© 2009 Megger AB
IDAX is an insulation diagnostic system for investigations/analysis of dielectric materials,
normally insulators. The measurement method used is dielectric spectroscopy, i.e. measurement
of the dielectric properties of the material as a function of the frequency, and in some cases
also as a function of the voltage. By studying the dielectric material properties as functions of
frequency it is possible to make a distinction between different types of phenomena. For
example, it is possible to separate polarization loss from leakage currents.
The system applies a sinusoidal voltage with desired frequency over the sample. This voltage
will generate a current in the sample. By accurately measuring the voltage and the current, the
sample impedance can be calculated. Depending upon the actual sample model, various
parameters can be calculated from the impedance, such as capacitance, loss, resistance etc. This
procedure can then be repeated at the specified frequencies and voltage levels and even more
information on the sample can be revealed. More information can be found in the chapter
"Measurement technique".
The system is fully computerized and most of the measurements can be performed
More technical and safety details are given in sections:
System and accessories
Safety precautions
The Insulation Diagnostic System IDAX measures the insulation impedance, at different
frequencies, for insulation materials present in high and medium voltage transmission and
distribution networks. The measurement results are used for insulation diagnosis.
The IDAX uses voltages up to 200 Vpeak (~140 V RMS). The voltage range can be increased by
adding an external high voltage unit (the high voltage unit is specified separately).
IDAX-300 Specifications
The Insulation Diagnostic System IDAX-300 measures the insulation impedance, at different
frequencies, for insulation materials present in high and medium voltage transmission and
distribution networks. The measurement results are used for insulation diagnosis.
The IDAX-300 uses voltages up to 200 Vpeak (~140 V RMS). The voltage range can be increased
by adding an external high voltage unit (the high voltage unit is specified separately). The
IDAX-300 is operated using an external laptop/PC.
The IDAX-300 uses a three electrode set-up, which allows for measurements of non-grounded
as well as grounded objects with and without guard.
The IDAX-300 system applies sinusoidal shaped voltages at different frequencies across the test
object and simultaneously measures the current through it. The output voltage is either taken
from a 10 V
arbitrary waveform generator or from a 200 V
arbitrary waveform