Programming Concepts
2-8 PC3000 User Guide
copies can be given unique names e.g. RampPump, RampTemp, RampPres .
Copies of a particular type of function block are referred to as function block
Instances. When a new copy of a function block is created, all input parameters
are given a standard set of default values. In many cases, these values can be left
unchanged where the default values suit your application or if a particular feature
of the function block is not required.
All values assigned to input parameters as constants, e.g. setting a PID Prop_Band
parameter to 6.00 %, are used to reset the function block when it is initialised, i.e.
used for Cold Start values.
When PC3000 runs, each function block copy or instance, runs entirely
independantly of any other instance. For example, RampPump could be in Hold
state, while RampTemp and RampPres are ramping to different setpoint values.
When a function block executes, the output values will, in many cases, change for
each execution, even when the value of all the function block's input parameters
are left unchanged. This is because the function block has internally stored
variables that are used to accummulate values for counters, integrated values etc.
For example, while the Ramp function block is in Run mode, the Output will
increase on each subsequent function block execution until the ramp setpoint is
reached although all the input parameters remain unchanged.
I/O Function blocks
For consistency, the gathering of input values from sensors and delivering output
signals to actuators, heaters etc. is handled by input/output (I/O) function blocks.
For example, the analogue input function block Analog_In provides a range of
input parameters that configure the sensor type, and scale the input value to
handle a wide range of input sensor types including most types of thermocouple.
The input sensor value is provided by the function block's Process_Val output
parameter in process units such as degrees C, millibars etc. Note that this function
block also provides a test facility to override the current plant input value with a
test value.
Each I/O function block is associated with a particular hardware I/O channel
defined by an input parameter called IO_Address. This defines the I/O channel's
physical location by rack number, module number and channel.
For example an I/O channel function block for the second channel of a
hardware module in position 3 of rack 1 has an I/O address : 1:03:02
I/O addresses are automatically given by the PC3000 Programming Station when a
channel is assigned. It is not possible to directly change the value of the I/O
address parameter, but the I/O channel function block can be moved to a different
hardware module.
For further information on the Ramp and Analog_In function blocks refer to the
PC3000 Function Block Reference.