Thermo Fisher Scientific ProQuest™ Two-Hybrid System User guide

  • Hello, I'm your chat assistant. I have reviewed the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System user guide. This document describes a system used for detecting protein-protein interactions, and it includes information about vectors, control vectors, and the use of Gateway Technology. I am here to answer your questions about the system and its applications.
  • What are the applications supported by the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System?
    What is the main purpose of the Gateway Technology in this system?
    What are the main features to limit false positives in the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System
A sensitive method for detecting protein-protein interactions
Catalog Number PQ1000101
Publication Number MAN0000537
Revision B.0
Life Technologies Corporation | 5781 Van Allen Way | Carlsbad, California 92008 USA
Revision history:MAN0000537 B.0 (English)
Revision Date Description
B.0 1 December 2023 Removed Cat. No. PQ10002-01. Removed references. Updated Gateway Technology Open Architecture Policy.
A.0 24 October 2005 New document for ProQuest Two-Hybrid System.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Important Licensing Information: This product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product,
you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
©2005-2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER1Productinformation .................................................. 8
Contents ....................................................................... 8
Contents and storage ....................................................... 8
Shipping and storage ........................................................ 8
ProQuest Two-Hybrid system reagents ....................................... 9
GenotypeMaV203 .......................................................... 9
Accessory products ............................................................ 10
Introduction ............................................................... 10
MaV203 competentcells ................................................... 10
Accessory products ........................................................ 10
3-Aminotriazole ........................................................... 11
Zymolyase............................................................... 11
Cycloheximide ............................................................ 11
Yeastmedia ............................................................... 12
CHAPTER2General introduction ................................................ 13
Overview ...................................................................... 13
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System .............................................. 13
Supportedapplications ..................................................... 13
Advantages of the ProQuest Two-Hybrid system ............................. 13
Systemcomponents ....................................................... 13
Gateway Technology ...................................................... 14
Purpose of thismanual ..................................................... 14
Important ................................................................. 14
General description of the Two-Hybrid system ..................................... 15
Two hybrid proteins ........................................................ 15
Reporters under control of UAS ............................................. 16
Interaction drives expression of reporters ..................................... 16
Evaluating reporter gene expression ......................................... 17
Screening Two-Hybrid libraries .............................................. 17
Falsepositives ............................................................ 17
Advanced Two-Hybrid systems ............................................ 18
ProQuest Two-Hybrid system .................................................. 19
Verifying Two-Hybrid interaction ............................................. 19
Forward Two-Hybrid library screen ........................................... 19
Cloning vectors ............................................................ 19
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 3
Two-Hybrid control vectors ................................................. 20
MaV203 yeast strain ....................................................... 21
Reducing falsepositives .................................................... 21
Three reportergenes ....................................................... 21
Fourphenotypes .......................................................... 22
Low-Copy-Number vectors ................................................. 22
Gatewaycompatibility .................................................... 22
Plasmidshuing .......................................................... 23
Features of pDEST32 ..................................................... 23
Features of pDEST22 ..................................................... 23
Features of pEXP-AD502 .................................................. 24
Plasmidisolation .......................................................... 24
Features of yeast strainMaV203 ............................................. 24
GenotypeMaV203 ......................................................... 25
Considerations in designing a Two-Hybrid screen .................................. 26
Introduction ............................................................... 26
Transcriptional activator .................................................... 26
Proteinfamily ............................................................. 26
Expression pattern ......................................................... 26
Interaction artifacts ........................................................ 27
Confirmation of interaction .................................................. 27
Applications for ProQuest Two-Hybrid screen .................................... 28
Supportedapplications ..................................................... 28
Verifying interaction ........................................................ 28
Forward Two-Hybrid library screen ........................................... 28
CHAPTER3Verifying interaction ................................................. 29
Introduction ................................................................... 29
Flowchart ................................................................. 30
Methods ...................................................................... 31
Generating bait and preyplasmids ........................................... 31
Testing specific Two-Hybrid interaction ....................................... 40
CHAPTER4Forward Two-Hybrid library screen ................................ 49
Introduction ................................................................... 49
Required reagents before starting ............................................ 49
Choosing Two-Hybrid library ................................................ 49
Bait-Specific positive interaction control ...................................... 50
Flowchart ................................................................. 50
Methods ...................................................................... 51
Testingbait ............................................................... 51
Screening forward Two-Hybrid library ........................................ 55
What to do next ........................................................... 61
Interpretation of results ..................................................... 66
4ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
CHAPTER5Troubleshooting ..................................................... 69
Generating bait and preyplasmid ................................................ 69
