2 Principle of operation
The device is equipped with two interfaces,
X1 and X2, which are electrically isolated
from each other as well as from the PE
Four LEDs are located on the front side of the
device. When they are illuminated or blink,
the following conditions are signalled:
Power on
X1 sending data
X1 receiving data
X2 recognizes that transmitter is active
There is a series of jumpers on the printed
circuit board inside the device which allows
the repeater to be adapted to the require-
ments of a RS-485 bus system. Fig. 1 illustra-
tes the position of the jumpers. The casing
can be opened as described in section 3. The
following functions can be selected or set (for
the exact jumper settings and the default po-
sitions refer to Tables 1 to 6):
Selecting a 2-wire or 4-wire system
Depending on the bus system used, a 2-wire
or 4-wire system must be selected for each
interface (see Table 1).
Bus termination of interfaces
The bus can be terminated both at interface
X1 and at X2 by positioning the jumpers X6,
X7 and X11, X12 as shown in Table 2.
Controlling the transmitter for interface X2
A signal level detector is located at both in
terfaces. It recognizes whenever a bus station
sends data (transmitter activated). In the
2-wire system, it controls the switching bet
ween sending and receiving data. The signal
level detector can be disabled. In that case,
sending and receiving are switched over by
the data itself (see Table 3). An adjustment of
the transmission rate is not necessary.
Blocking duration of the transmitter
In the 2-wire system, one interface is blocked
whenever the other interface sends data.
Jumpers X16 and X17 allow the duration of
the blocking to be changed, should commu-
nication problems occur (see Table 4).
Increasing the duration of the transmitters
switching signal for X2
In order to prevent reflections in the lines of
the 2-wire system, the transmitters switching
signal can be lengthened.This is only possi
ble for the interface X2 (see Table 5).
Grounding the interfaces
If necessary for older devices, it is possible to
ground the interfaces X1 or X2 by changing
the position of the jumper X5 as described in
Table 6.
EB 5409-1 EN 3
Principle of operation