Follow these steps to update a new DP6XX project to the DP6XXLX hardware.
To take advantage of new features and capabilities of the DP6XXLX Series, update the OS and template
from the new HWD file for the DP6XXLX display being used.
1. Make a copy of your existing project.
2. Open the copy and enter the main page.
3. Export your project as a block by doing a Y command, or under the File pull down menu select
Block/Export Block and drag a box over your entire project including the Input and Output Bus.
4. This process will copy your entire project except, everything inside of the Define Area page, and the
Define Screen page.
5. For the Define Screen page you will need to export your all of your text strings from your previous
project. To do this just right click on the folder they are in and Export them to a location on your PC.
6. Install the new OS and template.
7. Enter into the Application page
8. Delete the input and output busses.
9. Go under the File pull down menu and select Block/Import Block and select the block you saved
10. Because some of the busses names have changed slightly (for example: Soft_ Buttons is now
Buttons), you will need to Query the old name and select the new name from the list. You will also
need to do the same thing for the buttons themselves (for example: Sw_Soft1 is now Btn_1).
11. Enter into the Define Area page, Error message will appear, select OK.
12. The Select Port message will appear, select OK.
13. Enter into the Define Screen pages in your program and right click on Text and select the Text folder
you had saved from the previous project.
14. Any images you had in the previous project will need to be manually installed into the new project.
15. Connect all of the signals coming into the individual Define Screen pages going to text strings with
data values, images, etc.
Technical Information
DP6XXLX Series, Updating the Operating System Technical Information
New project
L1227224 • Rev BA • June 2014 5