Testing specific Interaction/ retransformationassay ................................ 70
Testingbait .................................................................... 71
Forward two hybrid screen ...................................................... 72
Isolation of preyplasmid ........................................................ 73
APPENDIXA Gateway recombination reactions ............................. 74
Introduction ................................................................... 74
Recombination reactions ........................................................ 74
BP reaction ............................................................... 74
LR reaction ............................................................... 74
Characteristics of modified att sites .............................................. 75
Specificity of modified att sites .................................................. 75
Vectors in ProQuest system .................................................... 75
Gateway vectors .............................................................. 76
Selection of Gateway vectors .................................................. 76
ccdBgene .................................................................... 77
Propagating Gateway vectors .................................................. 77
APPENDIXBRecipes ............................................................. 78
Recipedetails ................................................................. 78
SC medium and plates ..................................................... 78
LB (Luria-Bertani) medium and plates ........................................ 79
5FOA plates ............................................................... 79
3AT plates ................................................................ 79
Cycloheximide plates ...................................................... 80
10xLiAc .................................................................. 80
10xTE .................................................................... 80
1X LiAc/0.5XTE ........................................................... 80
1X LiAc/1XTE ............................................................. 80
1X LiAc/40% PEG-3350/1XTE .............................................. 80
Zbuer ................................................................... 81
APPENDIXCSupplementary protocols ......................................... 82
Generating a cDNA library using Three-Frame ..................................... 82
Three-Frame .............................................................. 82
Advantages of the Three-Frame libraries ...................................... 82
Three reading frame adapters ............................................... 82
Reduced5’UTRs .......................................................... 83
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 5
Reduced Poly-Asequences ................................................. 83
Preparation of Three-Frame libraries .......................................... 83
Library scale yeast transformation (Purchased competentCells) ..................... 84
Introduction ............................................................... 84
Library scale competent yeastcells .......................................... 84
Transformants per screen ................................................... 84
Materialsneeded .......................................................... 84
Important ................................................................. 85
Transformation procedure ................................................... 85
Preparing and transforming competent cells (LibraryScale) .......................... 87
Introduction ............................................................... 87
Important ................................................................. 87
Materialsneeded .......................................................... 87
Preparing competentcells .................................................. 88
Transforming competentcells ............................................... 88
Replica Plating/Replicacleaning ................................................. 89
Introduction ............................................................... 89
Essentialtips .............................................................. 89
Procedure for replicaplating ................................................ 90
Procedure for replicacleaning ............................................... 90
Cleaningvelvets ........................................................... 90
Alternatives to replicaPlating/Cleaning ....................................... 90
Quantitative β-Galactosidase assays in liquid cultures .............................. 91
Introduction ............................................................... 91
Note ..................................................................... 91
ONPGassay .............................................................. 91
CPRGassay .............................................................. 92
Plasmidshuing ............................................................... 94
Introduction ............................................................... 94
Procedure for plasmidshuing .............................................. 94
APPENDIXDMaps and features of vectors .................................... 96
pDEST32 .................................................................... 97
Map of pDEST32 ......................................................... 97
pDEST22 .................................................................... 98
Map of pDEST22 ......................................................... 98
Features of vectors pDEST32 and pDEST22 .................................... 99
Features of vectors ........................................................ 99
pEXP-AD502 ................................................................ 100
Map of pEXP-AD502 ..................................................... 100
MCS of pEXP-AD502 .................................................... 101
pEXP32-Krev1 .............................................................. 102
Map of pEXP32-Krev1 ................................................... 102
6ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
pEXP22-RalGDS-wt, m1,m2 .................................................. 103
Maps of pEXP22-RalGDS-wt, m1,m2 ..................................... 103
Map of pENTR-gus .......................................................... 105
Description .............................................................. 105
Map of control vector ..................................................... 105
APPENDIXESupplementalinformation ....................................... 106
Gateway Technology ......................................................... 106
APPENDIXFSafety .............................................................. 107
Chemicalsafety .............................................................. 108
Biological hazardsafety ....................................................... 109
Documentation and support ...................................................... 110
Customer and technical support ................................................ 110
Limited product warranty ...................................................... 110
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 7
Product information
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read and understand the information in the “Safety” appendix
in this document.
Contents and storage
Table1ProQuest Two-Hybrid System (Cat. No. PQ10001-01)
Component[1] Storage
ProQuest Vectors -80°C
ProQuest Control Vectors -20°C
LR Clonase II -20°C
[1] All components are shipped on dry ice.
Shipping and storage
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System is shipped as described below. Upon receipt, store each item as
detailed below.
