The First Name in Electronic Drums.
The SD9K has two main modes of operation: KIT and SONG.
Each mode has three sub-modes (sub-menus): EDIT, MIX and UTILITY, plus a SAVE menu.
KIT mode:
In the main KIT mode, you can select a preset or user KIT to play from the pads.
In KIT / EDIT sub-mode, you can select the Voice for each pad, and adjust its Tuning (Pitch)
and Decay.
In KIT / MIX sub-mode, you can adjust the Level, Pan and Reverb Level for each pad, as well
as the Global Reverb Type and Equalization.
In KIT / UTILITY sub-mode, you can adjust the trigger response for each pad (Global for all
kits), as well as Global MIDI settings.
In KIT / SAVE menu, you can save the current Kit into User Kit memory.
SONG mode:
In the main SONG mode, you can select a preset or user SONG to play along to.
In SONG / EDIT sub-mode, you can select the Voice for each part of the Song, as well as
the Song’s Tempo and PLAY mode.
In SONG / MIX sub-mode, you can adjust the Level, Pan, and Reverb Level for each part of
the Song, as well as the Global Accompaniment level.
In SONG / UTILITY sub-mode, you can create a New Song, erase an existing Song or part
of a song, as well as adjust the Global MIDI settings.
In Song / SAVE menu, you can save the current Song into a User Song memory.
SONG mode has one additional sub-mode: RECORD
In SONG / RECORD mode, you can record your performance playing the pads, or any
additional parts using a MIDI keyboard.
Extra Features:
CLICK: Onboard Metronome feature.
MUTE: Mutes part of a Song (or MIDI file), by default the Drums part.
CARD menus:
The SD9K has a CARD menu with five functions for using an SD Card:
• PLAY a MIDI File from the SD card
• SAVE Kits, Songs or Global Settings to the SD card
• LOAD Kits, Songs or Global Settings from the SD card
• DELETE a file from the SD card
• FORMAT the SD card
NOTE: There is also a DEMO mode that plays two demonstration songs.