Congure the mode of operation for the XC-240. At the prompt, type: lbg set ports.
Example for conguration in HA mode without Sensor redundancy (70G N):lbg set
ports=s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7 group =1 OR lbg set ports=s1-s7 group=1.
Example for conguration in HA mode with Sensor redundancy (60G N+1):lbg set
ports=s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6 spares=s7 group =1 OR lbg set ports=s1-s6 spare=s7 group=1.
While using the lbg command, ensure that the Sensor ports being congured match with the
Sensors connected to the XC-240 in Step 4.
To change the mode of operation, see the McAfee Network Security Platform XC Cluster
Administration Guide.
Enable SNMP.
The SNMP agent is disabled by default. To enable and congure the SNMP agent:
At the prompt, type snmp set admin=<enable>.
To add the Manager IP to the XC-240, at the prompt type snmp trap_add name=<SNMP user
configured on the NSM while adding the XC-240> authProto=<authentication
protocol> authPass=<authentication password> privProto=<privacy protocol>
privPass=<privacy password> access=<rw> ip=<IP of the Manager> port=<4169>
Example: snmp trap_add name=nsmuser type=v3 ip= port=4169
authProto=SHA authPass=admin123 privProto=AES privPass=test123 admin=enable
To save and load the congurations, type snmp commit .
To view the SNMP user congurations, at the prompt type snmp user_show.
To exit the session, type exit.
6 Install the Manager software
For detailed instructions, refer to McAfee Network Security Platform Installation Guide.
You must have administrator privileges on the target Windows server to install the Manager
MariaDB is included with the Manager and is installed (embedded) automatically on your target
Windows Server during this process.
The following steps briey explain the Manager installation:
Prepare the system according to the requirements outlined in McAfee Network Security Platform Installation
Guide and the McAfee Network Security Platform Release Notes.
Close all open applications.
Go to the McAfee Update Server and log on, using the grant number and password.
d Go to the Manager Software Updates folder and select the latest Manager software version available.