Box Component Shipping Storage
1 ProQuest Vectors Dry ice -80
2 ProQuest Control Vectors Dry ice -20
3 LR Clonase II Dry ice -20
8ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
ProQuest Two-Hybrid system reagents
The following reagents are included with the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System Reagents.
ProQuest Vectors Box (Store the reagents at -80)
Reagent Composition Amount
pDEST22 Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 6µg
pDEST32 Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 6µg
MaV203 glycerol stock YPAD + 20% glycerol 0.5mL
ProQuest Control Vectors Box (Store the reagents at -20)
Reagent Composition Amount
pEXP-AD502 Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 1µg
pEXP32/Krev1 Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 10µg
pEXP22/RalGDS-wt Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 10µg
pEXP22/RalGDS-m1 Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 10µg
pEXP22/RalGDS-m2 Liquid in TE Buer, pH 8.0 10µg
LR Clonase II Box
(Store at -20 for up to 6 months. For long-term storage, store at -80.)
Reagent Composition Amount
Gateway LR Clonase II Enzyme Mix Proprietary 40µL
Proteinase K Solution Solution 2µg/µL in:
10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5
20 mM CaCl2
50% glycerol
pENTR-gus Positive Control 50ng/µL in TE Buer, pH 8.0 20µL
Genotype MaV203
The genotype of MaV203 is as follows:
MaV203 (MATα, leu2-3,112, trp1-901, his3Δ200, ade2-101, gal4Δ, gal80Δ, SPAL10::URA3, GAL1::lacZ,
HIS3UAS GAL1::HIS3@LYS2, can1R, cyh2R)
Chapter1Product information
Contents 1
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 9
Accessory products
The products listed in this section may be used with the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System. For more
information, see (
MaV203 competent cells
We provide a glycerol stock of the MaV203 yeast strain. A protocol is provided to perform small-scale
transformations using this stock. To limit your workload, purchase competent MaV203cells, subclone
scale. Alternatively, prepare competent cells using the S. c. EasyComp Kit, which can be frozen for
later use. For large-scale applications, such as a forward two-hybrid library screen, we recommend
obtaining MaV203 Competent Cells, Library Scale to get the highest transformation eciency and to
limit your workload.
Item Amount Catalog no.
MaV203 Competent Cells, Library Scale 2 x 0.55ml 11281011
MaV203 Competent Cells, Subclone Scale 4 x 0.10ml 11445012
S. c. EasyComp Kit 1 kit K505001
Note: For your convenience, we have added a protocol in the (Appendix C, “Supplementary protocols”)
to make your own large-scale competent cells using MaV203 cells provided with the kit.
Accessory products
Some of the reagents supplied in the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System and as well as other products
suitable for use with the kit are available separately from Ordering information is
provided below.
Item Amount Catalog no.
PureLink HQ Mini Plasmid DNA Purification Kit 100 preps K210001
PureLink HiPure Plasmid Miniprep Kit 25 preps
100 preps
PureLink HiPure Plasmid Midiprep Kit 25 preps
50 preps
5bromo-4chloro-3indolyl-D-galactopyranoside (X-Gal), 100mg
Denatured Sheared Salmon Sperm DNA 5 x 1mL 15632011
OneShot TOP10 Electrocomp E. coli 10 reactions
20 reactions
Chapter1Product information
Accessory products
10 ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
Item Amount Catalog no.
Platinum PCR SuperMix HiFi 100 reactions 12532016
Platinum PCR SuperMix 100 reactions 11306016
Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase 100 reactions 10966018
S.N.A.P. Gel Purification Kit 25 reactions K199925
2.5mM dNTP Mix 1mL R72501
Gateway LR Clonase II Enzyme Mix 20 reactions
100 reactions
Gateway BP Clonase II Enzyme Mix 20 reactions
100 reactions
Proteinase K Solution 100mg
pCR8/GW/TOPO TA Cloning Kit 20 reactions K250020
Gentamicin Reagent Solution (10mg/mL), liquid 10mL
10 x 10mL
SOC Medium 10 x 10mL 15544034
LB Agar, powder (Lennox L Agar) 500g
LB Broth Base, powder (Lennox L Broth Base) 500g
For selection of HIS+ transformants in S. cerevisiae, you will need to obtain 3aminotriazole, which is
available from Millipore Sigma, St. Louis, MO, (Catalog No. A8056).
For isolation of yeast DNA you need Zymolyase (1.5 U/µL), which is available from G-Biosciences,
St.Louis, MO (Catalog no. 786-036).
