A - 12
The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
Print Date Manual Number Revision
Jul., 2013 IB(NA)-0300211-A First edition
Nov., 2014 IB(NA)-0300211-B [Additional function]
Servo driver VCII series manufactured by CKD NIKKI DENSO CO.,
LTD. (SSCNET /H compatible), MR-JE-B
[Additional correction/partial correction]
Restrictions by the SERIAL No. and version, Parameters, Monitor
data, List of errors, List of warnings
Nov., 2015 IB(NA)-0300211-C [Additional function]
Servo driver VPH series manufactured by CKD NIKKI DENSO CO.,
LTD., AlphaStep/5-phase stepping motor driver manufactured by
[Additional correction/partial correction]
RELEVANT MANUALS, Function version, Restrictions by the
SERIAL No. and version, Parameters, Monitor data, Stop program,
Interpolation control, Speed limit function, Speed change function,
Override function, Skip function, Optional data monitor function,
Error and warning details, WARRANTY
Feb., 2017 IB(NA)-0300211-D [Additional function]
IAI electric actuator controller manufactured by IAI Corporation
[Additional correction/partial correction]
Restrictions by the SERIAL No. and version, Types of data,
Parameters, Monitor data, Control data, Configuration and roles of
LD77MS memory, Optional data monitor function, List of errors
Jun., 2017 IB(NA)-0300211-E [Additional function]
Command generation axis, MR-JE-BF
[Additional correction/partial correction]
Restrictions by the SERIAL No. and version, Specifications of
input/output signals with PLC CPU, Outline of installation, wiring and
maintenance, Types and roles of control data, Detailed parameters,
System control data, Configuration and roles of LD77MS memory,
Forced stop function, Parameter initialization function, Execution
data backup function, Mark detection function, LD77MH initial value
setting function, Troubleshooting, Error and warning details, List of
errors, List of warnings, Servo driver VCII series/VPH series
manufactured by CKD NIKKI DENSO CO., LTD., Connection with
Nov., 2022 IB(NA)-0300211-F [Additional correction/partial correction]
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Monitor data, Connection with servo
amplifiers, WARRANTY
Oct., 2023 IB(NA)-0300211-G [Additional function]
Servo amplifier command value error check function
[Additional correction/partial correction]
Restrictions by the SERIAL No. and version, Parameters, List of
errors, Servo driver VCII series/VPH series manufactured by CKD
NIKKI DENSO CO., LTD., AlphaStep/5-phase stepping motor driver
manufactured by ORIENTAL MOTOR Co., Ltd., IAI electric actuator
controller manufactured by IAI Corporation
Japanese Manual Version IB-0300210
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