Getting Started Guide
Registration and customer support
Please take the time to complete and mail the registration card for
your product, or register online at www.filemaker.com/register or by
choosing Help menu > FileMaker on the Web in FileMaker Pro.
For information about technical support and customer service, see:
www.filemaker.com (North American customers)
www.filemaker.com/intl (customers outside North America)
or choose Help menu > FileMaker on the Web. At the web site, you will
find the FileMaker, Inc. Service Directory, which details the service
options available to North American customers, as well as links to
FileMaker, Inc. international sites, answers to frequently asked
questions, and access to extensive software libraries used by
technical support staff. If you do not have access to the Web, please
refer to the Technical Support and Customer Service sheet included
in the software box. North America customers can also call 1-800-
965-9090 to learn about the service options available.
What you need to install FileMaker Pro
This guide gives instructions for installing the FileMaker Pro
application and associated files on your Windows or Mac OS
computer. Before you begin installing, you must know how you plan
to use FileMaker Pro.
1 On a stand-alone computer—you want to use FileMaker Pro on
your computer, and you don’t plan to share files with other users over
a network.
1 With networking—you want to use FileMaker Pro on your
computer, and you plan to share FileMaker Pro files with other
computers using either TCP/IP or IPX/SPX networking software
(Windows) or TCP/IP or AppleTalk networking software (Mac OS).
If you’re on a network
You need to know which type of network
you’re using. If you’re not sure which network option to choose,
check with your network administrator before you begin installation.
Installation code
The installation code is a seventeen-digit number located on a multi-
part sticker on a separate paper sheet within the box.
You must enter the installation code during installation or
the software will not install.
The installation code ensures adherence to the single user license
agreement, which allows for use of one (1) copy of the Software on
a single computer at a time (refer to your Software License). If the
code is invalid or if another copy of the application installed with that
same code is running on the network, the FileMaker Pro application
displays this error message: “The maximum number of licensed
users are currently using this copy of FileMaker Pro. Please refer to
the installation code section of your Installation and New Features
Guide for further instructions.”
If you receive this error message, you have entered a duplicate
installation code. To install FileMaker Pro on multiple computers,
you must have a unique installation code for each user, or obtain a
volume license. You must license one copy of FileMaker Pro for
each computer.
Installation of the specially packaged, competitive
upgrade version of FileMaker Pro 5
A specially packaged “competitive upgrade” release of
FileMaker Pro 5 is available to encourage users to switch to
FileMaker Pro 5. To successfully install FileMaker Pro 5 as a
competitive upgrade, one of the qualifying applications listed on the
box or on www.filemaker.com must be installed on your machine at
the time the installation code is entered.