For Plasmid shuing (see “Plasmid shuing” on page94), you will need to obtain cycloheximide,
which is available from Millipore Sigma, St. Louis, MO (Catalog No. C1988).
Chapter1Product information
Accessory products 1
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 11
Yeast media
For yeast selective media, recipes are provided in AppendixB, “Recipes”.
Chapter1Product information
Accessory products
12 ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
General introduction
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System is a genetic method for detecting interactions between proteins in
vivo in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System draws on modifications
by Chevray & Nathans and incorporates Gateway Technology.
Supported applications
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System supports three types of applications:
Verifying an interaction between two known proteins or protein domains for which there is a
prior reason to expect an interaction (testing two-hybrid interactions); see Chapter 3, “Verifying
Screening a library for novel proteins that specifically interact with a known bait (forward two-hybrid
library screen); see Chapter 4, “Forward Two-Hybrid library screen”.
Advantages of the ProQuest Two-Hybrid system
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System is a system designed to enable detection of protein-protein
interactions and has been modified to decrease false positives. The primary modifications include:
Uses low-copy-number (ARS/CEN) vectors to control over-expression and increase reproducibility
Contains three dierent reporter genes with independent promoters to rapidly weed out false
Uses a reporter gene (URA3) that allows both positive and negative selection
An extended panel of yeast control vectors to aid in setting up the experiments and evaluate results
Incorporation of the Gateway Technology to allow rapid and easy generation of bait and prey
constructs, and to facilitate down-stream applications
System components
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System includes:
Yeast expression vectors pDEST22, pDEST32, and pEXP-AD502 for generation of GAL4 DNA
Binding Domain (GAL4 DBD) and GAL4 Activation Domain (GAL4 AD) fusion proteins
Reagents for production of the expression clones containing GAL4 DBD and GAL4 AD fusion
A glycerol stock of yeast strain MaV203, which is the two-hybrid yeast strain used
Positive and negative controls for the two-hybrid assay
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 13
Gateway Technology
All yeast expression vectors in the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System are Gateway-adapted to allow rapid
and easy generation of bait and prey constructs, and to facilitate down-stream applications.
The Gateway Technology is a universal cloning method that takes advantage of the site-specific
recombination properties of bacteriophage lambda to provide a rapid and highly ecient way to move
your DNA sequence of interest into multiple vector systems.
For a brief description of the Gateway Technology, see the Appendix, AppendixA, “Gateway
recombination reactions”
Purpose of this manual
This manual provides the following information:
An overview of the two-hybrid technology (“General description of the Two-Hybrid system” on
Instructions to make your bait and prey plasmid (“Generating bait and prey plasmids” on page31)
Guidelines for testing the interaction between two proteins (“Recommended controls” on page40)
Guidelines for choosing the library you want to screen (“Choosing Two-Hybrid library” on page49)
Procedures to perform forward two-hybrid library screens (“Screening forward Two-Hybrid library”
on page55)
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System is designed to help you perform your two-hybrid analysis. The
system has been designed to help you perform your experiment in the simplest, most direct fashion,
but use of the system assumes that users are familiar with manipulating yeast and cloning.
Chapter2General introduction
14 ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
General description of the Two-Hybrid system
Two hybrid proteins
Two-hybrid or interaction trap systems exploit the fact that transcription factors are comprised of two
domains, a DNA binding domain (DBD) and an activation domain (AD). Two separate hybrid proteins
are constructed in two-hybrid screens. The first hybrid protein is the DBD/protein X fusion known as
the “bait”, while the second hybrid protein is the AD/protein Y fusion known as the “prey”. These two
hybrids are encoded on separate yeast expression plasmids, with independent selectable markers.
Chapter2General introduction
General description of the Two-Hybrid system 2
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 15
Reporters under control of UAS
The yeast strain employed contains reporter genes, such as lacZ or auxotrophic markers such as
HIS3 or URA3. The regulatory regions of these reporters have been engineered to contain the DNA
binding sites (operator sequences) for the DBD/protein X fusion (bait). These operator sequences act as
upstream activating sequences (UAS) in yeast.
Note: Yeast two-hybrid strains have been specifically modified to contain these reporter genes. wt
yeast strains cannot be used!
Interaction drives expression of reporters
The yeast strain used is transformed with the expression plasmids encoding the bait and prey. If
protein X interacts with protein Y in the nucleus, this will bring the activation domain together with the
DNA-binding domain to reconstitute transcriptional activation and result in expression of the reporter
X and Y do not interact - no Reporter Gene Expression
Chapter2General introduction
General description of the Two-Hybrid system
16 ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
X and Y interact - Reporter Gene Expressed!
