The Heang Expert decided to install Neomis products o the back of the inial meeng with Mark Osborne. Once Mark demonstrated the look,
feel, quality, product ease of use and the following product features:
Why did you decide to install Neomitis products?
Paul voiced that “We will only install Neomis controls - unless asked by a customer to install an alternave product.” To add, Paul menoned
that his good relaonship with the Neomis RSM along with the backup technical support oers him and his team condence when installing
Neomis products as they can always get a clear and concise answer to any issues that they may encounter.
“We are connually aiming to increase business and reduce call-backs, we plan
to connue to nd new business through word of mouth and customer recom-
mendaons. Since we are now using the Neomis RT7PLUS range on almost all of
our installs, we can see that our customers are happy as the number of call-backs
which we have to aend has reduced heavily - in turn this has saved us me and
money, it has also increased the chance of The Heang Expert aaining a high
FreeIndex customer review rang, this in turn increases the chance of us winning
new business through word of mouth and customer recommendaons.”
What are your business aims – how are
Neomitis helping you to achieve this?
3 years
Suitable for
all heang
in France
How reliable are the
Neomitis products?
“So far we have not come across any faulty is-
sues since taking Neomis products on-board,
however, we have the peace of mind that if we
do come across any issues - Neomis oer a no
quibble returns policy, all we will need to do is
contact Neomis for advice and a soluon will
be quickly provided”.
To follow “Neomis are also acvely assisng
installers and end users as they have a YouTube
channel with countless product demonstra-
ons and explanaons, also upon request Neo-
mis will oer tailored instrucon manuals for
end users who may need addional assistance
understanding their heang controls – as men-
oned previously, this also gives us peace of
mind when installing Neomis products.”
“In addion to this, the Neomis RT7PLUS
range is reasonably priced and boiler plus
compliant this helps us to oer our cus-
tomers compeve quotes and an easily
achievable Boiler Plus soluon."
Dual opmisaon
Easy to
turn rotary
Service interval
Signal Strength
Test feature
1 hour Boost
Any voltage
including volt free
NEOMITIS® LIMITED - 16 Great Queen Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2B 5AH UNITED KINGDOM - Registered in England and Wales No: 9543404
Tel: +44 (0) 2071 250 236 - Fax: +44 (0) 2071 250 267 - E-mail: