Electpical pequipements
The wiring diagram is located onthe plate below the control panel.
The improper connection of the equipment grounding conductor canresult inariskofelectric
shock.Checkwith aqualified electricianor servicemanifyou arein doubt asto whether your dryeris
properly grounded.Do not modify the plug providedwith your dryer- if it doesn't fit the outlet, have
aproper outlet installedby aqualified electrician.
To prevent unnecessaryriskoffire,electricalshock,or personalinjury, allwiring andgrounding must
bedone in accordancewith local codes,or in the absenceof localcodes,with the NationalElectrical
Code,ANSI/NFPANo.70-LatestRevision(for the U.S.)or the CanadianElectricalCode CSAC22.1-
LatestRevisionsand localcodesandordinances.It isyour responsibilityto provideadequate electrical
servicesfor yourdryer.
All gasinstallationsmust bedone in accordancewith the national FuelCode ANSVZ2231- Latest
Revision(forthe U.S.)orCAN/CGA- B149InstallationCodes-LatestRevision(for Canada)and local
codesand ordinances.
ElectPical connections
Beforeoperating or testing, follow allgrounding instructions inthe"Grounding"section on page 13.
Anindividual branch (or separate)circuit servingonlyyour dryerisrecommended. DO NOTUSEANEXTENSION
6as models = U.S.and Canada
A120volt, 60HzA( approved electricalservice,with a 1S-amperefuseor circuit breakeris required.
Electpic models - U.S.0n!y
Most U.S.dryersrequirea 120/240volt,60 HzACapproved electricalservice.Some require120/208volt,60 Hz
approved electricalservice.Theelectric servicerequirementscan befound onthe data label located behind the
door.A30-amperefuse or circuit breakeron both sidesof the lineis required.
Ifapower cord isused,the cord shouldbe plugged into a30-amperereceptacle.
The power cordis NOTprovided with U.S.electric model dryers.
When localcodesallow,the dectrical supply of the dryermay beconnected bymeansof anew power
supplycord kit,marked for usewith adryer,that isU.Llisted andratedat aminimum of120/240volts,
30-amperewith three No.10copper wire conductors terminated with closedloop terminals, open-end
spadelugswith turned up ends,or with tinned leads.
Do not reuseapower supply cordfrom an old dryer.Thepower cord electric supplywiring must be
retained atthe dryercabinet with asuitable Ublisted strainrelief.
Grounding through the neutral conductor is prohibited for (1)new branch-circuit installations,(2)
mobile homes,(3)recreationalvehicles,and (4)areaswhere local codes prohibit grounding through
the neutral conductor.(Usea4-prong plug for 4wire receptacles,NEMAtype 14-gOR.)
EJectpicmodels = Canada0n!y
A 120/240volt, 60Hz ACapproved electrical servicefused through a30-amperefuseor circuit breakeron
both sidesof the lineisrequired.
AllCanadianmodelsareshippedwith the power cord attached.The power cord should be plugged into a
InCanada,you may not converta dryerto 208
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