storytelling, images as, 72
straight leading lines, 59
style, shooting
defining, 66
described, 67
determining fit, 12
look and feel, 72–73
mixed, 70–72
photojournalistic, 65, 67, 68–70, 77, 78
traditional, 65–68, 70–71, 78, 139
varying, 66
submitting images for publication, 80
assessing direction, 86
outdoor weddings, 86–89
shooting in, 86–89
spot metering, 88
through window, 104, 105–106
white balance, 91
sunset images, 94–95, 98, 100
symmetry in backgrounds, 141
synagogues, rules for photography in, 23, 175–177
syncing camera clocks, 222–223
syncing flash with shutter
described, 116, 249
front-curtain, 117, 119
rear-curtain, 117, 119, 202, 251
tablecloth used as diffuser, 126
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) format, 232–233,
Tamron lenses, 108
telephoto lenses, 30, 31, 40
temples, rules for photography in, 23, 175–177
tensions, family, 153–154
Think Tank Photo camera bags, 38, 39
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format, 232–233,
time management, photographer, 6
timeline, wedding, 13–14, 15, 16, 196
toasts, photographing, 206–208, 212–213
tonal range, defined, 252
Totally Rad Actions, 231
traditional style, 65–68, 70–71, 78, 139
shutter speed priority exposure, 46
side lighting, defined, 251
Sigma lenses, 108
silhouettes, 94, 96–97, 251. See also backlighting
Silver Efex Pro software, 75
sitting, portraits of subjects, 131
skills, improving photography, 9, 10, 72
slide shows, 215
slow lens, defined, 251
smart phone apps for lighting information, 98, 100
SmugMug online gallery, 240
social media marketing, 80–81
Soft & Grainy edit process, 74
softboxes, 36
image organizing, 16–17
Adobe Photoshop, 98, 224, 225–227
Adobe Photoshop Elements, 224, 228–229
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. See Adobe
Photoshop Lightroom
Apple Aperture. See Apple Aperture
described, 16–17, 224–225
noise reduction, 109–110
Sony cameras, light metering, 45
sorting images, 221, 222–224, 227, 234
special moments, capturing, 19
speeches, 206–208, 212–213
spontaneous moments, capturing, 216. See also candid
spot metering
for backlit images, 96
described, 45–46, 251
for outdoor ceremonies, 180
for predominantly dark images, 55
for predominantly white images, 52–53
for shooting in sunlight, 88
for window light, 105
as compositional element, 140, 142, 154
posing subjects on, 28–29, 164–165
shooting from, 179, 196
staying out of the way, importance, 12
stops, 49–50, 52, 248, 249, 251. See also aperture
storing images, 16–17, 233. See also backups, image
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