The list of holidays allows reassigning a day of the week for any day for a year ahead or to
announce any day to be a holiday. If a day in the holiday list is not reassigned (being an ordinary day),
the day of the week corresponds to a calendar day. If the day is reassigned, the calendar is ignored and
the controller considers this day as it is defined in the holiday list. The reassigned value of the day of
the week may take one the following values: 1 (Monday), 2 (Tuesday), …, 7 (Sunday), 8 (eighth day
of the zone), … 14 (fourteenth day of the zone), Holiday. The Holiday value is entered solely to
facilitate in the list reading and in principle does not differ from other values (1 … 14), therefore it
may be qualified as fifteenth day of the zone.
Thus, the holiday list allows:
– Announcing any day to be a holiday (that is the day with active time slots different from the
slots set for other days of the week);
– Transferring working days (for example, a day stated in the calendar as Saturday may be
announced as Monday);
– Programming complex flexible access schedules with repeatable period lasting for less than
7 days or exceeding 7-day period;
– Programming complex access schedules without an explicit repeatable period.
Two typical ways of filling the holiday list may be supposed among all the diversified variants:
1) If the access schedule (schedule of work) for employees is bound to the calendar week (for
example, days from Monday to Friday are working days, and Saturday and Sunday are the weekends),
most of days are not reassigned in the list (a ‘Daily’ day is determined by the calendar). Only a few
days in the list are marked as the ‘Holiday’ day, or redefined (if working days are re-announced), or
redefined for values more than 7 (if special time intervals must be active for these days).
2) If sophisticated and variable access schedules (schedules of work) are not assigned with a
calendar week then days of the week are assigned explicitly for all the listed days (reassigned) and no
ordinary days (for which a day of the week is defined according to the calendar) are left in the list.
In order to limit access rights for a credential by time, date, and validity, the controller clock
has to be synchronized with the network controller. This is provided automatically when the S2000-2
operates as a part of the Orion system based on PC or the S2000M/S2000 control panel of ver.1.20+,
provided that the date and time are set for the PC or the control panel. The controller is equipped with
a non-volatile clock and calendar, thus turning off the network controller, the RS-485 interface
communication fault, and even an S2000-2 outage will not cause the clock failure, time limitations
operating correctly after the controller starting up again. Meanwhile, one should be kept in mind that if
the S2000-2 operates standalone for a long time its clock can shift. That is why it is not recommended
to use time zones while the controller operates in standalone mode (without a network controller): all
time zones for all access levels should have the number 0. The controller backup battery provides
power supply to the S2000-2 clock for at least 5 years.
1.9 Antipassback Rules
In order a credential cannot be used for second entry in an access zone without preceding exit,
the antipassback feature is used.
An antipassback rule is considered to be violated if after a passage to a target zone of the reader
no passing back to the source zone was registered and an attempt to access the target zone second time