The EM ICE is the only High Pressure Freezer on the market using a pneumatic freezing principle and no alcohol in the pressure chamber.
All other suppliers are using a hydraulic freezing principle and alcohol in the pressure chamber. This white paper offers a short comparison of
the two principles and shows the advantages of the pneumatic freezing principle of the EM ICE.
Hydraulic freezing principle
1. Unpressurized LN
is waiting in tube
2. Pressure chamber is lled with alcohol
3. For pressurization:
> The hydraulically driven piston pushes LN
towards the chamber to replace the alcohol
> The alcohol ow is blocked by the exit nozzle and the full pressure of 2100 bar builds up before pressurized LN2 comes in contact
with the sample
4. Cooling by LN
only after the alcohol has been pushed out
> Small piston diameters
> Timing of pressure / temperature can be inuenced by alcohol volume
> Less abrupt pressurization
> High system pressure (320 bar) with large pressurized gas volume for pressure stability imposes regular safety inspection
> Regular change of hydraulic uid necessary
> Cooling rate inuenced by the turbulence at the ethanol/LN
> Sample may be exposed to ethanol before freezing
> Alcohol residues after freezing
Pneumatic freezing principle
1. LN
gets compressed by a pneumatically driven piston in front of a valve
2. Samples sits dry in pressure chamber
3. For pressurization:
4. By opening the valve, a pressure wave rushes into the chamber, compressing the air surrounding the sample. The air is warming up,
preventing the sample from cooling down while pressure is established
5. The pressure wave is stopped by the exit nozzle causing pressurization of the chamber
6. Cooling starts immediately in the wake of pressurization
7. Pressurized LN
volume is calculated to keep the pressure up to around 360 ms
> Maximum 10 bar system pressure and no hydraulic oil
> Fastest pressure increases in pressure chamber
> Sample is cooled immediately after pressurization (minimum pressure induced artefacts)
> No effect of alcohol on sample
> No alcohol residues on sample and carriers
> No alcohol exhaust fumes
> Well dened light and electrical stimulation timing
> Abrupt pressurization is a challenge for carrier stability
> Pressure and cooling synchronisation is a given no shift possible