.
Installing the device drivers on Windows XP, 7, 8 and later operating
The RMC100 device enumerates as a standard HID (Human interface device) on
the control PC and for this reason there is no need to install any drivers. Just
plug the USB wireless transmitter to the USB port of the PC and the device
drivers installs automatically without any user interaction.
Enabling the plug in on UCCNC:
(Note: The screenshots below are shown with the Touch Probe Screenset, but the setup
and buttons are the same if you have the default version of UCCNC installed)
UCCNC will come with a plug in as part of the software package. However, on
some installations you will need to activate it and then restart UCCNC in order to
start using the remote control.
1) Open UCCNC and click “CONFIGURATION” from the top menu of UCCNC.
2) Then click “GENERAL SETTINGS” from the sub-menu