Part I ✦ Curl Content Language Fundamentals
For usability, the more the subscription costs, the more likely the user will be inter-
ested in Curl. When the information is free and often available in multiple places,
the user’s primary concern is usually saving time. Launching Surge slows them
down. When the information is expensive, the user is more likely to be concerned
about finding the best information. This is where the improved response time and
usability of a Curl application is worth the time it takes to launch Surge.
Free sites will probably have to wait until Surge is more readily available or until
they can create a members-only area as discussed previously.
Private transaction sites
Private transaction sites include financial sites such as Fidelity, E*Trade, and home
banking. Although these companies have a public component to their Web site, this
category refers to the features provided for registered users. Here, users can exam-
ine their account, request information, and move money around or make other
transactions. This is an excellent setting for Curl. Aside from the usual technical
and operational benefits, most users are repeat users and would be happy to have a
richer interface.
Private subscription sites
Private subscription sites include application service providers (ASPs) such as
Communispace and Paychex. In these settings, users pay a flat fee to rent the ASP’s
online application. Because users have already paid for the service, they are highly
motivated to get the best use from the site. Installing Surge is easier since the users
are known in advance.
Since ASP providers have a fixed revenue stream each month, any reduction in cost
is pure profit for them. This gives ASPs a strong incentive to use Curl.
Corporate intranets fit into this category as well. Again, think of them as a subscrip-
tion site that charges the flat fee of zero each month. This is further incentive to
keep the cost down and the user productivity high because any wasted user time is
wasting your own company’s money.
Private subscription sites are the ideal business and technical situation to use Curl.
Summary of Web business uses
Web businesses fall into four main categories. Technically and operationally, all four
categories could benefit from using Curl today. The viability of using Curl for your
business depends on how prevalent Surge is among your users.
Sites with private users (ASP services, intranets, financial services, and so on) are
perfect for using Curl today. Public subscription sites, particularly those that
charge premium prices, are also good Curl candidates. Public transaction sites,
such as Amazon, would be better using Curl in a members-only capacity until Surge
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