4 3Com Router 5000/6000 Family
Command Reference
Use the address command to configure a route to the peer voice gateway or assign an X.121 address for
a destination host.
Voice Entity view
address sip
Use the address sip command to set routing policy for reaching the remote voice gateway (VG) to SIP.
Voice Entity view
adsl standard
Use the adsl standard command to set the standard applied to the ADSL interface.
ATM (ADSL) Interface view
adsl tx_attenuation
Use the adsl tx_attenuation command to set attenuation value for ADSL transmit power.
ATM (ADSL) Interface view
Use the adv-factor command to configure the advantage factor which is used to count Mos and ICPIF
value in a jitter voice test.
HWPing Test Group view
Use the aggregate command to establish an aggregated record in the BGP routing table.
BGP view
Use the aggregate command to create a multicast aggregated record in the BGP routing table.
Use the
aggregate command without parameters to create one local aggregated route and set atomic
aggregation attributes.
IPv4 Multicast Subaddress Family view
Use the aging-time command to configure SYN status waiting timeout value and FIN status waiting timeout
value of TCP, session entry idle timeout value of TCP and UDP.
ASPF Policy view
ah authentication-algorithm
Use the ah authentication-algorithm command to set the authentication algorithm adopted by
Authentication Header protocol in IPSec proposal.
Use the
undo ah authentication-algorithm command to restore the default setting.
IPSec Proposal view
ahdsl annex
Use the shdsl annex command to configure annex standard at an SHDSL interface. You cannot activate a
link with different standard types at its two ends.
ATM (G.SHDSL) Interface view
alarm (CT3 Interface)
Use the alarm command to enable the CT3 interface to detect/send alarm signals.
CT3 Interface view
Use the alarm-threshold command to configure the alarm thresholds on the CT1/PRI interface as needed.
CT1/PRI Interface view
Use the algorithm-suite command to specify the algorithm suite used when a client registers.
Dvpn-Class view
allow l2tp
Use the allow l2tp command to specify the name of the peer end of the tunnel on receiving call and the
Virtual-Template it uses.
L2TP Group view
Use the annexg command to enable T1.617 Annext G on the frame relay interface for data transmission.
DLCI view
Use the ani command to enable or disable the terminating point to send the calling party information
(service category and calling number) to the originating point during call connecting process.
R2 CAS view