Evaluating reporter gene expression
There are two main ways to check for positive interactions in yeast strains containing reporter genes:
Positive interactions are detected by selecting on plates lacking the auxotrophic marker, such as
Histidine or Uracil. Yeast cells containing plasmids that express interacting bait and prey proteins
will grow and form colonies.
Positive interactions are detected by assaying for enzyme activity, such as colorimetric assays for
β-galactosidase activity. This is used to reduce false positives after selection for auxotrophs, or to
measure interaction strength quantitatively.
Screening Two-Hybrid libraries
Two-hybrid libraries (i.e. prey libraries) consist of a collection of expression plasmids in which an
Activation Domain is fused to individual cDNAs. Screening prey libraries will detect prey proteins that
interact with the bait protein of interest. To perform the screen, transform the library and bait expressing
plasmids into yeast. Cells containing a prey that interacts with the bait will form colonies on selective
plates. Secondary screens, such as for β-galactosidase expression, will confirm the interaction.
False positives
Early two-hybrid systems suered from false positives - candidate proteins identified as interacting but
which do not truly interact or are biologically irrelevant. False positives can result from:
Proteins containing regions with surfaces having low anities for many dierent proteins, (e.g.,
large hydrophobic surfaces)
Proteins that normally interact with a large number of proteins (e.g., heat shock proteins)
Proteins containing regions functioning as activation domains
Proteins aecting chromatin structure
Proteins having low or nonspecific anities for the promoter regions (or proteins bound there) that
drive the expression of reporter genes
Limiting the false positives is essential in successful two-hybrid experiments.
Chapter2General introduction
General description of the Two-Hybrid system 2
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 17
Advanced Two-Hybrid systems
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System has been extensively improved to limit false positives, as well as to
allow performance of more advanced applications. For details about the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System
and strategies to limit false positives, see “Reducing false positives” on page21.
Chapter2General introduction
General description of the Two-Hybrid system
18 ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide
ProQuest Two-Hybrid system
Verifying Two-Hybrid interaction
Using the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System to verify an interaction between two known proteins, you will
perform the following steps:
1. Construct bait plasmid
2. Construct prey plasmid
3. Transform yeast cells with bait and prey plasmid
4. Test reporter activity
Forward Two-Hybrid library screen
Using the ProQuest Two-Hybrid System for a forward two-hybrid library screen, you will perform the
following steps:
1. Construct and test bait plasmid
2. Construct or obtain two-hybrid library
3. Transform yeast cells with bait plasmid and library
4. Select for reporter activity by growth on auxotrophic plates
5. Confirm interaction of positive prey plasmids
Note: The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System comes with a positive interaction control. However, a
bait-specific positive interaction control may be an additional useful tool in testing your experiment.
Construct a prey plasmid with a known interactor of the bait protein to use as a bait-specific positive
Cloning vectors
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System includes these yeast expression vectors:
pDEST32 for generation of the bait plasmid
pDEST22 for construction of the prey plasmid, or for generation of a two-hybrid library by
Gateway recombination
pEXP-AD502 for generation of a two-hybrid library by restriction cloning
Chapter2General introduction
ProQuest Two-Hybrid system 2
ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide 19
Two-Hybrid control vectors
The ProQuest Two-Hybrid System includes four two-hybrid control plasmids based on the interaction
of Krev1 (a.k.a. Rap1A; a member of the Ras family of GTP binding proteins) with RalGDS (the Ral
guanine nucleotide dissociator stimulator protein. The RalGDS mutants RalGDS-m1 and RalGDS-m2
aect the interaction with Krev1 and were generated using the SureFrame Allele Library Construction
Kit. The properties of these plasmids are summarized below.
Control plasmid Backbone Insert Mutant Role Interaction with
pEXP32/ Krev1 pDEST32 full-length rat Krev1 wt Bait not applicable
pEXP22/ RalGDS-
pDEST22 ras association domain of
RalGDS, wt
wt Prey strong
pEXP22/ RalGDS-
pDEST22 ras association domain of
RalGDS, m1
I77T[1] Prey weak
pEXP22/ RalGDS-
pDEST22 ras association domain of
RalGDS, m2
L65P1Prey not detectable
[1] Amino acid 65 and amino acid 77in the insert correspond to amino acid 829 and amino acid 841in the full-length RalGDS sequence,
The vectors pDEST32 and pDEST22 are suitable as negative two-hybrid controls.
pDEST32 as a negative control for bait plasmid
pDEST22 as a negative control for prey plasmid
Chapter2General introduction
ProQuest Two-Hybrid system
20 ProQuest Two-Hybrid System User Guide