The FLASH button can also be used to access special services offered by your
company (CALL WAITING and PBX, for example).
Ifyou subscribe to CALL WAITING...
If a call comes in when you are already on the phone, a beep
Press =.
The first call is placed on hold, and you can talk to the second
Press - again,
The second caller is placed on hold, and you can talk to tha
first caller.
NOTE: The FLASH button may also be used to get a new dial tone without pressing END
button or replacing the handset in the base station cradle. However, if your telephone
line has special service features (like CALL WAITING), the FLASH button may not
operate in this way.
If you misplace the handset, press the PAGE/FIND button , “
on the base station to maka the handaat baap. (Than the
TALK/BATT.LOW indicator flashes.) o
To mount the baee station on a wall
1. Connect a short modular telephone cord
(not supplied) to the wall plate.
2. Mount the base station on the wall phone
plate and saet it securaly
Recharge handset in the base station cradla for a continuous 12 hours when tha
TALK/BATT.LOW indicator flashes. (Sea page 3.)
Repeated recharging for shorter periods may reduce battery capacity.
Battery Refresh
If your battery seems to need recharging more often than usual, it mey heve lost part of
its charging capacity beceuse of premature recharging. To return the battery to its full
capacity, try tha battery refresh procedure.
1 Discharge tha battery by leaving the handset in talk mode until the TALK/BAIT.LOW
indicator flashes. (First, disconnect base station from phone line.)
I Charge the handset for 12 hours.
I Repeat this procedura onca more.
if performance still doesn’t improve, it’s time to replace tha battery.
REMEMBER: Reset security code after a battery refrash. (See page 4.)
Your handset battery needs recharging when you hear a beep every few seconds
durina DhOne use. (The TALK/BATT.LOW indicator flashes at the same interval.)
Cleaning the contact pointe
To ensure that the handset battery charges properly, clean the contact points on the
handset and the base station once a month with a soft cloth.
Although it ia unlikely that the basa station will malfunction, if it does, disconnect it from
the telephone line until proper repairs are completed.
The cordless telephone usas radio frequencies for transmission and reception, and ia
subject to certain operating conditions. The following conditions are normal and could
affact the operation of your system.
Electrical pulse noise is preaant in most homes at one tima or another, This is most
intense during electrical storms, Certain kinds of electrical equipment such as light
dimmers, fluorescent bulbs, motors, fans, etc., also generate these noise pulses.
Because radio frequency transmissions are susceptible to these pulses, on occaeion you
may hear them in your handset, Generally they ara a minor annoyance and should not
ba interpreted as a dafect in your system.
Because radio frequencies are used, the location of the base station can affect the
oparation range. Try several locations in your home or business and pick the one that
gives you the clearest signal to the handset. Turning around while holding the handset
may help you find the best position.
Electronic circuits activata a ralay to connect the cordless telephone to your telephone
line. These electronic circuits operate in the radio frequency spectrum. While several
protection circuits are used to pravent unwanted signals, there maybe periods whan
these unwanted signals enter the base station. You may hear clicke or hear the relay
activate while you ara not using the cordless handset. If this starts occurring frequently,
it can be minimized or eliminated by lowering the height of your basa station antenna,
or relocating the base station. Check for interference before selecting your final base
station location by plugging it in and monitoring it for clicks.
Two cordless systems should not be operated too closa to each other because of
interference. This inter farance can be reduced by lowering your basa station antenna,
thereby reducing its range.
Most cordless phona problems can be corrected quickly and easily — without service. If
you experience difficulties, try the suggestions below bafora taking vour phone in for
If the phone doeen’t work at all
1 Sacurity code may have been canceled. To reset, see page 4.
1 AC adaptor may not be plugged into wall outlet or base station.
I Telephone line may not be connected.
~ Handset battery maybe extremely low. lfTALK/BATT.LOW indicator flashes in talk
mode, recharge battery. (See paga 7.}
I Handset maybe too far from base station. Mova closer.
The operating range
aeema shorter
Chack the baae station location for interfering objects. (See page 2.)
1 Extand the base station antenna to full length.
Handsetbatterylifeor standbytimeseemsehorier
[ Batterymay
not be fullychargaddueto dirty contact points. Wipe with a soft cloth.
[ Handaet battery may have been repeatedly recharged before being fully exhausted.
Try Battery Refrash. (See page 7.)
I Battery may need replacing. (See page 3.1
Incomingcanedo notringon handset
I Handset
maybe too far from baae station. Move closer.
I More than one cordless phona ia connectad to the same line and they may be using
a same channel. Change the channel of a phone by pressing the CHANNEL button.
Switch to a clearer channel. (.See page 5.)
I Base station maybe too close to electrical equipment. Try anothar Iocatmn.
I Handset mav ba too closa to large metal object(s). Mova to another location, or
change diraction while using handset.
1 Lower base-station antenna to reduce intarfarence range.
If phone still does not work
I Resat base station and handset aa follows
1. Disconnect AC adaptor, and then reconnect AC adaptor to reset base station.
2. Disconnect then reconnect the handset battery.
3. Resat security code. (See page 4.)
Contact points
Contact pointa
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SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
Printed in Malaysia