About this Manual:
This manual describes the specifications and operation of the CX-Position software and includes the
sections described below. The CX-Position runs on Windows 2000, XP, or Vista operating systems and
is used to create data for and monitor the operation of the CS1W-NC@@@ and CJ1W-NC@@@ Posi-
tion Control Units (also referred to as NC Units).
Please read this manual carefully and be sure you understand the information provided before
attempting to install and operate CX-Position. Please read the following manuals carefully and be sure
you understand the information provided before using a Position Control Unit.
For details on procedures for installing the CX-Position from the CX-One FA Integrated Tool Package,
refer to the CX-One Ver. 3.0 Setup Manual provided with CX-One.
Precautions provides general precautions for using CX-Position and related devices.
Section 1 provides an overview of CX-Position, its functions, and the system configuration in which it
is used.
Section 2 provides information about CX-Position installation, connecting to the PLC, and basic oper-
ating procedures.
Section 3 describes the procedures for creating new projects, as well as those for adding and deleting
Programmable Controllers (PLCs) and Position Control Units (NCs).
Section 4 describes the procedures used to edit settings.
Section 5 provides information about saving and reading files.
Section 6 provides information on data transfer and verification operations between the CX-Position
and Position Control Units, and about operations for writing data transferred to Position Control Units
into the Position Control Unit flash memory.
Section 7 provides information about monitoring Position Control Units. The Position Control Unit’s
current positions, error codes, and status are displayed on the NC Monitor. Monitor Units are also
available, displaying sequence numbers and current positions for up to four Units simultaneously.
Operating memory area monitoring, operating data area monitoring, and Position Control Unit error
logs can also be displayed. For details on NC error log display, refer to 11-1 Position Control Unit Error
Section 8 section describes the test run operations for each axis.
Section 9 describes the error counter reset output.
Section 10 provides information about printing data.
Section 11 provides information about Position Control Unit error log displays and troubleshooting.
Model Manual name Cat. No.
CXONE-AL@@D-V3 CX-Position Operation Manual W433
(this manual)
CS1W-NC113/213/413/133/233/433 CS1W-NC113/213/413/133/233/433
Position Control Units Operation Manual W376
CJ1W-NC113/213/413/133/233/433 CJ1W-NC113/213/413/133/233/433
Position Control Units Operation Manual W397
Cat. No. Model Name Contents
V3/AL@@D-V3 CX-One Ver. 3.0 Setup
Manual Installation and overview of CX-One FA Inte-
grated Tool Package.
!WARNING Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in per-
sonal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section
in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and
related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.