B T 3 Q u i c k s t a r t
Quick start
Start up and Connecting your Argon Audio BT3
1. Argon Audio BT3 has 3 functions. It can works as:
a. Bluetooth Receiver
b. Bluetooth Transmitter
c. D/A converter
2. Connect the power supply to the Argon Audio BT3 and
connect the power supply to a power outlet.
3. Power Off short press power button, Power On short
press power button. Off light is red, ON light is blue
4. To pair or un-pair press and hold pairing button for 3 sec.
5. BT receiver mode (RX):
Connect the BT3 to an Amplifier, using either the
(included) RCA cable or an optical cable.
6. The switch button on back has to be in RX setting
7. Press and hold Pair button for 3 sec until LED light on
the front start flashing blue
8. Enable Bluetooth on your playback device (Mobile
Phone, Tablet, Lap Top etc.).
9. Start Bluetooth device search on your playback device
(Mobile Phone, Tablet, Lap Top etc.).
10. Once “Argon Audio BT3” is found and shows in the
display of your device select BT3 and it will connect to
your playback device. And you are ready to play.
11. BT transmit mode (TX)
Connect BT3 to the source you want to transmit (ex. TV)
Using optical cable or analogue cable.
12. Switch button on back to TX
13. Press and hold Pair button for 3 sec until LED light on
the front start flashing blue.
14. Turn on your receiving device (BT headphone) and put
device in pairing mode.
15. BT3 will automatically connect to the closest BT device
(the device with the strongest signal in your
surrounding). So make sure to place the device you want
to connect as close as possible to BT3
16. When paired and connected with your headphone it will
start playback.
17. To un-pair a device press un-pair button for 3 sec and
BT3 will automatically try to connect with the next device
that is ready for pairing.
18. To avoid paring with a device you don’t want to pair with
– turn the unwanted device off.
19. D/A converter function
a) Set the switch on backside of BT3 to TX mode.
b) Connect the playback music source device to BT3
“optical Audio In (Tx)”, with an optical cable.
c) Connect the BT3 to your amplifier with a RCA cable
using the “Audio Out (Rx)” on BT3
d) Playback will start. Blue LED will keep flashing for
90 seconds and then it will turn off. To reactivate
BT function and Pairing, press and hold the Pairing
button for 3 sec. LED light will start flashing again.
20. Notice that Bluetooth playback will over rule the D/A
converter function. So if you have paired a BT device
and start playing via BT, the D/A converter function will
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