Manufacturer’s De cla ra ti on and Ap pro val ........1
Ge ne ral Aut ho ri za ti on ...........................1
FCC-Class A De cla ra ti on .........................1
USB Cer ti fi ca ti on .............................1
User In for ma ti on .............................2
Sa fe ty In struc tions ............................2
Clea ning In struc tions ...........................2
War ran ty .................................3
About this ma nu al.............................3
Sco pe of supp ly ..............................4
Moun ting keys .......................5
Ex chan ging the Keys ...........................5
In ser ting Key La bels ...........................6
In ser ting Key Caps ............................7
The TA85P-USB key bo ard ................8
Ge ne ral ..................................8
Key pad ..................................9
Key switch.................................9
LED ...................................10
Swi pe card rea der (SCR).........................11
Using the Swi pe card rea der .....................11
Clea ning In struc tions .........................12
Con nec ti on me thod ..........................12
Self-test .................................12
Moun ting the BA69....................13
Moun ting the BA63/BA66 ................14
Pro gram ming the TA85P- USB .............16
Mo des ..................................16
Main Functions .............................17
Firm wa re- Up da te ............................18
Key bo ard Con nec ti on ..........................18
Crea ting Tab les .............................18