VDO FM200 User manual

User manual

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Handling a complex world.
Rev. 1.06 Stand Oktober 1999
VDO FM Terminal
User Manual
1. Vorwort ................................ 2
2. Funktionen ................................ 3
2.1 Funktionen auswählen 4
2.2 Eingabe von Daten 4
3. Einschalten und Ausschalten .................. 5
4. Das elektronische Fahrtenbuch ................ 6
5. Sprachen ................................ 7
6. Einstellen von Kontrast und Helligkeit ....... 7
7. Überschreitungen ............................. 7
8. Tastaturanschluß / Barcodelesegerät .......... 8
9. Installation ................................ 8
10.Wartung ................................ 9
1. About FMTerminal ............................ 11
2. Menus ............................... 12
2.1 Menu Navigation 13
2.2 Data Entry 13
3. Switching the FMTerminal on and off ......... 14
4. Automatic Fleet Log Book .................... 15
5. Daylight Saving ............................. 16
6. Languages ............................... 16
7. Display Control ............................. 16
8. Critical Events ............................. 17
9. External Keyboard / Barcode reader socket ... 17
10. Mounting Bracket................ 18
11. Cleaning the FMTerminal......... 18
FMTerminal English
1. About FMTerminal
The FMTerminal is a versatile keypad
and display unit. It is designed to
work in conjunction with existing and
future VDO Fleet management and
Telematics products. The FMTerminal is
both configurable and reprogrammable.
This means that the actual menus and
events that provide its functionality
can be customised to suit the
application. The FMTerminal is shipped
with the basic Fleet logbook
functionality. It is this basic
functionality and menu structure which
is described in this Manual
FMTerminal English
2. Menus
The FMTerminal is shipped with the
following default menu structure:
Driving Reasons
Resting Reasons
Value 1
Value 2
Main Menu
Trip Display
Fleet Log Book
Shut down
Work to home
Customer code
Begin (time)
End (time)
ivity Cost
Material code
Location code
Business halt
Private halt
Maintenance halt
Traffic jam
Cost code
Fuel qty/cost
Trailer code
Document code
Fuel cost
Fuel quantity
Display control
Critical events
ht saving
FMTerminal English
2.1 Menu Navigation
Menus can be navigated by either:
- Pressing the menu item number and then
pressing the Enter key.
- Using the up and down arrow keys to
highlight the desired menu option and
then pressing the enter key.
Main Menu
1. Fleet Logbook
2. Trip Display
3. Options
4. Shut Down
By pressing the escape key, the parent
menu is activated.
2.2 Data Entry
Text and numbers can be entered into
the field space provided. The left
arrow key is used to “backspace”. By
holding the left arrow key down , the
entire field can be cleared. The
contents of the field together with its
appropriate identifier is sent to the
FM200 on-board-computer when the
“enter” key is pressed. Pressing the
Escape key cancels the data entry
Each keypad key on the FMTerminal has a
[ Example entry text]
FMTerminal English
number of characters allocated to it.
By pressing the same key more than
once, the other characters can be
accessed. If a number field such as
“Customer code” is selected, the keypad
keys will always start their key cycle
with the associated key digit. If a
alphanumeric field such as
“Description” is chosen the keypad key
cycle will begin with the first
associated key character.
3. Switching the FMTerminal on and off
The FMTerminal will switch on
automatically when the following events
- Any key is pressed
- A driver is identified by means of a
driver key
- Vehicle ignition is switched on.
- If the FM200 is in Drive mode (rpm
and/or speed is present)
The FMTerminal will switch off
automatically on completion of a trip
once the FM200 on-board-computer enters
its armed state (the FM200 indicator
LED starts to flash) and ignition is
off. This will happen only if there has
been no keyboard activity for the last
60 seconds, in which case the
FMTerminal will delay switching off
until the user has completed his
FMTerminal English
If the ignition is off and the vehicle
is in its armed state (the FM200
indicator LED is flashing), the display
can be turned off from the “Shut down”
option on the menu.
4. Automatic Fleet Log Book
The automatic fleet logbook provides
the following automatic functions:
- On power on, the FMTerminal will
activate the “Value 2” menu with the
menu item “Customer code” selected.
- Once a trip has started the “Driving
Reasons” menu will automatically be
activated. When a vehicle has
travelled 1km the “Driving reason” is
sent to the FM200 on-board-computer to
be stored.
- When ignition is switched off the
“Resting Reasons” menu is
automatically activated. When a trip
ends the “Resting reason” is sent to
the FM200 on-board-computer to be
Note If the user is busy typing on the
keypad or if an event message has been
displayed, the FMTerminal will not
immediately automatically activate the
Driving or Resting reason Menu. The
FMTerminal will wait until there has
been a 30-second period of no keypad or
event activity before activating the
appropriate automatic menu. The
FMTerminal English
automatic functions can be disabled in
the FM2001 Windows application.
5. Daylight Saving
The FMTerminal is capable of displaying
the current date and time received from
the FM200. This is displayed in the
Trip display menu. The FM200 date and
time is not automatically corrected for
daylight saving. The Daylight saving
menu option allows the operator to
advance the time in hourly increments.
This is to accommodate the change in
time during summer months in areas
where daylight saving is practised.
This feature will allow for a variance
of up to 3 hours between the seasons.
6. Languages
The FMTerminal is shipped with two
default languages, namely English and
German. Other languages can be loaded
via the FM2001 Windows program.
7. Display Control
By pressing the zero “0” key in any
menu one can activate the Display
control screen. Both the FMTerminal
screen brightness and contrast can be
manually adjusted. There are three
default display settings which can be
activated by pressing the zero "0" when
in the Display Control screen. This is
FMTerminal English
useful when the display contrast is
very dark or very light. This feature
allows the operator to easily find
a setting which is readable.
Automatic Display Dimming
The FMTerminal display backlighting
will dim automatically if there is no
keypad activity for 60 seconds. Any
subsequent automatic or manual menu
action will cause the display to return
to its previous setting.
8. Critical Events
Critical events can be selected from
the FM2001 Windows program that will
cause an event warning to be displayed
on the FMTerminal for the duration of
the event. While the event remains
true, the user can clear the message by
pressing any key.
9. External Keyboard / Barcode reader socket
The FMTerminal has an external keyboard
port to which most IBM AT compatible
“Qwerty” keyboards can be connected.
Keyboard compatible barcode scanners
can also be used, provided they do not
exceed the FMTerminal electrical
rating. The FMTerminal will sense the
presence of electrically incompatible
external keyboards or barcode readers
and report these by means of a warning
message to the screen. Please ask your
FMTerminal English
local distributor for information
concerning compatible devices and
conversion cables.
CAUTION: Do not plug in an external
keyboard or barcode scanner while the
FMTerminal screen is on (Display must
be off). This may cause damage to the
QWERTY keyboard or barcode scanner.
10. Mounting Bracket
The FMTerminal can be mounted in most
vehicles with the mounting bracket
provided. Please ask your local
distributor about other mounting
11. Cleaning the FMTerminal
To prevent damage to the FMTerminal
housing, use only a mild detergent and
water on a damp cloth to wipe the
FMTerminal clean.
FMTerminal English
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VDO FM200 User manual

User manual
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