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Usinga cable
box with
the Loop
Somacable seMces requirethe useof a
cable boxto decodepremiumchannelsand
pay-per-view.Usingthe LoopOutto
Decoderoption, and programmingyour
remote,you can connectyour cable boxso
that you onty needyour HBRTrakball
remote to contmt,all the channels.By
connectingcable directly to your
EntertainmentMachine, then runningit out
to the cable boxand back,you makethe
cable boxanothersourceto choosefrom in
the Source menu(see page20).
Locatethe Antenna/Cable2 jack on
the backof your TV.Connectthe
camethat runsfrom the wait direct-
|y to the jack. Nowfind the the
Loop Outjack.
Connectthe cablefrom this jack to
the Input jack on the backof your
Locatethe Outputjack onthe back
ofyour cable box. Connectthis to
the Antenna/Cable1 jack on the
backof your TV.
To view the premium stations, set
the channel number on your cable
box to HBO®, CINEMAX®, SHOW-
TIME®, etc. Then go to the Source
menu and select the Antenna/Cable
1 source. See your Quick Setup
Sheet, inctuded with this operating
guide for more information. See
page 20 for information regarding
Source Menus.
Toview the nonpremiumchannels
goto the SourceMenu andse|ect
Antenna/Cabte2. Then runChanne[
Searchto checkfor a[[ avai[abte
channelsand storethem in its
Thiscanbfecombinedwith any
otherequipmentyou may want
to hookup. Hookcabledirectly into
the TV,then to the cablebox. From
there, the cameboxgoesto the
nextdevice,downthe fine, until
the last piece,whichconnectsback
to the TVin the Antenna/Cable1
Rf coaxiat wire
CableTV (75ohm) ® e e