Model: ATD-7462
Capacity: 2 Ton
Before oper ng this device, be sure to read all content within this manual, ensuring that you understand the
ng procedures, maintenance requirements and all safety warnings. The owner and/or operator shall have
an understanding of the product, its opera
ng characteris cs, and safety opera ng instruc ons before oper ng
this device. Safety informa
on shall be emphasized and understood. If the operator is not Ňuent in English, the
product and safety instruc
ons shall be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator’s n ve language
by the purchaser/owner or his designee, making sure that the operator comprehends their contents.
x Study, understand and follow all instruc ons before opera ng this device.
x Do not exceed the rated capacity stated.
x Use only on hard level surfaces.
x Use only for emergency
re changing or for moun ng re chains.
x Never get beneath the vehicle when it is supported by the jack.
x If the vehicle is pushed oī the jack, discard jack. Do not reuse.
x Li
only on areas of the vehicle as speciĮed by the vehicle manufacturer.
x No alter
ons shall be made to this product.
x This jack should be used as an emergency device only.
x Failure to heed these markings may result in serious personal injury / property damage.
x Prior to each use, visual inspec on (See Pg. 3) shall be made to the device by checking for abnormal
ons, such as cracked welds, leaks, and damaged, loose, or missing parts.
x Consult the vehicle owner’s manual to determine the loca
on of li points.
x Ac
vate hazard warning Ňashers and turn oī the vehicle.
x Be sure to set the vehicle in park with the emergency brake on and wheels securely chocked in both
x Be sure that the vehicle and the jack are on a hard, level surface.
x Follow the
re-changing procedures or
re-chain moun ng procedures speciĮed in the vehicle
manufacturer’s owner’s manual.
x A ch the handle assembly to the eyehole and use as a handle to raise and lower the jack.
x Turn the handle counter-clockwise to lower the jack to its lowest posi
x Posi
on the jack under the speciĮed li point.
x Begin li
ing by turning the handle assembly clockwise.
x Ensure that the saddle is in the correct posi
on and located under a vehicle manufacturer designated
ing point before vehicle contact has been made.
x Li
only to the point that the desired outcome can be reached. Do not over extend this jack.